Yes, the DLC policy is terrible. And? Heartstone has a similar system, except that it's free to play. You can buy cards for money or you can play enough to get them.
Or you know, the whole SC 2 bullshit where blizzard makes you pay 40$ for a couple of units IN EVERY expansion. And still they somehow manage to mess it up. (Swarm host meta, etc etc)
But because it's blizzard, it's fine 
Meanwhile coh 2 actually does it alot better and still allows you to play with everyone even if you just bought 1 faction.
Oh and btw because apparently you were once a top 50 1v1 player it boggles my mind how you think this game is still P2W.
The 2 best commanders for SOV/OST are free. CAS and Shock Rifle. USF stock commanders are great as well.
So can we actually agree that
I never said I will quit this game a year ago and all I do was comparing how CS:GO DLC never affect the gameplay?
Blizzard actually does the same way as Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts: They DO release DLC but they are BIG EXPANSION that:
- Has Singleplay Campaign.
- Bring change to Multiplayer.
In a way, those Expansions are Stand-alone game like Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts! ( I know heart of the swarm required the base version of Starcraft 2 but hey, at least they listen to the fanbase and make the Legacy of the Void become a stand alone expansion yeah ?. They also have flaw but they listen to their fans and change )
When I said P2W you have to SEE when the new commanders got release: Most of them are very good and can be easily expoilt:
- Do you remember about the Tiger Ace commander?
- Remember how good Soviet Industry was?
- Ever feel the Ostruppen spam, capture every house?
- Do your men feel the power of Obersodation with their MG34 cut your Rifleman + Conscript in half?
- do your men turn into BBQ when those crocodile tanks coming in and burn everything and get away with the heavy armor ?
- Elite Rifleman doctrine that let you be able to get Vet rifleman right away when the game start?
After sometimes when the Dev can't milk those DLC anymore then they start to make adjustment to the game ( patch )

You said that COH1 was broken with new expansion but then why don't Relic learn from COH1 and fix this in COH2?
And your point in the CZ75 was also true but the point is: Valve actually step in and change thing.
Do you know that they fixed the M4A1, make it not desirable anymore before releasing the " Shadow case " and it actually hurt the sale? But hey, they DO put the players up front rather then trying to go for the money.
And also, even if CZ75 is broken at that time, EVERYBODY GOT access to those broken weapons, not by " paying to get it ". So you think CZ75 is OP and gonna use it? Sure, I'm gonna do the same. We are equally at disadvantage/advantage

I know who you are and I feel you, Relic continues in the same way as at WFA launch, OP DLC factions and commanders and fucks balance for money. What do you expect on them? They are a company, they need to make money. It's up to us if we agree to the way they treat the playerbase and continue playing, or not. You made a tough decision for a man who likes so much a game, to bad I cannot do the same... yet. Last hope, maybe Relic will com to its senses. If not, when Fallout strikes I will be gone and never come back to this game. But I will still be on these forums, just to troll Katitof. 
You are 100% right. Relic choose the path of release DLC and after 2 years of keeping up with them, I have choose to delete the game even after spending so much money into it.
And delete Company of Heroes 2 was a tough choice because this is the only WW2 Strategy competitive game that I ever know but I rather delete it once and for all, never think about it again than tried to stick it to the end and always complaint about it.
Those 1.200$ could actually be the money I willing to spend on COH2 if they make good expansion like COH1 expansion but nah.