
russian armor

British Anvil Churchill, and my thoughts.

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4 Oct 2015, 02:05 AM
avatar of nkonfya

Posts: 6

The Churchill tank needs to either:

* Get its AT ability nerfed, and decrease acceleration and max speed (easier to punish after being snared), and keep the rest as is

* Lower the HP to 1200 and keep the rest as is (to keep it within reach of the KT's properties)

* Keep it as is and limit the number to 1

* Raise the price of it to make it cost prohibitive to make more than 1 (Just like it is for the KT)
4 Oct 2015, 06:00 AM
avatar of AngryKitten465

Posts: 473

Permanently Banned

Nothing should be fucking limited except perhaps elite super units like the Tiger Ace.

It's such a shitty way to balance things.

I agree, yet for the sake of this game and competence of Relic to actually balance things, there is no other way but to limit things. They unfortunately did this to themselves when going for the commander bullshit they eventually produced, half of them are nonsense and half of them have end cp call ins. So they could either individually alter each unit towards a certain balanced point, or just limit all of them to one. Needless to say, they took the easy way out :foreveralone:
4 Oct 2015, 06:08 AM
avatar of Muxsus

Posts: 170

I believe axis players are just not used to dealing with very durable tanks, and they'll get used to it in time, just like they got used to the Quad (which Relic handled perfectly). It's probably too early to call for massive nerfs, but personally I think the fuel cost should be raised slightly, considering how the Churchill has bad AT and a cruel manpower cost.
4 Oct 2015, 07:32 AM
avatar of Junaid

Posts: 509

Imo the problem lies in the synergy the churchill offers in combination with other units and yes that includes other churchills, both stock and the, ahem, others. This is due to its obscenely high health pool. Sure, it has a gun with the power of a pIV, but almost all tank guns do the same damage (160), so that's not really weak, more that it has an average gun. Average gun. Good armor. Obscenely high HP pool. Ability to grenade support weapons.
4 Oct 2015, 16:37 PM
avatar of colgate

Posts: 44

It is hard to destroy but panther have more survivabilty because its armour and allied weapons have low penetration. Panther takes more shots to die. If it gets any limt panther shoul get limit too
4 Oct 2015, 17:12 PM
avatar of malecite

Posts: 139

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Oct 2015, 06:08 AMMuxsus
I believe axis players are just not used to dealing with very durable tanks, and they'll get used to it in time, just like they got used to the Quad (which Relic handled perfectly). It's probably too early to call for massive nerfs, but personally I think the fuel cost should be raised slightly, considering how the Churchill has bad AT and a cruel manpower cost.

There is a difference between "durable tanks" and the churchill. The panther is a "durable tank" with 800HP, the tiger is a durable tank with 1080 Hp.

The churchill is ridiculous with 1600Hp because it is basically unkillable and a crutch for shitty players with poor micro to be rewarded with vet anyways. Again one is fine, its when you start to see a bunch of them that you simply cannot do enough damage to them before everything you have is toast.

There is no "learning how to deal" with a tank that can take 10 hits from your tank destroyers and AT guns all the while grenading your AT gun and simply outlasting/focusing down your TD's.
5 Oct 2015, 00:27 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

part of the problem is the churchill's relatively low armor and extremely high HP make the panther relatively useless against it.

churchill will actually win in a slug fight against the panther due to the HP difference. The biggest reason the stug is so good against the churchill is because of the stug's high dps.

Yes, I am saying that 280 armor is low. the churchill should have 320 armor and 1040 hp to make the flanking and high penetration weapon like the panther useful against the churchill.
5 Oct 2015, 09:10 AM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

Churchill was a very durable tank IRL so if huge HP pool is not the way to go then we should change it to something like 800 and boost its armour so even Panther will have problems penetrating it.
5 Oct 2015, 09:52 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

The Churchill is a heavy, though not call in, it is a heavy, lets emplace a limit on that as well, one at a time, per player(Like the call in theory),

I think this is the best sollution.
5 Oct 2015, 09:59 AM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

Are you kidding me?

The 200/50 tech cost is equivalent to what ostheer pay to get to T4, how in the hell is that supposed to be some kind of martydom for the British?

On top of that they also get FREE ultra engineers that magically gain LMG's and 2 armor, making them more durable than shocks. With double brens these guys are fucking terminators and if they hit vet 3, which is relatively easy to do, they have a reinforce cost of 13MP. They have the long range dps of an ober squad and cost half as much.

So not only does getting the anvil specialization get you the ultimate tank, it gets you the cheapest, and one of the most effective infantry squads in the game. For kicks they even get a -50% reload time in cover. Put them in a building and watch as an entire army can't dig them out.

There is no fucking reason the churchhill should have 1600H and not be put in the same class as a heavy tank. For christ's sake a Tiger only has just over a 1000 and the KT has 1280. Give it a slight price decrease and up its armor while dropping its HP to something that isn't in the realm of insanity. being able to take 10 shots from a panther or AT gun is way over the top and basically makes the tank immortal in the hands of a competent player.

No unit should be able to hardcounter units that are designed to hardcounter it, that's just shitty balance.

I just spent half a day playing in team games as only Brits and soviets and the Brits have a great late game to be sure but they lack big in a couple areas that would need to be improved if they were nerfed elsewhere. Brits have no mobile mortar or support gun to knock out AT and MG walls. The mortar pit is very expensive and can't move with you plus gets bombarded to death my light artillery fire. No flame thrower infantry to flame out garrisons plus the grenade isn't that good and if you do tech grenades then you delay your first tank another minute which is when the Brits start to catch up.

Also, when royal engineers become heavy engineers they cost 22 man power to reinforce. I noticed that in last game I played.
5 Oct 2015, 10:06 AM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

I just spent half a day playing in team games as only Brits and soviets and the Brits have a great late game to be sure but they lack big in a couple areas that would need to be improved if they were nerfed elsewhere. Brits have no mobile mortar or support gun to knock out AT and MG walls. The mortar pit is very expensive and can't move with you plus gets bombarded to death my light artillery fire. No flame thrower infantry to flame out garrisons plus the grenade isn't that good and if you do tech grenades then you delay your first tank another minute which is when the Brits start to catch up.

Also, when royal engineers become heavy engineers they cost 22 man power to reinforce. I noticed that in last game I played.

ye brits got nothing to knock out mg and paks walls..no centaur no croc no avre no offmap ability (support arty, typhoons, air supremancy). mix in some commandos or snipers and u truely have no counter to pak/mg walls. i think brits could use some rocket arty and a 120mm mortar. maybe an upgrade for 10fuel to equip flamers to infantery sections for 20muns or so. and better sooner than later because allys just get rekts by the axis uber units
5 Oct 2015, 10:15 AM
avatar of Nabarxos

Posts: 392

This is not a whine thread, so no one get all uppity over this, this is my observation thats all, with hopefully a few suggestions in terms of balance/meta, and I am unbiased as you will see in this post. As always, as long as they are not biased or claims of OP, all comments are welcome, as well as opinions.

So as we all know, the Brits have 2 divergent final tech upgrades, the Hammer(Comet), or the Anvil(Churchill), my main problem comes with the Churchill, this unit is very cheap, and in 2v2 and up games, very much able to be produced in huge numbers, to me this is not so much balance, as it is an issue in the Meta(Maybe balance but idk?), from my play the game delves back into what Relic had tried to reduce heavy tank play/reliance by implementing a heavy limit to call ins, which has worked out great thus far, with the Brits we can see as many as three Churchills in a game depending on duration, map control, and the tactics the other team employs(such as saving fuel and playing infantry and AT gun heavy play). This is again, somewhat bringing the meta back to heavy tank reliance for the Brits ONLY.

The Churchill is a heavy, though not call in, it is a heavy, lets emplace a limit on that as well, one at a time, per player(Like the call in theory), this will employ players to use the tank in its more suitable role, of being a damage sponge, while using Firefly's behind it as the dmg dealer(This rule would also apply, to the King Tiger as well, with being allowed one at a time, not multiples, don't worry). This would again influence more combined arms play. The Comet in my opinion is not a heavy tank, to me it fits more of a medium style role and would be exempt from this limit, as well as the fact that is does have a much much higher cost than the Churchill, but does perform better in almost all roles it has.

Another idea would be to increase the Churchills cost, the reason behind this is simply its not as expensive to build, therefore you can get multiples with some degree of ease, but I don't think that is AS reasonable as the limitations on it, seeing as its AT performance is no where near worthy of a cost increase.

Simply put, I was enjoying the expansion of combined arms play prior to the Brits, this had the made game rather stagnant, seeing as I play both sides of the game as an Axis(Mostly), and Allies(Whenver I can) the strategies get rather predictable with the Brits, if you see Anvil engineers, expect multiple Churchills at some point possibly(Not including a call in Churchill), I would just like to see this added so people would be encouraged to use the Cromwells and their speed for flanking, or Firefly’s using the Churchill as a sheild to soak up damage as they take down the enemy armor ahead. Thanks for reading, and any of your thoughts and feedback you may give.


limit to churchills??? why??? with that logic we should limit panthers then cause the USF cant deal with them unless they spam jacksons,this is the most stupid suggestion i have ever heard.

spamming churchills means the Brit player doesnt have other armor and cant recruit Comets,your best counter to them are tank destroyers

IF the churchill survives your tank destroyers with little health then chase it or deal with tha fact that you put it out of action for a while.

its not a cheap IS-2 so nothing game breaking

also consider the fact that the churchill in the alpha WAS USELESS and the brits went comet spam and ignored anvil option.

5 Oct 2015, 10:15 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

the HP is the only way to make churchills durable against axis late game without giving it elefant/JT level of armour because of the way pen works. the churhill is pretty much fine as is; certainly durability wise.
5 Oct 2015, 10:27 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

the HP is the only way to make churchills durable against axis late game without giving it elefant/JT level of armour because of the way pen works. the churhill is pretty much fine as is; certainly durability wise.

If churchill is fine as it is, then we should agree to limit this tank as one per player at a time. Of course same thing for the KT - this is a problem that wasn't solved yet.
For instance, I don't think there is comparison between a Tiger and Churchill in terms of durability, and that is kinda screwed up both reality and balance wise. You simply cannot adventure into enemy lines with a regular Tiger and not fear to lose it while you can do this with a churchill with almost no problemo.

I think the problem is related to heavies in general and not to particular call-in units. The spam of units that are good at all, can take alot of punishement while inflicting a ton of damage should be forbidden.
5 Oct 2015, 13:45 PM
avatar of atouba

Posts: 482

the HP is the only way to make churchills durable against axis late game without giving it elefant/JT level of armour because of the way pen works. the churhill is pretty much fine as is; certainly durability wise.

If the churchill is pretty much fine for only 150 fuel ,let's give KV1 more HP,imo 1400 is pretty fine for KV1.The HP is the only way to make KV1 durable against axis late game,just like the Churchill.

And also pls give brumbar some love,it cost 160 fuel,it's 10 more fuel cost than the Churchill,not to mention that high tech cost of T4.Yes the brumbar really need 1600HP. They need that high helthpool to make it more durable against allies TD.Just like the churchill.
5 Oct 2015, 13:56 PM
avatar of atouba

Posts: 482

if no number limit,the HP pool should be heavily nerfed down,imo 1280 still slightly underpriced.since it's only cost 150 fuel and 18 pop,it's still easily spam.
5 Oct 2015, 13:56 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

jump backJump back to quoted post5 Oct 2015, 13:45 PMatouba

Yes the brumbar really need 1600HP. They need that high helthpool to make it more durable against allies TD.Just like the churchill.

Yes the super scary allied 80 range 320 dmg tank destroyers

oh wait
5 Oct 2015, 14:48 PM
avatar of atouba

Posts: 482

Yes the super scary allied 80 range 320 dmg tank destroyers

oh wait

Yes I am pretty sure the Brumbar really needs the high healthpool to make itself in line with the Churchill. And the KV1. We need more 1600HP heavies.Spam them,waiting for GG.
5 Oct 2015, 15:16 PM
avatar of Muxsus

Posts: 170

There is a difference between "durable tanks" and the churchill. The panther is a "durable tank" with 800HP, the tiger is a durable tank with 1080 Hp.

The churchill is ridiculous with 1600Hp because it is basically unkillable and a crutch for shitty players with poor micro to be rewarded with vet anyways. Again one is fine, its when you start to see a bunch of them that you simply cannot do enough damage to them before everything you have is toast.

There is no "learning how to deal" with a tank that can take 10 hits from your tank destroyers and AT guns all the while grenading your AT gun and simply outlasting/focusing down your TD's.

It does a poor job against p4-level tanks and higher due to bad pen. It's also counetered by 2+ Stugs. A bunch of Churchills also mean that the brit has no way of dealing with heavy armor like the Tiger and the Panther due to high MP cost.

Now 1-2 Churchills supported by at guns and Fireflies is another story, but you only meet things like this in team games, and they're supposed to be unbalanced :snfPeter:
5 Oct 2015, 15:44 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

I'd love to see the mortar pit removed and a normal moveable mortar. Will help them to clear mgs and paks indeed
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