I can report atleast one success against USF by following the 'don't rush T2' strategy, though I feel the opponent was a bit lacking in this match.
Ty mate!
Sorry for abandoning the thread for a while, I just didnt have time for coh2 or .org

1) Any specifics on teller placement, particularly specific to maps?
I recommend all jesulin map guides just like sb already said in this thread. Also remember its best to place mines on places that are hard to miss like roads and tight passages, for example the ones near both muni points on kharkow. You can also place mines in other places that are less predictable but you need to bait enemy vehicles into them with lone infantry squads. Mind that agains usf its best to put mines as forward as possible (like roads from base on crossing in the woods) as opponent wont usually suspect that and most usf vehicles are killed with single teller so you dont need a follow up.
2) Any good replays on twitch with this strat? I'd like to watch some of the others do it so I can see the usual counterplays and plays, make me more comfortable in transitioning.
I would recommend looking for it in most recent tournaments, there must be sth. I don't have my own recent replay sadly as I couln't spare time for playing.
3) What's best first? Teller or healing bunker?
General rule is that you build a bunker when you need it, that means you have a squad with 4 models but about half hp. Such squad shouldn't engage but it also shouldn't stay in base, meaning you need a bunker then. Before that 150mp is usually better spent on new squads but it doesnt mean you should build bunker late, just that unless one of your squads is really wounded it shouldnt be the first muni purchase.
As for the tellers: you build them when your opponents lets you do this. It should be planned so that he never spots you making a mine - if he spots you then he is not only aware of mines but also of their general distance to his base. That means it may sometimes get really hard to place good mine and if you have possibility to do so you should always try, this may save you the game.
4) Would an early munitions cache work with this strat?
In my opinion it wont. Sacrifising as much as 200 of early mp is too much, you probably wont be able to hold enough territory. Its genereally better early on to have as big army as possible to take more resource points, that way you have both army and resources. With cache you may end up with less resources if opponent uses that and pushes you back. If the map was split in half and chokepoint oriented it would work but right now there are no maps like that in coh2 1v1 automatch.
I will watch your replay and give you feedback in this thread later

This is only true if the other player techs captain. If they tech Lt. You need to tech t2 immediately. Also never say l2p to someone asking something on the strategy forums.
In case of discovering that opponent is playing into spamming light vehicles I also advise going t2. Ofc as soon as you realise that, immidately, but immidately after discovering that not earlier. Also I don't feel I said l2p there. I did? Then I'm sorry but I didn't mean that. I wrote quite a long advice post for the OP and looks like he is grateful for it.