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Why do you like CoH 2?

14 Mar 2016, 00:23 AM
avatar of NorthWeapon
Donator 11

Posts: 615

What do you like about CoH 2?
What don't you like about CoH 2?
Why do you prefer playing CoH 2 over every other RTS game?

Share your opinions
14 Mar 2016, 04:14 AM
avatar of jugg

Posts: 41

What do you like about CoH 2?

its not sc2 or aoe

What don't you like about CoH 2?

its not coh 1 or balanced
playing against an OPW player is like sticking a dick in my mouth and it ejaculates diarrhea

Why do you prefer playing CoH 2 over every other RTS game?

because its not sc2 or aoe
14 Mar 2016, 04:20 AM
avatar of Hans G. Schultz

Posts: 875 | Subs: 2

Doesn't this belong in the Lobby?

My actual answer:
I have no idea.
14 Mar 2016, 04:27 AM
avatar of easierwithaturret

Posts: 247

It's a fun, fast game where the skill is more about tactics and positioning than insane micro or calculated macro.
There is a pretty high skill ceiling so always more to learn.
The way you interact with the map gives you many ways to play and ensures every game is a little different.

The whole deal with certain factions having marked advantages in early vs late game.
The gradual lethality creep and introduction of one-shot wipe units in a game that's meant to be about unit preservation.
Wacky faction designs.
OP premium commanders that get nerfed after they've made their sales.

Other RTS games are either dead, expensive, or I've played them to death.
14 Mar 2016, 05:04 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

1. The graphics, realism and the WW2 theme attracted me to this game since COH1. I also liked and still like the territory as a resource as opposed to SC mining based resource system.
Also usage of cover and flanking.

14 Mar 2016, 05:23 AM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

I like the ww2 setting, the mechanics, and the somewhat realistic way things behave where you can immediately understand how something is supposed to work. I like that the game is much more focused on tactics and strategy compared to something like starcraft, where it is mostly insane micro and doing sidetasks like collecting resources.

I don't the slow development of the game, how long it takes to fix bugs and how once content is wasted being useless. I dislike some of the basic faction designs, they are serviceable but have nothing really interesting like they did in vCoH. Also dislike the commander system, an obvious step back from vCoH. Most of these I fault to THQ going down the shitter and general chaos at Relic, I hope CoH3 avoids these same mistakes.

Reason I play this is because there isn't really any other rts like this. Other RTSs have too much focus on distractions like resource gathering and ungodly amounts of units that need to be microed, there is less of a skill gap and more of a micro gap as a deciding factor in those games. CoH keeps things fairly simple, but with huge depth in how you can utilise things differently and adapt. It's like playing chess; few types of pieces but thousands of moves you can make.
And I play CoH2 instead of vCoH because it is just better at this point, despite a weaker dlc based commander system and boring faction design.
14 Mar 2016, 11:53 AM
avatar of mythtech

Posts: 21

My actual answer:
I have no idea.

14 Mar 2016, 11:56 AM
avatar of JohnSmith

Posts: 1273

I like the community drama. Actually, this community feels oddly more warm and welcoming than e.g. StarCraft2 community :o
14 Mar 2016, 12:19 PM
14 Mar 2016, 12:40 PM
avatar of mercenaryx1

Posts: 4

  • How much easier it is to play than starcraft 2. You can take your time and think.
  • The commanders offer a lot of variety and content throughout the life of the game.
  • Lack of "turtleing" "baserushing" "amassing a huge force of one unit."
  • How it has a different style of managing resources / micro / macro than SC2.
  • Unit conservation
  • Cover
  • Tanks!! :D

  • Menus (seriously, fire up any blizzard game, the menus are like 50% of why their games do so well)
  • UI
  • Graphics engine / optimization
  • Not always responsive
  • Can't change the color of your army. (the blue stripe on vehicles)
  • DLC store is a mess
  • Commanders should have been free and just added over time.
  • Units turning grey/white when you hover your mouse over them.

Why I play:
Even with all its flaws and Relic's experiment with dlc in an RTS, it's still the best RTS on the market.
14 Mar 2016, 13:35 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

Moved to Lobby
14 Mar 2016, 13:43 PM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

What i like?

Beating players up with what feels like smart tactics and skill but deep down inside i know it's cheese.
Still, gives me a superiorty feeling.

And im pretty sure im addicted to coh2.

What i don't like?
The forums, most people don't bother with stats facts, logic or reason of any kind but still insist on knowing "whats best".
Trying to explain why they are wrong is often en excercise in frustration.

Why i prefer playing coh2 over anything else?
Currently im decent in this game and nothing but a noob in others, but assuming that will change, it will probably be the diffeculty of learning this RTS, and the many things one can do in a game.
14 Mar 2016, 13:45 PM
avatar of voltardark

Posts: 976

Like :
It's a living wargame !!!
Can be played with 4 friends !!!!

-The game is 15% to fast, (in 4vs4) we need to think and talk to each others.

-Impolite people on chat

Would like to have :

1 minute time out/team per 15 minutes played added added the end of each 15 m. (strategy making, bathroom, smoking, e.t.c.)

Quarterly ladder reset but highest Elo rating acheived is kept for matchmaking purpose.

Monthly tournament with steam cash inscriptions and no deposit refund for noshow for all play mode.

Incremental time penalty for matchmaking for dropping instead of surrendering. ( Like 1 min for first, then 2 min. for the second, 5 m for the third and so on. Resetting after 6 hours without drop) (Like Mechwarrior excellent system)

Thanks !
14 Mar 2016, 14:14 PM
avatar of synThrax
Donator 11

Posts: 144

The WW2 factor is pretty cool for a game, but not the main aspect...
I tried act of agression, but it instantly felt like something was missing...

Can't play any other rts anymore that either hasn't C&C generals in the name ( <444>3) or a destructable map / coversystem like coh. Sc2 could be better if it would have some kind of xp system ( I'm a heretic i know ^_^).

Dislike? British since coh1. hrhr
14 Mar 2016, 14:22 PM
avatar of kitekaze

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Mar 2016, 13:43 PMzarok47
What i like?

Beating players up with what feels like smart tactics and skill but deep down inside i know it's cheese.
Still, gives me a superiorty feeling.

And im pretty sure im addicted to coh2.

What i don't like?
The forums, most people don't bother with stats facts, logic or reason of any kind but still insist on knowing "whats best".
Trying to explain why they are wrong is often en excercise in frustration.

Why i prefer playing coh2 over anything else?
Currently im decent in this game and nothing but a noob in others, but assuming that will change, it will probably be the diffeculty of learning this RTS, and the many things one can do in a game.

Wow, that's the same for me. My friend keeps trying "new tactic" and gets us both beaten to pups. I always have to tell him "go cheese or lose".

Forum is full of ret@rd stubborn that I even don't want to argue or reply.

About CoH2 over anything else, the question should be "Is there even decent RTS game these days?"
14 Mar 2016, 14:46 PM
avatar of Frost

Posts: 1024 | Subs: 1

Just for 2WW and addiction lol xD I cant find more cons
15 Mar 2016, 00:47 AM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

  • Easy squad management e.g (MOW is impossible to micro)
  • Fun asymmetric combat
  • LOS mechanic
  • Interesting gameplay changers (ice, mud, Snow)
  • skill > Unit count
  • RNG (Makes for a fun viewer experience and adds tension)
  • VP remind me a lot of Keybuildins from Shogun 2 Total War
  • Commanders add diverse gameplay
  • Tight nit community

  • How long it takes for patches to hit
  • Patches are often deployed to buggy and could use another day or two to fix
  • Certain factions lack counters to super late game units (unless you throw everything at them e.g Jagtiger)
  • LOS mechanics doesn't always work right
  • Lack of large team game balance
  • Lack of community involvement in patchs
  • Competitive focus on only 1v1
  • Lacks community Report features and time bans for leaving automatch early
  • Laggy menus (GUI)
  • Lack of adjusting old commanders and units
  • Poor twitch integration
  • Lacks UI customization options

If anything you can narrow a lot of CoH2's issues to its business model, balance, and GUI.
All of that is compounded by limited community involvement and lack of quick small patches that adjust to the meta. The lack of a quality QA team is scary and often leaves players frustrated when the patch could have easliy been delayed to fix issues at the last minute. I don't hate Relic but I wish they involved more top tier players to help balance large issues. The lack of a team balance makes playing with friends boring or frustrating as the game doesn't scale nor have separate balance modes.
I just wish they were more proactive in making CoH2 an amazing RTS as the building blocks are there.

I prefer CoH as there are no other games on the market that fill the game that it fits, MOW is to over the top and Total War has no multiplayer scene. SCII is just boring and crazy macro and build orders.
15 Mar 2016, 01:17 AM
avatar of Diogenes5

Posts: 269

What do you like about CoH 2?

It has its moments where it improves on the original. Jumping over cover is ok. The change in resourcing so that getting cut off doesn't cut you from pop cap and normal resource points giving more resources than specialized resource points.

What don't you like about CoH 2?

The engine, the game design, the balance, the pathfinding, the unit movement, and the engine.

The Engine is god awful. Why the game has 3-4 second input lag by the end of most games is beyond me even when I play a friend from the states. The network code in this game seems to require all clients to be synced to the relic server which causes huge input lag. Every competitive gamer friend even those that like RTS quit this game because of its bad performance.

These are dudes that have 144hz, 1ms response monitors and play on the lowest settings. This game is not fit to be an esports.

And the game design and balance are related. Relic just doesn't get it. There was so much RNG and clunky gameplay mechanics like snow in the game to begin with. And they really don't value interactive gameplay. There are so many autowin abilities and non-interactive counters. British design is simply cancer.

And movement and pathfinding is terrible too. Everything is on rails and doesn't reward micro at all. The only way a player can interact with the game is micro, build order, and capping so the whole game just becomes about metagaming.

Why do you prefer playing CoH 2 over every other RTS game?

It's a change of pace from Starcraft. CoH2 could have a nice niche as being a more tactical game than SC2 which is really macro dependent. But COH2 does not have a support team that gets it. How much man hours went into changing the pathfinding last year and they simply had to revert it. The developers have absurd priorities.

I just hope they get the game in a playable enough state before they finally quit supporting it. There's no way the low ESL viewership justfies their investment into it; not that it's very fun to watch RNG and patch abuse anyways. And I wonder how many people buy the commanders. Maybe 10-20k? There are 5k players on at any time.
15 Mar 2016, 01:22 AM
avatar of Gumboot

Posts: 199

Does well:
Graphics and sounds are solid (when not bugged and not counting driver issues on release).
Can offer some epic close battles.
Lack of resource collection and wins based not being based on keys hit per minute (Like SC2) though I used to be a top AoE2 player.

Not so good:
Lack of player base
To expensive for new players to increase player base.
Lack of painting your own army (instead we have $100+ in skins to buy)
Poor optimization and terrible UI.
Bugs bugs and more bugs.
New commanders requiring balance issues then adjusting the balance and then nerfing the commanders/new units anyway. I don't know if new commanders/units are doing the game any favors.
No key bindings inbuilt into the game... Honestly AoE2 has this and almost every other strategy game out there.
Oddly large changes to a units stats when small incremental adjustments to find the right spot would be better.

The only reason still playing is if you invest enough time and money into a game it's hard to leave it... (Look at any MMO long term player). Nothing better as the RTS market is unfortunately a shrinking genre.
15 Mar 2016, 01:32 AM
avatar of jorsg
Patrion 14

Posts: 20

Some of the things I like : awesome graphics, sounds, look of the units, strategy, destructible environment , WW II setting, variety of play styles, units, commanders, etc.

Dislike: I sometimes feel that I spent to much time playing it, even with some of the warts we come across from time to time it's an amazing game and fun to play.
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