This bug has a very noticeable knock-on effect on balance. Please fix

Reproduction steps
In order to prepare for the bug to manifest
- Take a Tommy squad
- Give the Tommy squad 1 PIAT from a weapon rack
- Attain vet3 with that squad
- Kill off a few models, until the Tommy squad has 3 models left
You will notice that: 2 Tommies carry scoped Enfield rifles (the vet3 bonus), and 1 Tommy squad carries a PIAT.
Now, this is how you trigger the bug
- Take a sniper and kill the Tommy that carries the PIAT (e.g., approach from an angle that only the PIAT-carrying model is visible to the sniper)
Bug manifestations
There are two outcomes possible, both of which are a bug:
1) The Tommy Squad will drop the PIAT. This is despite the fact that the squad has enough space to carry the piat
2) The Tommy Squad will not drop the PIAT. However, they will also not be able to use the PIAT until they are reinforced (the PIAT icon will not be visible on the squad).
This becomes a problem since the upgraded weapons are superior to the vet3 weapons that Tommies get for free.
Of course, you can repeat as necessary, so that you get both manifestations of the same bug. Both bugs are _extremely_ annoying and limit the unit's performance.
The cause
At Vet3, Tommies get access to 2 scoped Enfield rifles (which replace their standard Enfield rifles). These rifles have a slot size of 0 (thus, still allowing the Tommy Squad to access weapon upgrades).
The problem is that scoped Enfields do count as special weapons when it comes to occupying a model's carrying capacity. Thus, the PIAT will not have a chance to transfer to a model that carries the scoped Enfield.
Possible fixes
The most thorough fix would be fix #1. This might require a bit more effort to implement, though.
I am also proposing 2 band-aid solutions. (Personally, I prefer #2 to #3). Either of these fixes should be effortless to implement.
The idea is that you could implement one band-aid solution for the next patch/hotfix. This will buy you time to work on the more-longterm/consistent solution (#1).
1) Implement some weapon-carrying priorities.
There will be 3 kind of weapon priorities:
- Highest priority: Minesweepers
- Middle priority: dropable weapons (e.g., PIAT)
- Lowest priority: Non-dropable weapons (e.g., scoped Enfield, g43)
This means that when a higher priority weapon drops, it immediately transfers to a squad member carrying a lower-priority weapon. If no such squad member exists, then, and only then, does the drop chance take place.
CoH2 seems to have already 2 weapon priorities in place: Minesweepers vs everything else. What I am suggesting is to extend the weapon prioritization system to 3 classes.
This would be the best solution by far. It would also prevent this bug from ever resurfacing in the future.
2) Only give Tommies 1 scoped Enfield at vet3, but with upgraded stats
Let's say that the DPS of scoped enfield is A, and that the DPS of a standard enfield is B, initially the squad DPS would increase by:
2 x (A - B)
Thus, the new DPS of the scoped enfield could be:
- B + 2 x (A - B) = 2x A - B
The bug will still be there, but it will be a bit less noticeable
(With 2 upgrades weapons, you need to drop down to 3 models for the bug to happen).
3) Give Tommies the Soviet Union Guard Rifles treatment
Guards Rifle infantry used to have a similar issue (since they were carrying 4 guns). They tended to drop weapons all over the battlefield.
Some ~1 year ago (?), it was decided that guards would have a lower weapon-drop rate than other squads. Nobody has ever complained about Guards Rifle weapon pinatas since.
Note that this bug will NOT address bug manifestation #2, which means that the Tommy squad will be using an inferior, baseline weapon, although an upgraded weapon is available.
Other units affected by the same bug
- USF Airborne Pathfinders
- (edited to add) Axis infantry upgraded with g43
- (26 Dec, edited to add): possibly PPSH Conscripts and Guards too?
(possibly also) USF Recon I&R Pathfinders