Of course you're gonna disregard what I said and attack me personally, nice. Maybe I should bow down to you, oh elite 1v1 player. Cuz I exclusively play 4v4s, right.
These are the only viable alternatives for OKW other than Volks spamming/stalling until Luchs. What else was I supposed to say, mortar? They are better than Volks spamming straight into the arcs of the Maxims. Combined arms?
Yes, because they have access to indirect fire and 222 as the early vehicle. Hello LeIG & Flak HT. Is it that hard to go non-meta.
I'm not suggesting you bow down to me or that 1v1 is the superior mode and nowhere did I personally attack you. The game modes are different and require a different approach/different ways of thinking. Different units, strategies and tactics will be successful/viable in one mode but maybe not the other.
Let's not be so quick to forget that you said to everyone who was having trouble countering maxims "I think you guys are retarded." Not exactly a nice way to generalize a significant portion of the community.
I would still be interested in playing against you so that you can show the community these next level OKW counters that you continue to speak of after I have explained why I feel that they're inadequate, maybe I'm wrong and you're right? I have tried the 251, I have tried ISGs and I have tried the Luchs against good players. Only the Luchs has worked for me thus far. But perhaps your micro is just better than mine or something

Plus you're not even using the word meta correctly. The word you're looking for is "standard."