I really mean in a meta sort of a way, hence my first changes would be to ensure that all factions start with the same resources and to both collect and publish detailed data on both factions and individual units.
I don't see how a game could be balanced without the above, and if it were it still wouldn't inspire confidence in the finished product.
Say some rat faced 11yr old decided to start a thread on how the UC is overpowered, and got his classmates to chip in with support. Being able to point out that the average UC lasted exactly 13 seconds in combat, or 110s for a top 100 player would be both scientific and informative.
If the same onanist claimed that Panthers were underpowered then pointing out that they averaged 3.7 tank kills per game might sway the argument somewhat.
Saying that I do love a good bunfight so feel free to post whatever unit nerfs for your least favourite faction you think are deserved.