kv1 tied to tier 4
fuel cost decrease to 130 (correct me if im wrong but it can defeat panzer or they are in very same line)
kv8 tied to tier4
fuel cost decrese to 120
kv2 tied to tier 4
manpower cost decreased to 500
(also we need to fix windustry but this thread is not about it)
lend lease sherman tied to tier 4
fuel cost decrease to 130
lend lease call in m5 should stay the same , otherwise it must bee tied to tier 3 and it will loose its point completely (now it loose it point only in 95 %)
is2 tied to hq after building all tiers
cost decrease to 220 fuel
CP requirements 10
isu152 tied to hq after building all tiers
cost decrease to 245 fuel
CP requirements 10

Command panzer tied to tier 3
puma will be unlocked in tier 2 after researching batlle phase 2
so it will come not soon as scout car but will come a lot faster than tanks and often faster than 5 CP
tiger tied to tier 4
will be unlocked in hq after researching Battle phase 3
CP requiremnts 10
will be unlocked in hq after researching battle phase 3
CP requiremnts 11
mortar halftrack tied to tier2
cost decrease to 35 fuel
mechanized greandier group and mechiized panzegrenadiers group tied to tier 2
cost desrease to 25 fuel
stug e tied to tier 3
tiger ace tied to hq after building at least tier 3 or tier 4 + researched all battle phases
CP requiremnts 13

Sturmtiger tied to tier 4
Tiger 2 limited at only one at field in time (like is2 and tiger now)
command pather tied to tier 4
cost decrease to 190 fuel
jagtiger tied to hq after building all tiers
fuel cost decrease to 280
oswind tied to hq after building 2 tiers

m10 tied to tier 4
buldozer tied to tier 4
cost decrease to 125 fuel
greyhound tied to hq after building tier 2 or tier 3 (captain or liehtenaunt)
halftruck from mechanized doctrine tied to hq after building tier 2 or tier 3 (captain or liehtenaunt)
EDIT : make some changes from other posts , now it looks more balanced