Sign up here for Operation Charlie Fox with this information:
- Steam Alias
- 17-digit Steam ID#
On tourney day, you must use the exact Steam Alias that you use in this sign-up post. Smurfing is not allowed. Please make your Steam Alias similar to your name on coh2.org to reduce confusion. If you are having trouble finding your 17-digit SteamID64, try this website: https://steamid.io/ -- we will not accept your Steam ID in any other format. The Registration period ends and this thread will be locked on Friday, September 18th, at midnight GMT. You can view our Registration Speadsheet on Googledocs, which will be updated occasionally over the next two weeks. Thanks, and good luck, have fun!
Steam Alias: AmiPolizeiFunk
Steam ID#: 76561197993926044
For your convenience, please copy this code into your post:
Steam Alias: YourInGameName
Steam ID#: Your17digitSteamID