
russian armor

Brit Mid to Late Game Healing

14 Oct 2015, 18:29 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

With healing being irrevocably tied to infantry sections, I find it quite difficult to keep everything healed up. It's especially a headache if you lose infantry sections, since you have no real choice but to replace them.

What I would propose is that the medics that can be built from commando gliders would be available for regular purchase from t3 and not just from the glider. (I'm hesitant to put them in t2 because it would discourage spending the munis on medkits.)

This would allow brits to be less beholden to infantry sections for healing, especially when it comes to healing units like AT guns or sappers that may be operating independently from your infantry and thus you'd have to waddle over there to go heal them up.

What do you guys think?

Aside from Soviets (who have the best healing option) every other faction has multiple sources of healing. Most Ostheer infantry have medkits and med bunkers can be built. Americans have ambulance healing aura and medics. OKW have deployable medkits and medic truck. I realize that infantry section healing is some of the best since it can be done in the field quite easily and frequently, but once you get a large number of squads not having largely automatic healing is a bit of a pain in the ass if you don't blob up all your infantry regularly.
15 Oct 2015, 08:55 AM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

With IS going to be cheaper to reinforce than grenadiers, 3 IS at least ( even 4 ), will be here to heal, -1 cause you will need 1 with arty upgrade, for at least the huge sight range bonus.
Its the best healing in the game already.
15 Oct 2015, 09:13 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

shouldn't you just micro better? :snfBarton:

that was a joke, in case anyone is confused.

with that said, i'm of conflicting opinions. the heal on the infantry sections is very powerful because it's free (the ability) and very good for healing the infantry section but difficult to use with say, snipers, because the IS and the sniper have to be in the same place at the same time and not be in combat.

i guess i'm not against giving brits another healing source, provided it's not as strong as the IS medikits. by that i mean that it's not necessarily something you get instead of IS but something you get if you have a lot of other units or you want to use the base artillery (yes, they're shit, just leaving the option open for a buff)
15 Oct 2015, 12:05 PM
avatar of samich

Posts: 205

I would argue that brits have the best healing in the game and whilst this is a short fall and can be irritating in the late game its more then balanced out by the fact that it is super strong and effectively super cheap.
15 Oct 2015, 12:21 PM
avatar of Kreatiir

Posts: 2819

As healing is a nobrainer with other factions (Ambulance healing on, OSTH bunker up, OKW Battlegroup HQ, SOV healing ladies - benefit whole game), I find it very inconvenient to have healing on the unit itself.

You either have to retreat a healing squad to make sure the other damaged squad gets healed, which makes you weaker on the battlefield, or just keep a fresh tommy squad in the base to make sure there always is healing.

Also, if you squad dies (and in the lategame it's more likely to happen), you lose the ability to heal, while all the other factions don't have this problem. So losing a healing squad not only makes you weaker in terms of quantity on the field, it also weakens you in terms of ability to heal the other squads.

This is not convenient.
15 Oct 2015, 12:33 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

just give them like auto heal like the volks get on vet 3 with the med pack. Dunno how it should work out for other troops. Perhaps just in base like Soviets?
15 Oct 2015, 12:53 PM
avatar of niutudis

Posts: 276

While I realy like the healing of Infantrysection, I would like to have an alternative.

Right now you are forced into having multiple IS´s because they can either heal or call artillery. While this is not a bad thing, since IS is the core-infantry, it would be nice to have some sort of upgrade for the Hq, Fhq or maybe the trenches.

Something that can maybe unlocked by going anvil, maybe similar to the medictruck from okw (medics instead of an aurahealing). While hammer would make the healing by IS stronger or faster.

Imagine you´re a heavily wounded sniper. You just ran all the way back to your HQ "Hey, somebody please help me!! I got shot!!" - "Sry son, we cant help you here. Go to the frontline and find one of the Infantrysections that are under fire, they will help. BYe, Bye!" :gimpy:
15 Oct 2015, 13:44 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

With healing being irrevocably tied to infantry sections, I find it quite difficult to keep everything healed up. It's especially a headache if you lose infantry sections, since you have no real choice but to replace them.

What I would propose is that the medics that can be built from commando gliders would be available for regular purchase from t3 and not just from the glider. (I'm hesitant to put them in t2 because it would discourage spending the munis on medkits.)

This would allow brits to be less beholden to infantry sections for healing, especially when it comes to healing units like AT guns or sappers that may be operating independently from your infantry and thus you'd have to waddle over there to go heal them up.

What do you guys think?

Aside from Soviets (who have the best healing option) every other faction has multiple sources of healing. Most Ostheer infantry have medkits and med bunkers can be built. Americans have ambulance healing aura and medics. OKW have deployable medkits and medic truck. I realize that infantry section healing is some of the best since it can be done in the field quite easily and frequently, but once you get a large number of squads not having largely automatic healing is a bit of a pain in the ass if you don't blob up all your infantry regularly.

Cant understand why you think soviets have best healing option. It makes no sense, just think of it:
-wehr can build a bunker at his base, but also on his teammate base in case of mechanised truck, or mid bases if possible, or on the field, or even in many different places at the same time! Pretty powerfull, and its also cheap, only 150mp 60muni, and the muni makes the difference only for base bunker, late game when you build field bunkers muni is not a problem.
-usf has most expensive healing but paired with the major and the fact that same vehicle reinforces and that you can have multiple ambos its sometimes more powerfull than ost one as ost has to pay another 150/60m to get field reinforcements and they have no forward retreat point.
-okw has the advantage of the fact that one building does all 3 things, so it is pretty cheap at 200/40f + 300 (for the first part ost would pay 300/120m soo) but there can be only one on the field which is a serious problem.
-ukf can have multiple, mobile healing squads that are super cheap as they effectively cost only 30 muni, they also can pair them with forward retreat points. Only problem is the micro required but we are all accustomed to it after usf ambo. Mind how great it is at healing snipers: ost snipers usually retreat only to heal or operate around forward healing bunker, both methods significantly limit their field presence. Ukf sniper doesnt retreat the whole game. It is easily healed on the field for free and the fact that there is a IS somewhere doesnt show its position as you usually have multiple of these.
-and now soviets... not only their healing is pretty expensive at 250mp for only healing, it is also only possible to be build at base meaning that soviet squads and snipers have to often retreat to base and loose field presence just to heal, many times I have seen on streams and tourneys 6 men con squad retreating with 1/3 of health just to heal up, I also do it myself as such retreat conserves you 100 or possibly even 240 mp. Ofc you can do it with every other faction but soviets are the only one that is forced to do this. That said it is not sth that should change, but it is a fact that soviets have the worst healing in game. (unless you count one specific doctrine ofc)
15 Oct 2015, 17:01 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

Cant understand why you think soviets have best healing option.

Because it only costs manpower and once you build it you never have to think about it again. It can't be destroyed or killed either (Well maybe they can kill the medics?) since it's tied to the HQ. The ambulance in particular is vulnerable to being sniped by something like say a Puma after a mass retreat. Likewise, I'm in the habit of sneaking my AEC into my opponents base when he is elsewhere on the map to kill his med bunker before peacing out. (Works best on a big map.) I think the other races certainly have more potent healing options, but the complete passivity of the soviet option is kind of nice sometimes.

Anyway that's just my opinion. I think the ambulance is most powerful, but it's also the most fragile.

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Oct 2015, 12:05 PMsamich
I would argue that brits have the best healing in the game and whilst this is a short fall and can be irritating in the late game its more then balanced out by the fact that it is super strong and effectively super cheap.

I definitely agree, which is why I'm wary of adding anything new especially before late stages of the game. I just think the medics are already there, they're just locked to one doctrine for whatever reason even though they're not a core component of it. I think they'd be a nice quality of life purchase at that point in the game.
15 Oct 2015, 17:16 PM
avatar of Horasu

Posts: 279

It's a tradeoff for having on-demand, no-retreat-needed, no-cost healing. Their durability in holding a point is so immense due to it. I think it's a fair trade off that not every unit has to heal all the time.
15 Oct 2015, 18:38 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Honestly late game, I just leave one model of IS medics in my base and don't even bother with reinforcement. Yea, I do find it a bit annoying for that one squad to go back and forth for healing.

I think it will be a great idea for forward base built by Sappers to have medics/heal.
15 Oct 2015, 20:52 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

the medical kit is the cheapest healing upgrade in the game and it's attached to your line infantry, of which you should have at least two or three.

Yes, it's annoying having to sit out two squad at once if you're trying to healing, but it's one of the most mobile heal in the game and you don't need to pay upkeep for it.

By comparison the ambulance takes up 4 pop and will cut into the final army count in the late game.
15 Oct 2015, 21:05 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

It's the best healing system imo because it allows you to soft retreat units that are on low health and have them patched up in no time on the front line.

Or situations were you win engangments with a lot of entities remaining but on low health, forcing your enemy to retreat while you can just heal where you fought.

I wish the sturmpio heal would be like this, it would allow you to do games without ever setting the medic hq up.
16 Oct 2015, 05:09 AM
avatar of SpaceHamster
Patrion 14

Posts: 474

the medical kit is the cheapest healing upgrade in the game and it's attached to your line infantry, of which you should have at least two or three.

Yes, it's annoying having to sit out two squad at once if you're trying to healing, but it's one of the most mobile heal in the game and you don't need to pay upkeep for it.

By comparison the ambulance takes up 4 pop and will cut into the final army count in the late game.

I find this pretty ok considering the ambulance now has aura heal always active.

That and I have tons of vehicle crew to just sit out and wait while I build an extra 2-3 shermans while I already have 3 of them.

By the way, does anyone know how much manpower is ticked off from the total for every 1 pop that you are using? Hard to keep track of the numbers since sometimes it's odd and sometimes it's even.
16 Oct 2015, 05:23 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

By the way, does anyone know how much manpower is ticked off from the total for every 1 pop that you are using? Hard to keep track of the numbers since sometimes it's odd and sometimes it's even.

IIRC, 1.5 mp upkeep for every 1 pop.
16 Oct 2015, 05:47 AM
avatar of IIGuderian

Posts: 128

The problem is really bout units like sniper ,at,engineers.It's just so hard to keep these units together with IS for a rather long period of time.Especially snipers,I mean,and this is pretty ironic,the biggest con of this particular unit is not anything about itself,but the fact that its nearly impossible to heal once built.
16 Oct 2015, 10:05 AM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

I dont have ukf but all other factions u actually keep ur sniper close to your infantry o.O
17 Oct 2015, 21:04 PM
avatar of Tin Pigeon

Posts: 32

It's fine as it is. You can heal units on the field, it has an aura and it's free to use. Just accept the downside that you can't get any medics parked next to your retreat point. And those medics out of the glider really suck, their autoheal ability is somehow bugged, at least I have to manually heal squads from time to time.

On the other hand, l2p, smoke and flank, as usual.
18 Oct 2015, 04:24 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

I think they should give the option that let garrison in the Forward Assembly, currently the Forward Assembly gives Coordinated Fire with ultra close radius from the Forward Assembly which is quite dumb. why not let forward Assembly able to garrison a unit in to provide some bonus effect.

Like if garrison
a IS with medic pack or medic, will provide auto heal to infantry around it
a IS with Pyrotechnics Supplies able triple the range of the coordinated fire from Forward Assembly.
a Royal Engineers will able to repair vehicles around it.
a Sniper will provide detection like Valentine to detect surround flanks
a commando will give a fire rate increase aura and receive accuracy aura
a landing officer will give a defense and accuracy buff aura

also mortar pit and forward assembly still dies to 1 flame nade of OKW need to change. also the forward assembly need armor buff make it strong as bunker so it is immune to small arm fire.

i think will post a thread about this suggestion
18 Oct 2015, 06:27 AM
avatar of Hogman512

Posts: 168

I think they should give the option that let garrison in the Forward Assembly, currently the Forward Assembly gives Coordinated Fire with ultra close radius from the Forward Assembly which is quite dumb. why not let forward Assembly able to garrison a unit in to provide some bonus effect.

Like if garrison
a IS with medic pack or medic, will provide auto heal to infantry around it
a IS with Pyrotechnics Supplies able triple the range of the coordinated fire from Forward Assembly.
a Royal Engineers will able to repair vehicles around it.
a Sniper will provide detection like Valentine to detect surround flanks
a commando will give a fire rate increase aura and receive accuracy aura
a landing officer will give a defense and accuracy buff aura

also mortar pit and forward assembly still dies to 1 flame nade of OKW need to change. also the forward assembly need armor buff make it strong as bunker so it is immune to small arm fire.

i think will post a thread about this suggestion

That actually sounds like a good idea...
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