During last several patches OH has benn buffed into cheat-faction.
1. starting MP buff - gave them 1 squad advantage right from the start for the whole game.
2. 222 and 251 buffs turn penals and M3 into shit, that no one uses anymore. And made teching to T3 easier in general
3. T3476 - previously key unit, have been removed from T3 (and from the game). That opened a huge window of oportunities for OH mediums and faction in general. Because one must be an idiot to lose p4 or ostwind only to ATGs on urban maps (most maps). P4 can survive 4 ATG shots - they are invinsible to any midgame unit mix. While the do huge dmg to anything.
4. Tank’s smoke and speed abilities - that allows any noob to save his tanks after careless play. What is the corresponding ability of 3485? There absolutely no ability of any use for 3485.
I can list more things that makes this faction blatantly OP. But not to waste time I say only about 4.
Anyone says to make a game suited for competititve play there must be close to equal oportunities for all sides. Ocf games showed that there is no counterplau vs OH thanks to recent direct and inderect buffs to this faction.
dont listen to ather ppl thet say OH is weak OH is not OP ,
we need to fight awer way to a better ballance

i have more then 700 hours gameplay No.500 with OH and usf on the LEADERBOARDS so i am the avrage player
1. OH greens granads no timer [ but u can hear they scream granade !!! hoo and witch group is it if i have 5 goups all in fight ?
german animation is harder to see when they shoot the granade german troop sit and shoot wille
usf\sovits\UKF throw it u can clearly see the moving guy with the granade [his hand ]
so gemans have the animation and the timer to react wille allice need to pray god
2.german armore is so good ppl will say ye thets how it was in ww2 but guys its a game we need ballance
wuts harder to control 1 good german armore like a panter or 3 shurmans with shurmans u need to flank thet means u can hit a mine u need to micro all of them + ur troops wille the german player just w8 for u .
3.usf rifel man late game feel under powerd why ? cos late game greens have lmgs + vet 3 rifelman will never win them far range thet means u need to come closer until then you lose 2 or 3 guys from ech rifelman group
when it comes to micro its ezer to play OH cos ur troops are stronger they stand at one place u dont need to do much so u have time to control ur 1 panter properly wille usf \ sovit player need to try hard all game to flank not hit mines contol all army + not durble tanks
avrage player like me cant win vs same avrage player on the germans side [ cos micro is ezer]
sorry for bad english
