- Radio intercept for Soviets not having any voice lines for OKW in general and other call ins units like Osttruppen,...
- Tellermine is still bugged (triggers on vehicles without any effect on the target)
- Building sandbags with cons where the sandbags are at least half a screen away from the squad will result in 1 squad member moving up to the sandbags while the other 5 stay behind.
- Searchlight still tracks units that are outside of its arc
- Shock troop smoke disappears if you move the camera away from it and back which results in an akward line of sight blocker
- if a vehicle kills another one and drives into the fresh wreck it gets stuck there (or at least having serious pathing issues) for at least 5-10 seconds
- you can see the the arc of fire of an mg that garrisoned an ambient building through the fog of war by selection the house
- MGs, Flak HQ, etc fire outside of their ark of fire (this is super annoying)
- T70 who got abandoned in recon mode won't be able to fire once it's recrewed
- there's a bug on angoville where the house gets destroyed once you crush the front side of it with a vehicle (Link ~ 6:29:00)
- Ost sniper has wrong "camouflage icon" on the unit's portrait. It shows a partisan instead of a german sniper
- Bulding will flash red if you order a squad to garrison it if it's already occupied, giving you an easy way to find out if it's already garrisoned or not
- If you right click on an house in the fog of war (if you want to go inside) you can see it flashing red if an enemy squad is already inside it.
- squads sometimes use the door farther away to it to enter a building, which leads to unwanted behaviour where a squads walk around the building to get into a door
- moving your USF vehicle and shift-order it to leave the vehicle doesn't work and result in immediate leaving of the vehicle
- Teching to T3 with Ost, the announcer still says that "rocket artillery is ready"...which isn't.
- British AT-nade doesnt cause engine damage properly
While we're at it, could be please revert the pathing changes?

The biggest Problem with the new pathing is that vehicles tend to drive up to the enemy with their back facing the enemy, even if you right click the ground and provide the direction how the vehicle should be faced. It could be fixed by making the vehicle turn around first (and not afterwards at its destination) and then drive forward.