So this question always pops up whenever I play online with my friends regarding what faction would be interesting to have added to the game and also what kind of units would they probably have or expect.
So to start it off we talked a lot about the Italians, French and our most interesting was the Japanese. However, we think out of all of them the Japanese would be the most unrealistic one to add given their main fight being in the pacific theater.
I'd love to know what you guys think. I mainly know a bit about vehicles but discussions on infantry/ abilities would also be cool (Bear in mind the French early surrender and Italian switching sides ability jokes have already been made haha)
Italy: So i'm not expert on the Italians apart from the fact that they had some pretty snazzy Carcano rifles but the better armaments were imported from abroad and that their tanks were not THE BEST but they could still back a punch. Of most interest was when I researched the The Fiat tanks and the Carro Armato P40. Not much is known about them but I think there is scope for some form of implementation and balance with light and medium tanks to stand up to the British, USF and Soviets.
Japan: Was known to use tanks to coincide with their infantry as opposed to the OORAH potential of the German armour. Don't know much about the Japanese and their loadouts but I heard that they had some pretty awesome tanks that were a mix between the Soviets and the Germans which could be well played with.One of my favourites is the Chi-To Type 4 tank which looks badass or the Experimental Tank 5 which was pretty much an Elefant. Officers with katanas would be awesome to see skewering the allies.
French: I know that they had a pretty big help from the Americans and the British with their armaments and the tanks weren't the best thing in the world. Personally this is the least appealing option given how many Allied factions are already implemented. Never really was a fan of the French so my knowledge is lacking in this field and so I open the floor to you guys and see what you guys thought would be some of the stuff they might possess.