TL,DR: OP sad how COH2 turn into DLC seller, milk the shit out of it then start making balance patch. OP went to CS:GO and decided it's time to quit COH2 completely and remove the game from PC.
When COH2 came out, I thought that this is gonna be my new competitive RTS game after COH1.
- Well, it kinda was until they start released OP commanders : Tiger Ace, Soviet industry, Ostruppen v.v.v.v After sometimes when they can't milk those commanders anymore then here come the patch to make them balance again!
- Same thing I can say for new factions: each of them came out with being too good compare to the old one: Remember Obersodation when they first came out ? I mean come on, don't make the excuse that you need to the community to test it out and make adjustment. You could clearly see in the Alpha how STRONG they are with their MG34..
- So I dropped this " competitive RTS game " at October of 2014 and go to CS:GO for it competitive gaming and I was right, that was the best decision ever. Take me a year from being a " RTS competitive player " into " FPS competitive player" but at this moment ( 22/10/2015 ), I'm at the highest rank of CS:GO with my team.
- When I said I " dropped " this game doesn't mean I don't play it anymore. I still spend like 5,6 hours per week to see how it goes and it still... sad.
- But yeah, I'm just an Asian guy that used to be top 10 2vs2 Axis top 100 2vs2 allies, Top 50 in all 4 factions 1vs1, I clearly doesn't know shit about this game.
Yo Relic, if in the future you want to make another competitive RTS/MOBA game then learn from Starcraft 2 / Dota 2 / CSGO / LOL : Don't release DLC that will affect the gameplay like the commanders shit.
Learn from CS:GO/ Dota 2 please: I have spend more then 1200$ on their game and guess what? Those fancy shit only affect the look, not the fucking gameplay. That's how you get the money and still make customers happy!