
russian armor

Why brits are so lame in 1v1

6 Sep 2015, 00:05 AM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

british sniper actually have some cloaking uniform unlike other snipers and still sucks at camo'ing itself :snfBarton:
6 Sep 2015, 00:07 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

In the alpha Inf Sections were originally 300mp

6 Sep 2015, 00:09 AM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

and in Alpha "Assault" ability made your tommies throw nade spam for 60 secs, where have it gone :snfPeter:
6 Sep 2015, 00:16 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

Air supremacy operation tho!
6 Sep 2015, 00:20 AM
avatar of HelpingHans
Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 1838 | Subs: 17

Brits have a poor early game due to the massive manpower bleed inflicted on by Ost snipers. I would suggest reduce their upkeep and make the ost sniper vs brit sniper more viable. Its very frustrating to bait the ost sniper for it to fire and then re-cloak before my British sniper can counter snipe.
6 Sep 2015, 00:25 AM
avatar of Qbix

Posts: 254

The brit sniper has a ridiculously long recloaking time after firing a single shot. Wasn't it like 6 seconds or something? Only way to circumvent this is shooting from a position without any cover and immediately running into cover afterwards to get the cloak. Pretty micro intensive.

Other than that, I really only agree on the Bren Carrier part. I have the feeling the unit does literally 0 damage without upgrades, which are a big reliability due to the unit losing value with every minute that passes until it becomes obsolete as soon as your opponent fields anything heavier than a Kübel. The Kübel has some nice utility through suppression, which makes up for its squishiness. It's an early game unit that does a specific job. The Carrier however has no specific role in the early game and is useless by the time the upgrades are rdy. Pretty weird unit actually.

But I fear making Inf able to shoot out of it would make early game against OKW a bit too strong.
6 Sep 2015, 00:29 AM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

The Universal Carrier actually puts a really good hurt on Volks, their rifles don't even dent it and that stock MG mows them down one model at a time. Yes, against Faust from Grens it stinks, but it can punish early Volks effectively.
6 Sep 2015, 00:31 AM
avatar of Qbix

Posts: 254

The Universal Carrier actually puts a really good hurt on Volks, their rifles don't even dent it and that stock MG mows them down one model at a time. Yes, against Faust from Grens it stinks, but it can punish early Volks effectively.

Top kek, m8. Are you sure you are not mixing it up with the damage your IS put out while the carrier was shooting as well? And the fact that small arms inflict low damage is intended. It's the tradeoff for having no utility.
6 Sep 2015, 00:36 AM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

Ostheer sniper has way too quick cloak time, my sniper can't even aim before he uses his magic nazi invisibility cloak.

6 Sep 2015, 00:55 AM
avatar of Jadame!

Posts: 1122

British sniper need cloak and aim time buffs. It makes absolutely no sense that faction which suffers enormously against snipers have such troubles with counter snipe as well.

Once i had brit sniper in yellow cover with inf section in the open on hold fire to counter snipe ost sniper, ost sniper opened on me, i immediately turn hold fire off(sniper were selected prior ost sniper shot), you can imagine the rest.

Only unit capable of reliably countering snipers for brits is commandos on hold fire.
6 Sep 2015, 01:32 AM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2015, 00:31 AMQbix

Top kek, m8. Are you sure you are not mixing it up with the damage your IS put out while the carrier was shooting as well? And the fact that small arms inflict low damage is intended. It's the tradeoff for having no utility.

It was the carrier versus two squads of Volks in yellow cover and the carrier took about 10% damage, but forced both squads of Volks off at 2 models left each. Yeah it was the real deal. The only thing I worry about buffing the Brit early game is how it will affect the OKW match-up.

The whole land grab scheme doesn't quite work so well if they rush a Universal Carrier. It can force off Volk squads and once their units start jumping in houses good luck getting them out. Hopefully the Incendeary grenades coming will help, but right now I think the Brits are actually okay versus OKW, but severely struggle against Ostheer.
6 Sep 2015, 01:34 AM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

It was the carrier versus two squads of Volks in yellow cover and the carrier took about 10% damage, but forced both squads of Volks off at 2 models left each. Yeah it was the real deal. The only thing I worry about buffing the Brit early game is how it will affect the OKW match-up.

The whole land grab scheme doesn't quite work so well if they rush a Universal Carrier. It can force off Volk squads and once their units start jumping in houses good luck getting them out. Hopefully the Incendeary grenades coming will help, but right now I think the Brits are actually okay versus OKW, but severely struggle against Ostheer.

so you tell me that bren carrier works only vs OKW volks? well, that unit must suck much
6 Sep 2015, 01:55 AM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 712 | Subs: 2

Maybe the Bren carried having the mg Upgrade stock(making it into a well armored kubel that could chase) as well as having a Target table for snipers would solve aloooot of problems?

1. Removing the vickers upgrade would mean one less upgrade option which takes aways decision making which is always a bad thing in coh2 imo
2. The bren is actually a really good unit vs OKW even without the upgrade. It allows you to dominate the early game due to the lack of fausts. Giving it the vickers from the start would make it completely overpowered vs OKW

6 Sep 2015, 02:13 AM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2015, 01:55 AMGiaA

1. Removing the vickers upgrade would mean one less upgrade option which takes aways decision making which is always a bad thing in coh2 imo
2. The bren is actually a really good unit vs OKW even without the upgrade. It allows you to dominate the early game due to the lack of fausts. Giving it the vickers from the start would make it completely overpowered vs OKW

6 Sep 2015, 02:53 AM
avatar of CelticsREP

Posts: 151

I feel like the Brits have all these great units that can really inflict damage and have some great potential, but are constantly locked due to your MP situation.

We need 250-260 mp IS w/ cheaper reinforce. that would fix alot of issues
6 Sep 2015, 04:05 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

The Universal Carrier actually puts a really good hurt on Volks, their rifles don't even dent it and that stock MG mows them down one model at a time. Yes, against Faust from Grens it stinks, but it can punish early Volks effectively.

here's a tip on dealing with UC: flank it. The bren gun is fixed foward and the rear armor is weaker. At the least you can put it out of commission until they get a sapper, by which point you should have a raketen and schreck. .
6 Sep 2015, 04:47 AM
avatar of dbmb

Posts: 122 | Subs: 2

I agree with Barton's points.

I however strongly believe buffing the Brit sniper is not the answer. Perhaps the Ostheer sniper needs a re-camo time nerf to allow for countersnipes.

There is a huge manpower issue for brits in 1v1. You feel like you have the answer to everything, you just don't have a chance to use it.

After wasp, glider, croc and bofors are nerfed, Brits will be in the dark age.
6 Sep 2015, 05:02 AM
avatar of Tristan44

Posts: 915

Fix Brit sniper.. Bren carrier small damage increase.. IS small cost decrease... Nerf bofors and commandos.. Let infantry shoot out of bren (WTF WHY DOESNT IT NOW??!) and leave tanks as is.. Maybe a small decrease in timing when infantry call arty, it takes to long to me right now

There is your balance relic.. Simple and easy to bring Brits out of cheese.
Ost mortars an okw mortars constantly wipe Brits, anyone else notice this
6 Sep 2015, 05:12 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2015, 04:47 AMdbmb
I agree with Barton's points.

I however strongly believe buffing the Brit sniper is not the answer. Perhaps the Ostheer sniper needs a re-camo time nerf to allow for countersnipes.

There is a huge manpower issue for brits in 1v1. You feel like you have the answer to everything, you just don't have a chance to use it.

After wasp, glider, croc and bofors are nerfed, Brits will be in the dark age.

a 6 seconds recloak time is simply too long. You could argue that 3 seconds is more reasonable recloak for the ost sniper but the british would still be stuck at 6 seconds recloak time.
6 Sep 2015, 05:22 AM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

looks like aim time on brits sniper is longer than ost sniper recloak, if so then it means that brit sniper is NOT meant to countersnipe but to kill normal infantry only :snfBarton:
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