
russian armor

Balance Preview Update 09/08/2015

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8 Sep 2015, 18:24 PM
avatar of mr.blonde

Posts: 4

If all those changes going live... Im gonna come all over my screen

8 Sep 2015, 18:25 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Why do you guys insist on turning heavies into these counter-all vehicles all the sudden. Weren't we working away from a heavy tank meta..

There is no reason give heavy tanks longer ranges to deal with tank destroyers. Tank destroyers are supposed to kite heavy tanks. Is that not obvious?

To deal with this,you support your heavy tank with 50-60 range units...
The KT literally does not need this. Just park a Jp4(which flat out beats SU85s and jacksons) right next to it..

Same with tiger,even though its harder since they lack a 60 range TD(SO BUFF THE STUG TO BE INLINE WITH OTHER FACTIONS 60 RANGE TD's,NOT THE TIGER. #JustRelicBalancing),park double paks,or a couple stugs with a halftrack to reinforce paks that were hit by artillery.

I dont understand. Please dont put this in live. And if youre planning on giving a pershing(when its added) 45-50 range,please reconsider. Its only moving towards taking away from late game combined arms.

The other changes are +1 btw,but why go 4-5 steps forward and 1 step back.
8 Sep 2015, 18:27 PM
avatar of Speculator

Posts: 157

IS = Infantry Section.

The issue with IS vet 3 is that the scoped Lee-Enfield rifles are currently decreasing the DPS of the squad instead of increasing it because they do not receive a RoF buff from cover.

Yep, I was referring to the Infantry Section. Reference here:
Infantry Section Vet 3 broken information

A fuel increase for tech sounds more appropriate for the faction than manpower so it doesn't debilitate UKF from creating pure MP units.

Thanks for the clarification Brad. I also agree with Cookiez analysis of the changes to discourage the heavy tanks meta. These changes may not encourage of the use of AT guns and TDs nor the use of combined arms in player strategy.
8 Sep 2015, 18:28 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

The Tiger II will still be easy to kite thanks to it being very, very slow. It just won't be as easy as before.
8 Sep 2015, 18:35 PM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

Comet is a better tank than Panther since it has awesome AI capability which the panther has NOT! Comet should be more expensive and less health!
8 Sep 2015, 18:37 PM
avatar of Midconflict

Posts: 204

Why do you guys insist on turning heavies into these counter-all vehicles all the sudden. Weren't we working away from a heavy tank meta..

There is no reason give heavy tanks longer ranges to deal with tank destroyers. Tank destroyers are supposed to kite heavy tanks. Is that not obvious?

To deal with this,you support your heavy tank with 50-60 range units...
The KT literally does not need this. Just park a Jp4(which flat out beats SU85s and jacksons) right next to it..

Same with tiger,even though its harder since they lack a 60 range TD(SO BUFF THE STUG TO BE INLINE WITH OTHER FACTIONS 60 RANGE TD's,NOT THE TIGER. #JustRelicBalancing),park double paks,or a couple stugs with a halftrack to reinforce paks that were hit by artillery.

I dont understand. Please dont put this in live. And if youre planning on giving a pershing(when its added) 45-50 range,please reconsider. Its only moving towards taking away from late game combined arms.

The other changes are +1 btw,but why go 4-5 steps forward and 1 step back.


If anything for me i would have all heavies tanks damage get up buffed from 160 (for tigers and is2) to 200. This way the king tiger keeps its flavor or 240 damage. Either that or add health (nothing like the the church hill) like 200 HP.
2 of 6 Relic postsRelic 8 Sep 2015, 18:37 PM
avatar of bC_
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 102 | Subs: 22

The Tiger II will still be easy to kite thanks to it being very, very slow. It just won't be as easy as before.

I would also like to add that in order to take advantage of the weapon range you will still need units to sight for it as their sight has not been changed.

Again if it turns out to be OpieOP we can either revert or make adjustment hence why we are doing le mod. No Kappa.
8 Sep 2015, 18:38 PM
avatar of SwonVIP
Donator 11

Posts: 640

Reduce jadgtiger cost from 800/290 to 720/245 bringing the cost inline with its performance

Not sure if this is a good idea.

And no changes about the op british arti abilities? (like arti cover or air supremacy) why?
They will wipe whole armies in a couple of seconds :facepalm:
8 Sep 2015, 18:38 PM
avatar of NorthWeapon
Donator 11

Posts: 615

Okay why is the King Tiger, Tiger, and Jagdtiger being buffed. These are the changes I am strongly against. Brits and flame definitely needed to be nerfed, but there is absolutely no reason why these heavy tanks need a buff.

These heavy tanks were good enough! That +5 on the Tiger and King Tiger is gonna make the tank way too safe when its shooting especially considering how much armor it has. Honestly this is going to create more incentive for heavy tank gameplay. I suggest reverting the King Tiger, Tiger, and Jagdtiger buff. Think about team games where fuel is a plenty!!!

Can someone explain how the Jagdtiger is only a little more expensive than a Tiger I?
8 Sep 2015, 18:41 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Sep 2015, 18:35 PMspajn
Comet is a better tank than Panther since it has awesome AI capability which the panther has NOT! Comet should be more expensive and less health!

Axis tanks are better than allied tanks (USF, Kappa), since they have awesome bounce capabilities which allied tanks do not. Axis tanks should be more expensive and have less health.

Just because we can talk unfounded crap.
8 Sep 2015, 18:43 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

+1 Can someone please nail this to Relic's front door? I suspect this is Relic's way of giving Wher. a way to better counter British Heavies but it simply has too many other balance implications. Don't even get me started if these changes apply to the Tiger Ace as well...
8 Sep 2015, 18:44 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

Relic pls

Is reverting/changing previous balance preview changes, still an option?
8 Sep 2015, 18:45 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

The biggest effect of the HP change on the comet is actually against schreck. (most) Tank gun will still be 5 hit kill at 720 but now schrecks are 6 hits kill instead of 7 hits kills.

As someone who hate the volks blob, I don't really like this changes.

King tiger didn't need the buff. It was the strongest tank in a straight up slug match, easily beating even the is2. You're suppose to kite the heavy tank to stay out of super 240 damage cannon.
8 Sep 2015, 18:46 PM
avatar of Cabreza

Posts: 656

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Sep 2015, 18:37 PMbC_
I would also like to add that in order to take advantage of the weapon range you will still need units to sight for it as their sight has not been changed.

When one vehicle shoots another from the FoW it is temporarily revealed allowing the hit vehicle and any other AT sources in range to return fire even without vision. Yes the Tiger/KT won't be able to shoot first but it will have an easier time returning fire even without vision.
8 Sep 2015, 18:47 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

Okay why is the King Tiger, Tiger, and Jagdtiger being buffed. These are the changes I am strongly against. Brits and flame definitely needed to be nerfed, but there is absolutely no reason why these heavy tanks need a buff.

These heavy tanks were good enough! That +5 on the Tiger and King Tiger is gonna make the tank way too safe when its shooting especially considering how much armor it has. Honestly this is going to create more incentive for heavy tank gameplay. I suggest reverting the King Tiger, Tiger, and Jagdtiger buff. Think about team games where fuel is a plenty!!!

Can someone explain how the Jagdtiger is only a little more expensive than a Tiger I?

8 Sep 2015, 18:47 PM
avatar of Midconflict

Posts: 204

When one vehicle shoots another from the FoW it is temporarily revealed allowing the hit vehicle and any other AT sources in range to return fire even without vision. Yes the Tiger/KT won't be able to shoot first but it will have an easier time returning fire even without vision.

8 Sep 2015, 18:47 PM
avatar of ghey boi

Posts: 61

JT cost decrease?!?! :hansWUT:

It has been too long.
8 Sep 2015, 18:48 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

on wasp: with volks schreck being the go to unit for okw, nerfing the wasp's range to 32.5 is going to make the wasp useless against the okw aside from super arrive game.
8 Sep 2015, 18:49 PM
avatar of Rollo

Posts: 738

KT range buff is needed imo, either that or a speed buff.

On the tiger 1 this might be a bit different, maybe make it a bit slower to compensate for the range but tigers working as slow long range heavies sounds good.
8 Sep 2015, 18:50 PM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Sep 2015, 18:09 PMbC_

We will have to play around with the numbers through testing, maybe we just increase the fuel and not the manpower? testing will reveal this.

Comet still the fastest tank in the game and deals massive damage still. Although its scatter is increase slightly its accuracy, splash etc makes it way more versatile. Problem was it was able to move fast, kill stuff and tank a lot of damage. so yeah, if the cost needs to be adjusted or numbers need to be adjusted thats what testing will prove or disprove.

Yah anti building flame mortar support.

care to elaborate on the IS2 vet 3

We have been looking at UKF early game in regards to how they deal with snipers again we are continuing to monitor all aspects of the game.

Something basic needs to be done about the UKF's manpower starvation. It needs to be more in line with other faction, but at the moment it's such a torment the mp starvation. It's not only about the bleed to sniper, but all the techings and expensive units etc is just too much, compared to other factions.
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