All these over nerfs and community "nerf wars" between each patch are getting ridiculous. Not just Relic but each passionate player are responsible for this with their IMBA shout; OMG Relic, nerf now or I'll uninstall COH2 mercilessly and tell my friends not to play.
Until Relic learn to successful patch this game without to many mess-ups, it's a better alternative to keep slightly OP units (fight broken with broken) within each faction rather than to start a never ending cycle of nerf wars.
With each Relic over nerf and the nerf war within the COH community it just start a new cycle of Relic rebalancing other units to compensate. It's ofc fine to have passion for this game. But please do not let personal frustrations intervene with the work from the more experience balance testers. No, I am not a balance tester but I try to keep personal frustrations to myself, I suggest you do the same.
Thank you and have a nice day, except maybe Barton (soap King)