Comet is an expensive good all rounder tank but has a few issues:
- It has a habit of missing often, making it a bit of an RNG machine. Sometimes it does amazing against inf and tanks, sometimes bugger all. May have to do with the comets lack of a projectile.
The Comet projectile issue has been ninja-fixed. This is one of the unsung heroes of the February 25 patch

I haven't used the Comet much since the patch, thus I can't comet on its accuracy (which was previously affected by the missing projectile)
- The smoke shells have excellent utility and really make the comet shine, the problem is the ability bugs out when its needed most, sometimes making a complete mess of things. White phosphorous shells can stop a schrek blob in their tracks, so be generous when sharing with the axis.
Just like most bugged abilities, make it a habit of hitting "Stop" right before activating the ability (then you can keep moving as the canon rotates). Works 80% of the time.
- The grenade ability while useful, should not be relied upon or be used in a situation that puts the tank at risk. It does a small amount of aoe and often fails to kill the weapon crew its aimed at. Churchill on the other hand has a nuclear powered grenade which is good at wiping out most things (and currently its only useful feature). Not tried a comet since latest patch so I’m not sure if the ability still bugs out.
Comet and Churchill grenades have been rebalanced (that short line in the bug subsection of the notes).
- Currently, both Comet and Churchill nades are identical (both resemble Rifleman nade stats iirc)
- Previously, Comet nades were the weakest nades in the game -- worse than Shock nades
- Previously, Churchill nades were best nades in the game; better than Light gammon bombs.
Thus, another advantage of the Churchill lost (face it, you won't use Comet nades much with the OP WP shells).
- If you insist on going for comet spam (not recommended at all – better to have a mixed armour force) then go for a commander with vehicle repair and smoke ability. Really makes a difference at keeping your force going.
Either that, or get 2 Sappers to Vet2 (they gain increased repair speed; something that's NOT affected by the vetbug). Also get 5-man squads (25% more models = 25% faster repair). Best way to gain Vet? PIATs.