Do you have a video or a replay of the issue? I've been unable to:
Stop a Retreating Squad with a Stun Grenade
Stopping a Squad from Retreating after getting hit with a Stun Grenade.
Here you go

Posts: 1664
Do you have a video or a replay of the issue? I've been unable to:
Stop a Retreating Squad with a Stun Grenade
Stopping a Squad from Retreating after getting hit with a Stun Grenade.
Posts: 559 | Subs: 17
Posts: 640
Do you have a video or a replay of the issue? I've been unable to:
Stop a Retreating Squad with a Stun Grenade
Stopping a Squad from Retreating after getting hit with a Stun Grenade.
Posts: 935
Do you have a video or a replay of the issue? I've been unable to:
Stop a Retreating Squad with a Stun Grenade
Stopping a Squad from Retreating after getting hit with a Stun Grenade.
Posts: 1664
isnt it the purpose of the stun nade to stun enemies? I really like that anti retreat counterplay.
Posts: 559 | Subs: 17
Here you go
Posts: 190
Posts: 1384
Nothing in the game should interrupt a retreat... period. Soviet wire fields did and they were removed, crawlers used to do it and they got fixed.
Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7
If I throw a regular grenade on you while you're retreating, you'll just die. Should that not be allowed because you couldn't dodge it? Should I not be allowed to lay mines on your retreat path? Or use artillery in such a way that it hits you when you retreat?
It's not a get out of jail free card, it's a "make my unit run really really fast away from trouble but I lose control of it while it does it" button. There's a difference.
Posts: 559 | Subs: 17
Posts: 190
Posts: 1664
So then retreating units should get supressed by your definition.
Yes stun grenade should stun squad so it is unable to move / shot but it always should be able to retreat. It creates bad gameplay behavior if you use it with storms with stg and assault while they trow grenade out of cover
However they should stop unit movement and all weapons for some time like right now , excpet retreat. I think it is big punishement too that youneed to retreat your squad in order to save it (bye bye squad for 45 second if it is semosky)
Just my 2 cents.
Also tiger ace should not be able to be called in without fuel cost.
Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2
Posts: 742 | Subs: 1
It wasnt issue since the ET release, and it's not now.
That's how it works.
Stun lasts for 1sec? max 2secs?
+ dodge it like any other nade.
Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
And what's the chance to have a squad on retreat path to throw a nade in perfect moment in perfect spot? 1/100?
Posts: 367
And what's the chance to have a squad on retreat path to throw a nade in perfect moment in perfect spot? 1/100?
Posts: 1384
So then retreating units should get supressed by your definition.
Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7
Well no, because retreat exists specifically to escape suppression/pin.
Posts: 1664
Read the thread before posting.
- He is talking that stun nade interrupt the retreat, he is not talking of stunning them for 2 sec, but it STOP THE RETREAT, so you have to press retreat button again after stun.
- Dodge while you are retreating ? ok
To resume:
- Taking damage while retreating: its ok, its normal
- Taking stun while reatreating: its ok, its stun grenade feature
- Retreat interrupted permanently: NOT OK