Mortar HT, flame Barrage - small dmg, seriously i was wondering myself that this is doing just nothing to Emplacements.
Mortar - doing not much
Brummbär - small dmg, not a thread for emplacements

Infantry of any kind - just don't even try when you can not force somehow brace to do small dmg
Stuka - small dmg, not worth to build beause of your own fuel leak than
Recon - throw at the dustbin
and so on...
There is no real counter and all what you got is get smashed by emplacements, even Brummbär get soft countered by Bofors.
All you infantry is most of the time under fire of 2 Mortars. And not that all theses things do so less dmg to it they get barraged by British base howitzers like hell, all indirect units even Brummbär get under Fire by this stuff.
So Disguess, my personal opinion is that it breaks the gameplay, gameflow and feels kind of OP