Had a long absence from the game and in the last couple of months I've been trying to come into 1v1. Before I've mostly played CompStomp and 2vs2 with friends.
To start with I'm not a good player but I'm starting to get a hang of it. The only real problem with playing Ost (which is my favorite faction to play as atm) is I can't seem to find a way to deal with maxim spam ( talking 3-4, basically as a replacement of mainline inf).
I tried Sniper, mortar (tried only 1 at a time to keep a bit of field presence), 222 (which also takes a lot of damage from the maxims and doesn't deal enough itself to kill the 6 man crew fast enough) and Grenadier heavy start. Nothing seems to work reliably and after the early game I usually lose to early Russian tanks cause of fuel advantage.
I tried Stun Granades on Elite Troops Doc with small success but I'm shure the more veteran players here have a better plan for me!
