
russian armor

Feature Wishlist

13 Aug 2015, 07:51 AM
avatar of Cyanara

Posts: 769 | Subs: 1

Hi all,

I just wanted to jot down a few feature ideas that I think the game could really use. Feel free to suggest some of your own, but preferably avoid stuff that strongly relates to balance and bugs. There are other threads for those. Probably helps to keep them realistic as well.

In-game Opponent Commander Details

The loading screen is the only place that you can see what commanders your opponent has. This is time limited, and given the resource-intensive nature of a loading game, often laggy.

With the vast number of commanders available (namely for the vanilla factions) it stands to reason that people should be able to look at a player's commander loadout at any point in the match and check what doctrinal units/abilities they've seen against it to determine what to possibly expect. There's even already a perfect spot for it not being used in the toggleable player list cards.

Figure 1
Copy this.

Figure 2

And include it somewhere next to the name here, complete with drop-down details on hover.

I'm really not sure why this isn't already a thing, and on the face of it I can't imagine it would be difficult. It's unreasonable to expect casual players to memorise all the commander abilities. Bulletins could be included as well, but they're not really a priority.

Squad spacing controls

Certain squads just insist on bunching up insanely tight. This is particularly the case with expensive 4-man squads, such as panzergrenadiers. Considering that panzergrenadiers can be made even more expensive with a 120 munition panzerschrek upgrade, their lack of spacing is pretty infuriating. A single tank shell is sometimes all it takes to destroy a huge investment when they're supposed to be a counter to tanks.

Suggestion: Add a button or two that allows you to cycle through squad spacing sizes(for all squad types) or perhaps even change formation. The mouse wheel strikes me as ideal, but obviously that has an existing use.

On a similar note, Relic could stand to drastically reduce the current distance value that 'snaps' infantry to positions in cover. I don't know why it was introduced and I find it to be a significant impediment to good micro.

Forward Retreat Points for Vanilla Armies

Relic did put up a poll regarding this at one point, but the game was in such a broken state at the time that nobody really saw it as a priority. That said, it's a bright new day and I can't recall the last time I found the game so fun. With that in mind, this seems like a good time to revisit the idea.

The 4-man nature of so many Ostheer squads makes retreating particularly relevant. You stand a much higher chance of losing your whole squad if you don't retreat in a lot of situations. Given the size of many team maps, retreating can get tedious pretty quickly as Ostheer or Soviets. I think there are probably some creative ways in which retreat points could be implemented. Nominating one of your (command) bunkers as Ostheer would make a lot of sense.

Suggestions Made in Comments Below That I Particularly Liked

Map Sorting

The maps are a mess to navigate.

Fallback Point Spread Out

Reduces risk of artillery wipes, and also units being stuck in retreat mode until you move other units at the retreat point.

Customisable Hotkeys

Just a standard PC gaming feature, really.

13 Aug 2015, 08:42 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

  • Map sorting. I've wanted this since release, even back when there were barely any maps. Now it's a nightmare to navigate them, especially if you have tons of Steam workshop maps. There is no way to sort by game size, official vs. community, season, or anything. A search bar would also be nice. The modding hub has been a great edition, so I'd love to see this be the next step.
  • A way to see inventory slots. This would be especially useful for USF. Trading weapons would also be really handy, even if it were only for the US.
  • Native voices. This has been talked about to death and I understand there are technical restraints, but I'm going to say it anyway.
  • Customizable hotkeys. Well, really, the only hotkey I want to even change is reverse gear. U is such an awful key for that. Change that to V and I can forgo everything else.
  • A random faction option- options for Random Allies, Random Axis, or Random All
  • A HUD size option. Apparently there is one now but it doesn't seem to work.
  • Better framerate :P
13 Aug 2015, 09:03 AM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

really good ones kothre and Cyanara, the only one I don´t like is FRP for vanilla armies, because affects directly balance....I don´t think every army has to have the same tools....USF Heavy anyone????? non-doc OKW machinge gun anyone???

Really nice suggestions mates.

Just to name another one, a "mute" option for the chat ingame, so if you want it, you can ignore comments from others players in that match (sometimes is not funny how others calling names to you and so on...)

13 Aug 2015, 09:50 AM
avatar of Cyanara

Posts: 769 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2015, 09:03 AMFul4n0
the only one I don´t like is FRP for vanilla armies, because affects directly balance....

Yeah, it would certainly have to be play tested to see how it changes things. I suggest it mostly because of how tedious retreating units and bringing them back onto the field can be on larger/longer maps. I feel like that directly affects the fun of the game.

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2015, 09:03 AMFul4n0
Just to name another one, a "mute" option for the chat ingame, so if you want it, you can ignore comments from others players in that match (sometimes is not funny how others calling names to you and so on...)

Haha, yes. I can totally get behind that :p Unfortunately Relic stated that the integration of Steam chat was making that really hard for them to do. Hence we have the censor. That said, the censor could use an on/off button at the very least. Maybe a customisable filter to let people make it more effective.
13 Aug 2015, 10:11 AM
avatar of Whoa

Posts: 64

  • Medic upgrade at base HQ building for all factions.

  • Fallback point changed to an area where squads arrive spread out. /stuka/arty/commander powers etc...

  • Base buildings rebuilt in base zone cost only Manpower or just need to be repaired like with USF.

  • Auto-reinforce /reinforcement overwatch (optional, so you can have fun instead of clicking/pressing), certainly want to reinforce my Max Veterancy level units with all upgrades /DoW2

    :)These would require effort:

    Enciclopedia: all units stats / community tips-tricks-videos

    Army Painter: Skins/Custom colors for infantry/vehicles/buildings, optionally separately customizable. /PvP with 'realistic' color palette
13 Aug 2015, 12:10 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

I would add whole list of abilites which need to be reworked.

  • Blitzkrieg. Offensive ability which is used to run away. Get out of jail when you have almost no health and something is chasing you. There are many ways how to fix it.
    Detecting if vehicle is moving forward is not, at least from what Ive heard, easy to making it usable only when moving forward is not good solution, but whan if we make it passive, something like radio net for Sherman? If 2 tanks are close to each other, speed is going up 15-20% + some bonuses in realod/accuracy maybe.
  • Panzer Tactician. Second out of the jail ability. Suggestet many times, let it be cheaper (only one smoke nade but quite big one) version of Sherman smoke which can be used also offensive.
  • Relief Infantry - to be honest I have never seen good usage of this ability. Prove me I'm wrong and this ability is useful. I propose, pay 100ammo for 30sec cheaper reinforcing. Each model costs 30% less whicle active.
  • Railway artillery. The most weird ability. Greatly used against field targets (Brits) but currently we don't have Brits and SU/USF lack of such emplacement. Red flares, over 10sec to drops, cannot scratch anything near to it, insane cost. Remove red flares, keep 10+sec drop and increase sound of coming shells so it's more like Stuka dive bomb.
  • Sector Artillery. Again, insane cost and very, very situational ability. It may be useful 1/20 games. Make it more similar to Zeroing. 300 ammo just to make enemy go back from your sector is too much.
  • Panzwer Werfer barrage. It's useless at max range but wipe machine at close range. I would increase its cost but in exchange make it 400HP and armor immue to small fire. This would make it close range, durable artillery.
  • Target Weak Point - no counter play against this ability. Truly OP. Once people said Button is OP, if so, TWP is even more OP than prenerfed button.

  • Molotovs. bring old crit back for this nade. Currently useless and hidden behind expensive upgrade.
  • Secure mode. good thing on tanks like T70 or T34 but IS2? KV2? Come on... Need to be replaced with somethinf else
  • PPSh package. This isn't best upgrade. Maybe give them 4/5 instead of 3?
  • M-42 AT Gun. This is really laughtable. Of course, it sometimes allows to counter light vehicles but overall it's useless and it makes Defensive Tactic even more useless. Enough to say that Wehrmacht gets Pak43. Replace it with high CP moble AT gun or some emplacement.
  • Forward Headquater - it's really retarded than you can run with Engis straight into building next to enemy's base and make it as HQ. Make it avaible only in frendly territory but in exchange give it forward retreat point.
  • IL-2 Sturmovnik. Definetly needs a buff. Uselles against vehicles and medicore at max agasint infantry.
  • Soviet Industry - really bad ability with current state of the game. Make it like OKW conversion with 2min cooldown.
  • KV-2. There are plenty ways how to fix this unit. Barrage mode adds "hull down" so any damage are reduced by 30-40% with keeping 800HP or give it 1280HP. Also add reload bonuses with vet.
  • Partisants/Irregulars - they need love as well.
  • M5 Quad - should not shred SC or Flak in second. I'd suggest lowering rate of fire so the time between burst is bit longer so it won't suppress everything in seconds.
  • B-4. Too much RNG involved. It can wipe everything, or hit nothing. Make it like Pak43 with slower reload, slower rotation, without shooting through everything, but with vet ability to use it like barrage - while on cooldown, it cannot shoot normally.

US Forces:
  • WC51. Cost of this unit is too big when compare to M20 and Kubel.
  • Combat Group. 7CP, 900MP and AT gun without crew. Nothing to say more. Remove AT Gun or give the crew. Lower cost to 700, make chances to bazooka/lmg/thompson same and they should come with some veterancy at this stage of the game.
  • Elite Vehicle Crew. The most epic ability. Should be completly removed or changed somehow to by useful.
  • Defensive Stance. Should be usable only when out of combat.

Oberkommando West:
  • Sturmtiger. Mobile B-4 with precision strike. Reduce range to 40 or keep it but remove ability to shooting throught everything so you must find clear way to shoot.
  • Kubel detection. Should cost some ammo, lust like Scout Car's
  • Raketen camo+priority. Crew should nor engage with rifles.
  • JPIV camofluage. Dissapearing in front of enging tanks? Cannot be used during combat but in exchange some bonuses for the first attack from camo.

13 Aug 2015, 12:56 PM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

Yes, squad spacing is a major issue. When you tell a squad to cap a point they all clip into each other. And when you tell a weapon team like a a maxim to go into cover, only the man operating the MG should be in cover. The rest of the crew should stay behind, otherwise a single can wipe the entire crew.

Also what's with the Panzer IV's gun, it is insanely good vs infantry. It often kills 3+ infantry with one shot, though if Relic finally fixed squad spacing this wouldn't be an issue.
13 Aug 2015, 13:25 PM
avatar of Junaid

Posts: 509

Yeah they should use the brit squad spacing
13 Aug 2015, 13:41 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

One request: For OKW, when you upgrade the T2 building for FRP, you should no longer be required to give the command to actualy establish the FRP. I mean, that is why you upgrade it, so the FRP should be establish automatically, when the upgrade is done. It's annoying if you forget to do it. You should still be able to cancel it if needed, but no more manual toggling after upgrade is finished please. I've been asking this for months >:(.
13 Aug 2015, 13:55 PM
avatar of samich

Posts: 205

agree with all OPs features.

Squad spacing option could be really simple, just narrow (as now) or relaxed (wider). Job done.

I'd like to be able to reinforce from the tactical map screen.

Some kind of marker to show which squad is shouting at you would be nice to. Could be useful if someone shouts grenade and you have fights on a few different fronts.

13 Aug 2015, 15:16 PM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2015, 13:41 PMJohnnyB
One request: For OKW, when you upgrade the T2 building for FRP, you should no longer be required to give the command to actualy establish the FRP. I mean, that is why you upgrade it, so the FRP should be establish automatically, when the upgrade is done. It's annoying if you forget to do it. You should still be able to cancel it if needed, but no more manual toggling after upgrade is finished please. I've been asking this for months >:(.

maybe then we could ask too for USF Vehicle crew to get inside the vehicle automatically after repairs are finished, and engineers moving away after building a mine, and smoke in sherman not stopping the tank so you have to order it to move just after triggering smoke and.....

Why do you want to make the game less micro-intensive?? making the game so easy is not good IMHO.
13 Aug 2015, 15:26 PM
avatar of Rimadljod

Posts: 34

Thread will turn into a balance discussion thread.
13 Aug 2015, 16:32 PM
avatar of YouGetGot

Posts: 71

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2015, 08:42 AMKothre
  • Map sorting. I've wanted this since release, even back when there were barely any maps. Now it's a nightmare to navigate them, especially if you have tons of Steam workshop maps. There is no way to sort by game size, official vs. community, season, or anything. A search bar would also be nice. The modding hub has been a great edition, so I'd love to see this be the next step.

Map selection as a nightmare is an understatement. This would be so simple with even a few click boxes.

The other thing is when I'm setting up a customized game, and selecting Axis, make the default opposite team Allies (not a right side, left side thing)
13 Aug 2015, 17:15 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2015, 07:51 AMCyanara

Squad spacing controls

Certain squads just insist on bunching up insanely tight. This is particularly the case with expensive 4-man squads, such as panzergrenadiers. Considering that panzergrenadiers can be made even more expensive with a 120 munition panzerschrek upgrade, their lack of spacing is pretty infuriating. A single tank shell is sometimes all it takes to destroy a huge investment when they're supposed to be a counter to tanks.

Suggestion: Add a button or two that allows you to cycle through squad spacing sizes(for all squad types) or perhaps even change formation. The mouse wheel strikes me as ideal, but obviously that has an existing use.

On a similar note, Relic could stand to drastically reduce the current distance value that 'snaps' infantry to positions in cover. I don't know why it was introduced and I find it to be a significant impediment to good micro.

Any time a unit is stationary the models should seek cover, the moment the unit moves it should spread out. Simple.

But if you wanted to get fancy:

Make the default stance "cover-seeking"
Add a hotkey that toggles the unit to spread formation
Double-tapping the hotkey makes the unit quickly scatter to dodge grenades
1-3 second cool-down on the double-tap to stop shenanigans
13 Aug 2015, 22:01 PM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

You know what else would be nice? Numbers. I'd love to see actual numerical values for health, vet, damage, accuracy, range, etc. I mean, why not? There's plenty of space on the UI for it.

I'd like a new BAR sound. It sounds like wet ping pong balls. It doesn't sound intimidating at all.
14 Aug 2015, 08:42 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Aug 2015, 15:16 PMFul4n0

maybe then we could ask too for USF Vehicle crew to get inside the vehicle automatically after repairs are finished, and engineers moving away after building a mine, and smoke in sherman not stopping the tank so you have to order it to move just after triggering smoke and.....

Why do you want to make the game less micro-intensive?? making the game so easy is not good IMHO.

The examples you gave have nothing to do with the FRP feature. Related to vehicle crew repair at USF, if you like the game being so micro intensive then I propose that when crew exits the tank, the player must give the order to repair, not automatically crew repairs the vehicle. See? I can shoot too ya know, cause I know my game.

Again, what you said have no relation whatsoever with my request. So have a nice warm cup of STFU.
14 Aug 2015, 08:57 AM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

Ok, if you think crews shouldn´t start repairing by themself, nice, ask for it, this is not going to make the game easier so even my dog can play it.

I was just asking for reasons.....but you see, you are a fucking retard that is not able to have a nice conversation...

STFU???? better start doing it by yourself.

What an idiot....

14 Aug 2015, 09:22 AM
avatar of Carlos Danger

Posts: 362

1) Option to desaturate the game's colours. I want the Janusz Kaminski look without having to use Nvidia control panel or the AMD whatever.
2) The unit icons in the top-right corner should include little popups (similar to the ones that appear if units are idle or in combat) that indicate that a unit is capping a point. Instead, the current list often makes it appear that my infantry are idle when they're actually busy capping stuff.
3) Traditional FXAA/MSAA options in the graphics menu rather than just an overgeneralized "anti-aliasing" option.
4) Customizable hotkeys.
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