Again, how much health you want the T70 to have? Other light tanks? Other light vehicles?
Light scoutcars die to 2 AT gun shots (1+ some extra damage)
HT dies to 2 At gun shots. They are not meant to "solo" push.
Light tanks dies to 3* (T70 as i said before has recon and vet which let it see further beyond and crew repair for "quick saves").
Medium tanks dies to 4
Right now by timing, versatiliy and specially firepower, the T70 shouldn't get +10/+80 hp.
I'm going offtopic here.
Highly skilled FPS players don't like it when games drastically reduce the TTK".
You talk about high skill players and then you back up with:
"in the hands of a average player it feels more like a medium ttk game like cod or BF"
The analogy was bad. Accept it. I'm out of touch with BF4 but last time i regularly played, it was still 4/5 bullets (not counting headshots which they increased the damage modifier on the last patches) and around .4s TTK. BF3 was even lower (Slugs + Magnum + M16/Aek)
Medium TTK FPS are Planetside 2 (gl killing a heavy with shield and medkits) and Dirty Bomb.
Realistic games such as Arma or RO put more emphasis on long range low TTK.
So we go back into vCoh nostalgia. Even then, i haven't seen those guys agreeing with YOU in the this thread or in the sense that COH2 needs these changes. So your criteria now is top 10, good, again, i haven't seen Jesulin, Omgpop, Simon (Aimstrong?), Luvnest or any other "elite" player complaining about it.
PD: infantry dies on 2s to grenades and we are not complaining. (Elite infantry throwing)
PD2: i somehow got top 40 as SU and AT top3

Who cares about ranking, but don't make your opinion "plural" by assuming that "top players" also agree with your opinion.
I brought that up since you wrote this:
Top players agree with my logic, but here come all the average and below players complaining because they aren't very good at killing light vehicles"