SetInvisible SturmTigerTrafalgar: AE why do u have pics of little boys????
Today, 16:16 PM
SetInvisible xsmiercx: We gonna be serious when game be balanced Kappa
Today, 16:14 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: KappaPride
Today, 16:04 PM
SetInvisible A_E:
Today, 16:03 PM
SetInvisible A_E:
Today, 16:02 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: What cunt - did i say something wrong?
Today, 16:01 PM
SetInvisible dasheepeh: you are either a bad troll or plain retarded price
Today, 16:01 PM
SetInvisible GilBang: You are sad little c*nts, and youve proven it again. Yay. Congrats
Today, 16:00 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: How simple is that?
Today, 15:56 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: we should blame stormless and A_E for doing their job wrong - because they interrupted mine and bartonpl training exorcize --- if their will be good people - who came to cast those tournament games - they will simply ask Hans and Luvnest to make password
Today, 15:55 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: You cannot blame 2 players for playing da game at da same time during ESL finals PERIOD. It is da responsibility of casters to cast da proper game. I don't see what you guys are butthurt about.
Today, 15:48 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: The players did something shitty, and being shitty has consequences. Maybe they should get their panties out of a twist, accept the consequences, and move on?
Today, 15:46 PM
Today, 15:46 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Saying the casters should have been more attentive is reasonable. Saying the casters are as responsible as the players and should be banned instead of the players makes you sound like an idiot. It's not too hard to tell the difference.
Today, 15:45 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: @AmiPolizeiFunk you had no problem when majority was lynching Barton and Sprice, but when someone raises da responsibility of your casters (which they assume), you get all butthurt. #AmiPlz
Today, 15:43 PM
SetInvisible maskedmonkey2: I see you haven't quite gotten to part two
Today, 15:41 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: a joke - you calling training - a joke? - shame on you
Today, 15:41 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: "It's a joke" is a pretty weak excuse for anything really. If they care so little about ESL to "joke" with the finals, they shouldn't be so bothered about not being able to compete in it anymore. Nothing of value was lost.
Today, 15:40 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: you guys interupted our training now we can't prepare awesome strategies to next ESL
Today, 15:40 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: I believe in RNG BLESSED JESUS
Today, 15:37 PM
SetInvisible maskedmonkey2: How about it was a joke. Get your panties out of a twist and move on?
Today, 15:36 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: What consequences we didn't do nothing - we training to next tournament - no one ask stormless to enter our game
Today, 15:35 PM
SetInvisible carloff: VonIvan for President! kappa
Today, 15:35 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: It blows my mind that this is even a discussion. It's a ban on the spot, there's no logical argument against that.
Today, 15:35 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: but well, this story had to much attention, cause, consequences

Today, 15:34 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Barton went there

Today, 15:34 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: we put our hearts into our training - that's why results are awesome and people like luvnest stealing our strategies
Today, 15:34 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: i wasn't been that time in stormless channel - i was busy playing
Today, 15:33 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: But thats part of the training too right ? ;D
Today, 15:33 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Then you went to the stormless twitch channel being proud of your action
Today, 15:33 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: our training was simply - i become Hans , Barton become luvnest - and do the same thing Kappa
Today, 15:33 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: We were prepare for next week - ask Barton
Today, 15:32 PM
SetInvisible Toyvendor: well thats not too bad, in all honesty this situation is kinda funny
Today, 15:32 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: anyway when i back i gonna prepare my secret ninja strategy to rekt luvnest - and he's funny sniper micro
Today, 15:31 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Strange that used magically same commanders, same map, same usernames at that timing, big coincidence for training
Today, 15:31 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: We have 2 week ban on ESL and COH2 full game
Today, 15:30 PM
SetInvisible Toyvendor: how long is their ban? permanent?
Today, 15:30 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: @CaptainSPrice 2.1. Deception The attempt to deceive admins or other players with wrong or fake statements, information or data will not be tolerated.
Today, 15:30 PM
SetInvisible Stormless: If i'm honest I feel a little bit of a let down. Cause it did affect my casting afterwards. But we're man enough to take the hit and learn. Next week the game will be up'd so high
Today, 15:29 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: we not even broke any rules - me and barton just simply training - to avoid other people from stealing our COH2 strategies like Luvnest did many times
Today, 15:28 PM
SetInvisible A_E: I knew it could happen, but when a game has the correct player names, the correct map, and 5/6 commanders are right, you can forgive me for not checking. Will check in future though obviously. - Also the harassment is preventable too, #BLOCKED.
Today, 15:27 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Anyone who thinks the casters are more responsible for this than the players really shouldn't be taken seriously.
Today, 15:27 PM
Today, 15:27 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: Allot of requirements for full day non paid job

Today, 15:26 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Of course it could have been prevented, doesn't mean the players shouldn't be banned for it. Stealing from a store with no cameras is still stealing.
Today, 15:26 PM
SetInvisible Prepzi: Sturm they were in the tournament but got kicked out - so they cant go troll tournament games without expecting consequences
Today, 15:26 PM
SetInvisible Stormless: Thanks Ami - I will write an open post about this tonight. I do concede this could have been prevented. But neither of us knew this could happen. We haven't had 'caster training' Lessons were learned
Today, 15:24 PM
SetInvisible AmiPolizeiFunk: Can we stop the lynch mob behaviour pls? There's no way you can blame the casters. What do you want them to do, A FULL STEAM ID INVESTIGATION BEFORE EACH GAME? Just fuck off with that shit, please.
Today, 15:22 PM
SetInvisible Stormless: They are banned from ESl aren't they?
Today, 15:21 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: Again, Barton and Sprice were not part of ESL at da time rules you speak off are broken. Even if they broke ESL rules they should have been banned from ESL not from coh2. All of your arguments cant hide da fact Stormless and A_E screwed up.
Today, 15:19 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: I use da and dat so i can write more #MVGame
Today, 15:16 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Also you sound like an idiot using "da" and "dat".
Today, 15:15 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: rules are rules, if you dont accept them, just dont participate in a tournament
Today, 15:14 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: They should be banned, at the very least, from this season of ESL tournaments.
Today, 15:14 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: I don't think it's unreasonable for the casters to assume people aren't shitheads. That's like running a red light, hitting someone, and blaming them for not getting out of the way.
Today, 15:14 PM
SetInvisible Waffleticket: Relic just throwing a hissy fit over being trolled. Come on laugh and move on
Today, 15:12 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: *i mean, he was in ESL
Today, 15:10 PM
SetInvisible Katitof: SturmTigerGaddafi paraphrasing what you've just said, it doesn't matter you're from germany if you for example go and start shit in france, you'll still be punished according to france law-you don't need to be event participant to interfere with it
Today, 15:10 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Barton won last ESL, so he accepted the rules
Today, 15:10 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: On da other hand Stormless and A_E were official casters of ESL and they screwed up. Witch hunt dem on basis of deception.
Today, 15:09 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: Barton and Sprice had no ties with ESL at da time of the alleged incident. None of dem were participants at dat time hence they cant break da tourney rules. Referencing dat rule in dis case is like trying to enforce Canadian law on American soil.
Today, 15:08 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: They Should fix balance issues first

Today, 15:06 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: I'll have to take a look at that, I've never listened to IpKai's analysis but I could see it being decent.
Today, 15:05 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: ESL is a Relic tournament, fucking with the tournament means fucking with them.
Today, 15:05 PM
SetInvisible NorthWeapon: @Inverse Alienware tourney castings with Ami & IpKai was a very consistent analysis + play-by-play duo that was very interesting and fun to watch and learn from
Today, 15:05 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Just ban and move on. It's a rules violation, not like you have to jump through hoops or anything. If you don't respect the competition, you don't get to compete.
Today, 15:03 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: @Blalord referencing those rules is inadequate in dis instance. Nobody from ESL complained about da breach of dat rule. Barton and Sprice were banned by Relic for allegedly breaking ESL rule. What a legal oxymoron! #MVGame
Today, 15:03 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: You already had your fair share of Price and Barton trolling Ami

Today, 15:02 PM
SetInvisible Captain_Frog: Frog stream, you guys missed out on memes

Today, 15:01 PM
SetInvisible AmiPolizeiFunk: so glad to not be the guy responsible for dealing with all of this lol

Today, 15:00 PM
SetInvisible Kamzil118: This going to fun.
Today, 14:59 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: 100 Euro and i Accept

Today, 14:57 PM
Today, 14:57 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Be a man, accept the consequences CaptainSPrice
Today, 14:55 PM
SetInvisible Para: 'grab popcorn'

Today, 14:54 PM
SetInvisible Blalord:
Today, 14:54 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: ESL rules : 2. Fraud/deception 2.1. Deception The attempt to deceive admins or other players with wrong or fake statements, information or data will not be tolerated.
Today, 14:53 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: You didnt warned them before trolling, why would they warn you before ban ?
Today, 14:52 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: We are polaks and we are thinks 2 step ahead - compare to you guys
Today, 14:47 PM
SetInvisible Katitof: Because companies can't do anything out of their own without a report, unless you hax or exploit

Today, 14:47 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: How simple is that - Even if me and barton manage to troll the tournament - why relic admins don't send any messages like - why you do that - how is that simply --- but ofcorse you choose easier way - banhammer how is that
Today, 14:46 PM
SetInvisible Waspaloy:

Today, 14:44 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: I say we permaban Stormless and A_E for jeopardizing da integrity of ESL on behalf of coh2 community by not checking players they casted. Who guarantees we didn't see majorownage vs goldenpath at some point of ESL? #MVGame
Today, 14:43 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: This game would be an e-sport's long ago - you know why? - simple lazy admins in relic entertainment -- only listening those who serve good --- what about the rest? - We have Kyle_Re but i don't think he's doing job correcly
Today, 14:41 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: The problem with CoH casting in general is it's so heavily skewed toward play-by-play. If you enjoy that style, it's great. I just don't particularly enjoy that style.
Today, 14:40 PM
SetInvisible Von Kluge: Fuck it this is pointless, I'm out
Today, 14:40 PM
SetInvisible Von Kluge: Odd considering you said that most of coh2's casting was shite Inverse...
Today, 14:39 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Though to be honest I could never watch the CoH1 SNF streams because I had a hard time listening to the casting.
Today, 14:39 PM
SetInvisible mucormucedo: replays or VODs from the ESL final?
Today, 14:39 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: The CoH2 casting I have watched was subpar, no doubt.
Today, 14:38 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: Guys don't even compare this game to SC2
Today, 14:38 PM
SetInvisible simpelekees: invite barton and price to make them feel better.
Today, 14:37 PM
SetInvisible A_E: You're on record as saying that Inverse on Twitter, or at least agreeing with pl3xy. Odd considering you just said it yourself not having watched any casts for a while!
Today, 14:37 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Since when does casting quality rely on the number of people in the community? Having less players doesn't mean you should accept subpar casting. Not saying CoH2 casting is subpar, just saying not talking about it because community size is kinda silly.
Today, 14:35 PM
SetInvisible A_E: Yeah that's true, our 'analysis' is pretty vague for that reason. That's why watching Tommy952 was so good, he pointed out the little things etc. To be fair we have caught a lot of them, but not all of them.
Today, 14:35 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: It's not necessarily about being wrong, it's about omitting things that the average player just wouldn't notice or care about. The best analysis I've watched has pointed out something obscure that I never would have noticed and explained why it's important
Today, 14:34 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: @Inverse you are comparing scenes with thousands of players with a 50 people scene
Today, 14:34 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: atm COH2 it's in worst state than COH1 --- simply 1 fixed bug generate another , No Beta testers , relic always busy , hmm -- relic only works when HelpingHans or Luvnest trampling legs when something is wrong - and relic simply starting doing something
Today, 14:33 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: SNF did it best inviting a different top player every week to help cast. It's something ESL should do too.
Today, 14:32 PM
SetInvisible Myself: modders make far better analyst than players...
Today, 14:32 PM
SetInvisible A_E: so did stormless when he did it for me.
Today, 14:32 PM
SetInvisible A_E: work and find me wrong on multiple occasions. Most of the time I called it 100% right. Just check the VOD. Predicted builds, anticpated strategy etc.
Today, 14:32 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: It's only rare in the CoH series honestly. SC2 has great analysts, Dota 2 has great analysts. CSGO is kinda on the fence, but a lot of tournaments get pros to cast which helps a lot.
Today, 14:32 PM
SetInvisible A_E: I agree Inverse, I had to control and strain to ensure everything I say as analyst is acceptable. Fortunately I spent three months before ESL watching and casting top level games, and interacting with top players. I challenge anyone to watch my analyst
Today, 14:31 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: You don't have to be pro to be a good analyst, but you have to be a pretty damn good player, and if you're not you have to constantly be studying the game and interacting with top players. It's hard work, harder than play-by-play IMO, though I'm biased ofc
Today, 14:30 PM
SetInvisible dasheepeh: yea you didnt really play the game either
Today, 14:29 PM
SetInvisible A_E: TFN was a rare breed for that reason, Tommy952 was actually top 10 at the time, crazy amount of work to do that amount of YT content and ladder that effectively
Today, 14:29 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: CoH1 casting suffered because there weren't enough quality analysts. Even SNF suffered from that. TFN was the only consistent duo really. From what I've seen of CoH2 casting it's the same problem, though I haven't properly listened to a cast in a year orso
Today, 14:28 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: @Von Kluge i was talking to SturmTigerTrafalgar
Today, 14:28 PM
SetInvisible Von Kluge: Just when you think this "discussion" can't become any more pointless there's this...
Today, 14:27 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Bro, after 2 years of coh2 launch, pokemon red and blue have more than 10X more viewer than Coh2, and game breaking bug are still on it, let it go
Today, 14:26 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: Inverse go back to COH1 OK?
Today, 14:26 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Casting is casting regardless of game, there's a reason the most successful casting duos in every game include a play-by-play commentator and an analyst, who is usually a top-level player. You need knowledge and good play-by-play, not two of one.
Today, 14:25 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerTrafalgar: Why is it ridiculous? I think CoH2 has the potential to reach the same level as SC2 in Esports so pls dont show us your apeness.
Today, 14:24 PM
SetInvisible simpelekees: did stormless mute A_E at 11:25 there?
Today, 14:24 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Cast and play is like 0 skill in common
Today, 14:24 PM
SetInvisible A_E: I will help him improve though, and have taken him on as a mentoring project.
Today, 14:23 PM
SetInvisible Inverse: Nah, they should be banned from ESL. Not banned from the community, that's silly, but ESL can't let them compete anymore. You can't do something like that in a tournament and expect there to be no consequences.
Today, 14:23 PM
SetInvisible Neris: @Pagliarini
Today, 14:23 PM
SetInvisible Neris: 1:18:00 - fake game
Today, 14:22 PM
SetInvisible A_E: the amount of rts casters that are top level players is tiny, the fact that me and stormless are mid level 1v1 is more than good enough
Today, 14:22 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: COH2 still is in a bad state of balance -- and relic still creating new bugs Kappa
Today, 14:22 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: Or its even more ridiculous those who compare SC2 Esport scene and Coh2 scene xD
Today, 14:21 PM
SetInvisible Stormless: Who are you referring to?
Today, 14:21 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerTrafalgar: FREEDOM FOR PRICE!!! btw its just so ridiculous that there are casters who cant even play this game and then they are trying to cast it. If u look at the SC2 casts theres always 1 who is at least playing in master league.
Today, 14:16 PM
SetInvisible Pagliarini: @Neris I just looked through it it's all hans vs luna
Today, 14:15 PM
SetInvisible Neris: this
Today, 14:11 PM
SetInvisible maskedmonkey2: One would have thought that the kim jong un decal would give a hint.
Today, 14:09 PM
SetInvisible Pagliarini: @Neris this ?
Today, 13:54 PM
SetInvisible Neris: Check Stormless twitch account and rewind to '2nd game'
Today, 13:48 PM
SetInvisible Para: I love this community

Today, 13:46 PM
SetInvisible Pagliarini: Does anyone have the video of barton vs price, I've only been half told what happened.
Today, 13:40 PM
SetInvisible Blalord: There is good way to tell about a problem, there is a bad way to tell about a problem
Today, 13:34 PM
SetInvisible SturmTigerGaddafi: Stop with dis banning madness and witch hunting. Thank Barton and Sprice for pointing out your flaws and move da fu*k on.
Today, 13:23 PM
SetInvisible Campaigner: Is that trollthingy on YouTube?
Today, 13:23 PM
SetInvisible CaptainSPrice: Stormless ask yourself - did i ever called to you on steam?
Today, 13:22 PM
SetInvisible Stormless: I would just like to say aswell. I have Barton, Price and Smierc banned during ESL so that their games couldn't show up in friends list matches. This is also a good idea
Today, 13:20 PM
SetInvisible A_E: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Won't happen again
Today, 13:06 PM
SetInvisible A_E: Oh yeah for sure double checks from now on, and notifications off in things, no problems in future. Just good games

Today, 13:05 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: You cant see chat in live games IIRC, only in replays.
Today, 13:02 PM
SetInvisible Maschinengewehr: @A_E I'm not calling you stupid. But double checking won't go amiss. Maybe this is something to learn from and prevent in the future?
Today, 13:02 PM
SetInvisible simpelekees: u can see chat right? so why not make players write a certain line which only the casters and they know
Today, 13:00 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: 
Today, 12:57 PM
SetInvisible BartonPL: i could but all i wanted is email to kyle, you started this
Today, 12:54 PM
SetInvisible OttoSkorzeny: @Von Kluge roger that Sir!
Today, 12:51 PM
SetInvisible Von Kluge: We could stop making Barton and Price's e-peen bigger by just moving on...
Today, 12:50 PM
SetInvisible OttoSkorzeny: @Maschinengewehr I don't think it should be necessary. After all we all just wanted those guys to make another great cast without disturbing them. From the other hand, double check is the highest form of trust

Today, 12:48 PM
SetInvisible A_E: Same player names, same map, 5 out of 6 same commanders and started same time. Yeah I'm really stupid. Nah they planned this in TS
Today, 12:47 PM
SetInvisible Maschinengewehr: the casters never actually though to verify who they were about to cast in the first place?
Today, 12:46 PM
SetInvisible vasa1719: @Captain_Frog Thanks ! From one side its very fun, from another not

Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible oakdk: Good idea Von kluge. I go eat some soape

Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: twice*
Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: Already happend tice, third timeâs the charm? @Von Kluge
Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible robertmikael: I watched now the trolling on Stormless twitch, and the trolling itself was funny. No one got injured or embarassed, and you can avoid this in the future, so just move on.
Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible Von Kluge: As we all should
Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible OttoSkorzeny: well Kluggi, it was fun first time, it wasn't that much fun this time since most of us saw it already. But let's not overreact with banning everyone from everywhere now. Every1 who felt offended can feel free to not invite barton or price to his friend lis
Today, 12:43 PM
SetInvisible A Blue Nosed Gopher: is one of the few places that allows Bullshitting to happen. Thank God.
Today, 12:42 PM
SetInvisible Captain_Frog: Then they said this is ridiculous and moved onto the next game, and on with their lives.
Today, 12:41 PM
SetInvisible Captain_Frog: Vasa, in game 2 barton and price took the names of hans and luvnest and played a game. The casters cast the game for about 10 minutes and realised it was a fake game
Today, 12:40 PM
SetInvisible OttoSkorzeny: they did not make any fake statements nor provide fake informations. They launched game having identical names as other steam users. Despite the fact how stupid and game ruining activity it is, I don't it it qualifies...
Today, 12:40 PM
SetInvisible A Blue Nosed Gopher: This community is small, the player count is small. So anything anyone does thats wrong, usually results in a ban, iv noticed that about coh2. From offical fourms, to watching cast. You butthurt someone with authority, expect a ban...
Today, 12:40 PM
SetInvisible vasa1719: Who can give me answers for my 5 times 1 question ?
Today, 12:39 PM
SetInvisible Captain_Frog: 2.1. Deception The attempt to deceive admins or other players with wrong or fake statements, information or data will not be tolerated.
Today, 12:38 PM
SetInvisible Von Kluge: How about we stop discussing this petty bullshit, it's been fun for those who enojoyed it but it won't happen again. Move on with your lives
Today, 12:38 PM
SetInvisible OttoSkorzeny: I do not understand why price or barton should be banned from ESL? I mean I would not cast their nor kept them on my steam friends list if I would be You, but ESL ban? Because of what? Being stupid? That's not in ESL rules me think...
Today, 12:38 PM
SetInvisible oakdk: I dont understand why top players need to Troll, i could understand if it where just big idiots, but you two should be an example of the hole community
Today, 12:37 PM
SetInvisible vasa1719: So i understand right ? Price and Barton play 2 second game what thay cast ?
Today, 12:34 PM
SetInvisible Captain_Frog: i.e: Just banter

Today, 12:33 PM
SetInvisible A_E: urban dictionary: Being a prick on the internet because you can.
Today, 12:33 PM
SetInvisible Captain_Frog: 100 euros wow!

Today, 12:32 PM
SetInvisible A Blue Nosed Gopher: I think it was clever of the two. Funny and clever, and if they got away with money, then shoot that was a successful grab on their part.
Today, 12:31 PM
SetInvisible A_E: oh for sure!

- Objectively I think the troll game was funny, and I'm over it. Barton and Price need to learn not to harass and abuse though. Already over it, looking forward to next show.

Today, 12:31 PM
SetInvisible BartonPL: looks like A_E doesnt even know definition of trolling

Today, 12:31 PM
SetInvisible Obersoldat: So much attention

You should just ignore it and keep doing what you like AE and that is casting

Today, 12:30 PM
SetInvisible vasa1719: Pls people what happen yesterday and why thay restart 2 game ? coz in BBC i dont see anything about it
Today, 12:29 PM
SetInvisible Stormless: Nigo I do agree. The community does lose out. But we'll try to make these things more robus
Today, 12:29 PM
SetInvisible A_E: other people that play the game, or in this case cast it.
Today, 12:28 PM