There is a case for adding a basic mortar to USF, but Sherman's aren't anymore paper than non-skirted PIV's, or T34's (76 and 85). All basic mediums are pretty much always going to be penned by dedicated AT platforms.
Riflemen's expensive cost is justified early in the game were they have a clear advantage, not later in the game were they don't. Adding a supply depot as others have suggested would be the best way to go about things.
After the .50 is unfucked I don't really think USF will have an issue with Shrek blobs, but then again I beat USF players without using shreks so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some crap mortar won't kill MG pak walls. It will honestly just die to the German mortar or a rifle nade. A katyusha like unit is required as allies late game. You never see late game soviets without a katyusha, because they know damn well they don't stand a chance otherwise.
The difference between p4 and Sherman and their Anti tank counters is massive. P4 doesn't have to deal with shreks. P4 doesn't have to deal with TWP and autopen(not talking about or considering soviets at all regarding this part of my post
P4 doesn't have to deal with panthers, P4 doesn't have to deal with... Anything from USF really except a paper Jackson, or bad RNG vs a Sherman,
And when a pak or even something as trivial as a Faust hit is considered alongside this, there's no contest as to which dies faster or easier...
57mm is a good repellant. not a finisher.
And there's nothing wrong with the 50 cal... Getting it rifle naded is a L2P issue... Screen and spot,if it still dies, they still retreated, recrew and move on.
it's amazing, not on its own, but supported. But judging by our last forum war with the MG34, of course you think the 50 is weak.

Riflemen are just fine. They are great honestly..Again, when they have to initiate the contact and take all the damage (unless you spam smoke according to relic

)then they bleed way more then they have to.
If there's a Pershing to initiate actual contact, and a calliope to soften, things get way easier instantly...I'm not asking the Pershing to one shot elefants from 60 range, but I need something to take a hit.
Right now the closest thing to "taking a hit" as USF is spamming a bunch of m10 or having a massive fuel advantage and a lot of Sherman's.