So in the recent patch, axis forces tend to have a problem with light vehicles where they can respond in the following ways.
1. Get wiped off the map (Ostheer)
2. Spam the garden out of Volk Schrecks (OKW)
Both which are either not good for the game. So to fix this, I propose the following - the German AT rifle.
At the moment, armour-wise there is nothing to distinguish Allied light and medium armour. I feel something like an AT rifle that is useful for killing light armour (more effective than pzschreck) but is useless/very situational for killing medium armour is something that is needed. ATM the Soviet AT rifle and zook to an extent fills that role where they're very good against light vehicles but very so so against medium armour. Its a kind of hole in the AT arsenal that the Germans are lacking and I feel it could make medium armour for allies a bit more meaningful.
But where would the German AT rifle go?
Well for OKW, I already made a post outlining
this - essentially we remove schrecks from the volks and add a new panzerjager squad which starts off with an AT rifle that can be upgraded to panzerschreks. The upgrade isn't simple because AT rifles have better DPM against light vehicles than schrecks but have less penn. So an upgrade as such becomes DPM for pennetration.
As for Ostheer, I propose that it goes on the Pioneers. It doesn't really fit anywhere else in the Ostheer armory and at the same time, I feel that it gives Ostheer a bit of counterplay to light vehicles while not completely discouraging light vehicle play. Moreover, if pioneers get the AT rifle, they cant get a sweeper or flamer so they trade AT ability for AI or utility. Also, Pioneers can't really be spammed either so you won't end up with something like volk blobs of doom.
IMO for pioneers, the AT rifle should cost 60 muni and be available after battle phase 1 is researched, much like the MG42.
TLDR: Changes proposed:
1. Make new squad for OKW in med truck that starts with AT rifles upgradable to schrecks.
2. With squad for 1, remove schreck upgrade for Volk and give them upgradeable MP40 as discussed in other thread.
3. Allow pioneers to get AT rifle for 60 muni once Battle Phase 1 is researched for Ostheer.
Thanks for reading! If you have any comments, whether you agree or not or whether you want to see any tweaks, please comment in this thread