i dunno if this bug don't appear in automatch or not
Infantry POP CAP
British Force

Infantry section pop cap now 8, 10 after Bolster (i remember is 6 before december patch, 8 after Bolster)

Royal Engineer pop cap now 8, 10 after Bolster (5 before Bolster, 6 after Bolster)
I don't test it on Infantry call in unit such as commandos, officer
strumpio is fine, 300 mp, 9 pop cap, reinforcement 30

volksgren 5 pop cap,

ober, 8 pop cap, lol again, (I remember it's 10)

MG34, 4 pop cap, (5 or 6, i forget xD)
don't test in falls, jaeger, ect
RE pop cap 4, (should 5) after their cost were changed to 200, not 160 any more, compared to Sov Combat Engineer 170 mp that 5 pop cap
M2HB pop cap 5, (the old ones is 7)
Rifleman is fine, still 7 pop cap
Captain pop cap 7, (i think is sama w/ Lt (8))
Lt, major I forget about them

don't test it with infantry call in
Pioneer pop cap 4, should be 5 (like other basic engineer)
grenadier pop cap 8, same with ober xD

Pzgren is fine, maybe
Combat Engineer is fine, maybe
Penal and constript too

Shock troops
other infantry call-in too, maybe
I dunno if plan to Relic changes their pop cap in this December patch
Unit Reinforcement comparison
1. Raw Team weapon crew (vicker, 6 pdr AT-gun), 22 mp
2. Tommy, 280 mp, 6 or 8 pop cap, squad rein 28 mp, team weapon crew rein 35 mp, why not 28 mp ??
3. Royal Engineer, 210 mp, 5 or 6 pop cap, squad rein 26, team weapon crew rein 26
4. Commandos squad rein 35
1. raw MG34 crew rein, 25mp; raw Raketen 43, ISG crew, 23mp; cuz their crew was old volks model, maybe, raw Pak 43, 22mp;
2. volksgren, 250 mp, 6 pop cap, squad rein 25mp, team weapon crew rein 25
3. Ober, 400 mp, 10 pop cap, squad rein 40, team weapon crew 50
4. Strumpio, 300 mp, 9 pop cap, squad rein 30, team weapon rein 37
1. raw team weapon crew, M2HB rein 22 mp, M1 57mm rein 25 or 22 (i forget), M1 75mm pack howi rein 20 or 22 (i forget)
2. RE squad rein 25, team weapon rein 25
3. Rifleman rein 28, team weapon rein 28
4. Lt, rifle model rein 25, Lt model 50, team weapon crew rein 25 maybe
5. Captain, rifle model 25, RE model 30, Cpt model 50
6. Major, RE model 20, major model 40
1. Pioneer and weapon crew rein 25
2. gren and weapon crew rein 30
3. pzgren rein 34, team weapon crew (forget)
4. raw LeFH crew, 30 mp
1. Combat Engineer rein 21, team weapon 21
2. cons rein 20, team weapon rein 20
3. penal 22, team weapon 22
4. raw team weapon crew rein 15
5. raw B4 203mm, ML-20 crew rein 60 mp
the B4 203mm it's cost 600mp, 15 popcap, 5 crew
per-crew popcap is 3,the weapon itself don't has popcap, so after molotov it or Abandon and re-crew it with cons, the pop cap of B4 was 5.
it's different from ML-20 and LeFH-18, that the weapon itself cost 11 popcap, 4 crew, so after they Abandon and re-crew with gren or cons it still be 15 pop cap.
and why the pop cap of Pak 43 OKW is 13, and the Wehr is 10 ?? after all they are the same unit,
and bring back the unit count indicator (like the old ones before British launch) of OKW, Sov, and Wehr emplacement cuz their crew can be snipe or killed, unlike the British ones ?
and for OKW after they revamp
Panther(superior tank) should buildable after build the 3 of bases like Wehr after they research the three battle phase, cuz the other faction (British and Wehr) panther and comet or churchill came late, not fast as OKW panther
and unlock call-in KT at 13 ~ 15 CP after build the 3 of bases like the other Heavy Tank, so they will be no more 15 minutes KT or Panther like this

the new unit and ability of commander WFA don't have specific voice, maybe in future they have,
and maybe relic to lazy for crate new description for Bronze, Silver, and Gold of Tomy, AT-gun, MG, and cromwell Bulletins, so they copy paste from the Wehr and Sov xD, like the Bronze, Silver, and Gold of WFA bulletins that have same description, LoL

after the launch of British and Revamp of OKW
this game tips no longer relevant

and why relic sale the common commander on store ??

sorry for the bad english xD
thx before