
russian armor

CAS Axis cmrd is by far the best cmdr for team games (3vs3+)

6 Jul 2015, 15:20 PM
avatar of Switzerland
Donator 33

Posts: 545

Johhny B even argues with the almighty Cruzz. What a fool. CAS is BS.
6 Jul 2015, 15:25 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Howitzers being able to slowly move is a good idea outside of making them able ( if your paying attention) to avoid bombing strikes
6 Jul 2015, 15:39 PM
avatar of Snipester
Patrion 39

Posts: 102

Am I the only one that doesn't play CAS, not because it's cheesy, but because it's so unbearably boring?

Anyway, this thing is much like the old B4, destroying all of your units with very low risk to your opponent (just muni drain) and with little counter play. At least you can Stuka the B4, but CAS AT strafe is nearly impossible to shoot down on the first pass.

That being said, I find it hilarious that the same people who defended the old B4 are now complaining about CAS.
6 Jul 2015, 16:01 PM
avatar of Switzerland
Donator 33

Posts: 545

Comparing a one trick pony gun that hasn't been popular in two patches, with a magician commander that 9/10 wher players use? Excellent comparison. CAS needs to change severely or go.
6 Jul 2015, 16:14 PM
avatar of Snipester
Patrion 39

Posts: 102

Comparing a one trick pony gun that hasn't been popular in two patches, with a magician commander that 9/10 wher players use? Excellent comparison. CAS needs to change severely or go.

Yes, I'm comparing the two.

As I stated previously, the old B4 and current CAS had/has A. little to no counter play and B. the ability to inflict massive casualties on the opponent with little to no consequence of the user, such that you could use precision strike or CAS AT strafe and just laugh as it destroys whatever you target.

B4 was nerfed because it was stupid and surely CAS will be too.
6 Jul 2015, 16:36 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

For 3v3 or 4v4 maps, Esxile could be right though a teching to T4 and build of much more powerfull units from there would have better impact. One Panther may have a little impact, but one P IV will have zero impact on this kind of game. The only problem in 3v3 and 4v4 is the map size, you can relay on vehicles to be able to reach far points when you are needed but your opponent can pick a propaganda artilery doctrine for instance which is uncounterable and make you walk the map forever while not being able to participate at engagements where you are needed or efficiently cap. Supporting your mates only with air strikes won't be enough plus you can't properly support them if you use fuel for other things. And air strikes become available since middle game. Untill then, if you have verry good opponents, you can even lose map control. By the way, these are the disadvantages of CAS and due to them CAS can be counterplayed.

For 2v2s don't even bother with teching more than Tier2. After T2 convert ALL your fuel and equip ALL your infantry with weapons. A sdkfz for reinforcing on the field while moving is perfect. Pzgrens with shrecks, grens with lmgs. Mines, air strikes + the ultimate blob. Your team mate must build vehicles to compensate.

Does this answer to your question?

no, in 3v3+, esxile IS right.

propaganda? now that is only effective against blobs not like your own AI strafe suppressing/pinning everything in one screen length.

supporting your teammate with air strikes is enough and especially if you have tanks to support, too.

and yes, if you get a very good opponent (better than you considerably), you lose. hard though, map being tight and shit most of the time, 3 mg42s can shut down 1/3 of the map most of the time.

"By the way, these are the disadvantages of CAS and due to them CAS can be counterplayed." your listed couter/counterplays are jokes and cruzz proves why.

pff. i can't see how not teching to t3 is a good thing. more variety = better. i know CAS doesn't have that high of a skill ceiling because it is so fuckin easy to use it but the easiest CAS users to outplay are the ones who only build inf and blob.
6 Jul 2015, 16:38 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

Am I the only one that doesn't play CAS, not because it's cheesy, but because it's so unbearably boring?

Anyway, this thing is much like the old B4, destroying all of your units with very low risk to your opponent (just muni drain) and with little counter play. At least you can Stuka the B4, but CAS AT strafe is nearly impossible to shoot down on the first pass.

That being said, I find it hilarious that the same people who defended the old B4 are now complaining about CAS.

The old B4 at least had some trade-offs, because it doesn't have any good armor and if someone built a B4 within walking stuka range of the front line, it would get decrewed constantly and not able to get to Vet 1, which limited its usefulness. CAS still has access to Panthers. It also didn't hard-counter a lot of doctrines like CAS (which ensures that allies can't have on-map arty). It was over-nerfed to the point that nobody would use it anyway, even if Relic hadn't gone full retard and gave everyone CAS.

How about instead of nerfing CAS, we make a USF doctrine that has the same fuel to muni conversion, buffs the P47 to the same damage as the AT strafe, includes IR pathfinders, recon, and a suppression strafe. A mirrored commander would have to be fair, right?

6 Jul 2015, 16:50 PM
avatar of HolyUnlyrical_Lyrics

Posts: 120

Permanently Banned
I like CAS.
6 Jul 2015, 17:01 PM
avatar of Snipester
Patrion 39

Posts: 102

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Jul 2015, 16:38 PMGrumpy
The old B4 at least had some trade-offs, because it doesn't have any good armor and if someone built a B4 within walking stuka range of the front line, it would get decrewed constantly and not able to get to Vet 1, which limited its usefulness. CAS still has access to Panthers. It also didn't hard-counter a lot of doctrines like CAS (which ensures that allies can't have on-map arty).

I'll agree that it's more vulnerable, but good players don't build it in range of a Walking Stuka. Let's not forget that the B4 doesn't have the red smoke along with a relatively short (I want to say 45 seconds?) reload time.

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Jul 2015, 16:38 PMGrumpy
How about instead of nerfing CAS, we make a USF doctrine that has the same fuel to muni conversion, buffs the P47 to the same damage as the AT strafe, includes IR pathfinders, recon, and a suppression strafe. A mirrored commander would have to be fair, right?

Like I said earlier, CAS is just as broken, maybe moreso, than the B4 before the nerf. It seems like you think I'm defending CAS, which is entirely not the case. B4 was OP, got nerfed. CAS is OP, will get nerfed.
6 Jul 2015, 17:13 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Comparing a one trick pony gun that hasn't been popular in two patches, with a magician commander that 9/10 wher players use? Excellent comparison. CAS needs to change severely or go.

+1 lmao.

Relic please nerf this BS axis crutch commander now. I really do not want to have to wait even another week for this to be abused every time OST can't win by microing their real units.
6 Jul 2015, 17:15 PM
avatar of Switzerland
Donator 33

Posts: 545

The B4 is one unit in a commander that leads you nowhere, comparing it to several broken abilities in a commander is dumb. B4 had counter play, recon and bomb, go find it with support, park units behind buildings. Still a silly unit with precision strike but now useless anyway.

CAS you cannot hide you cannot shoot down in time and cannot prevent, B4 was frustrating but was nowhere near the influence on a game this has. CAS doesn't tie up your MP into buying a gun, which can and was easily reconnoitred and destroyed. The B4 isn't built anymore so it's a dead comparison even with 3 of the scatter bulletins it doesn't hit anything, 9/10 players do seem to use CAS however.

If we're going to play the "Funny how player complained about" game why isn't it funny that axis players whined about the old IL2 strafe and this is fine.
6 Jul 2015, 17:25 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

The B4 is one unit in a commander that leads you nowhere, comparing it to several broken abilities in a commander is dumb. B4 had counter play, recon and bomb, go find it with support, park units behind buildings. Still a silly unit with precision strike but now useless anyway.

CAS you cannot hide you cannot shoot down in time and cannot prevent, B4 was frustrating but was nowhere near the influence on a game this has. CAS doesn't tie up your MP into buying a gun, which can and was easily reconnoitred and destroyed. The B4 isn't built anymore so it's a dead comparison even with 3 of the scatter bulletins it doesn't hit anything, 9/10 players do seem to use CAS however.

If we're going to play the "Funny how player complained about" game why isn't it funny that axis players whined about the old IL2 strafe and this is fibe.

They use it because they can be completely losing the early to mid game being out played and out microed then the magical CAS bullshit starts and slowly drains your map control and negates all the unit preservation that you have done/been rewarded through good micro by a few clicks.

b4 is 10 times different and ALWAYS was very counter able. Not CAS just axis crutch/abuse tool.
6 Jul 2015, 17:36 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

How about instead of comparing apples to oranges and insulting each other with he said she said bullshit you guys just agree on what ABOUT CAS needs to be nerfed?

I swear to god every day it's a never ending stream of non-committal melt down posts about how [insert x] is the worst/best thing ever with absolutely 0 ideas how to make it better or worse.
6 Jul 2015, 17:37 PM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

Alex for lead balancer
6 Jul 2015, 17:44 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

alex starting to get reasonable?


6 Jul 2015, 17:47 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

How about instead of comparing apples to oranges and insulting each other with he said she said bullshit you guys just agree on what ABOUT CAS needs to be nerfed?

I swear to god every day it's a never ending stream of non-committal melt down posts about how [insert x] is the worst/best thing ever with absolutely 0 ideas how to make it better or worse.

Muniton conversion needs changed so it cannot be used instantly or by decision with a penalty would solve most of it.

AI strafe AOE needs lowered

AT strafe damage needs lowered so that it cannot one shot multiple full hp mediums.

Stuka dive bomb I don't know what to do about really guess make it so there is a chance the plane could be shot down other than that I'm not too worried about it I can micro around it, harder to do when it can be spammed though as you have to dodge it like 5 or more times in a match and one slip up can be game changing.

CD's for one of the above are linked with the others I.E. can't call AI strafe pining my vehicle crews repairing then call stukka dive bomb on the vehicles that now cannot be moved or recrewed due to AI strafe one call in right after another bullshit from the same player.
6 Jul 2015, 17:51 PM
avatar of Arclyte

Posts: 692

I think CAS is broken on a fundamental level

CoH has never been about aircraft. Yea, it had a few call in planes here and there and "AA" vehicles (IE: anti-infantry vehicles), but it was never meant to have aircraft as a common enemy. (especially considering Axis aren't penalized when they get shot down)

I appreciate the devs thinking outside the box and giving this commander a shot, but it's not working, and I don't see a way to salvage it.
6 Jul 2015, 17:55 PM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

I think CAS is broken on a fundamental level

CoH has never been about aircraft. Yea, it had a few call in planes here and there and "AA" vehicles (IE: anti-infantry vehicles), but it was never meant to have aircraft as a common enemy. (especially considering Axis aren't penalized when they get shot down)

I appreciate the devs thinking outside the box and giving this commander a shot, but it's not working, and I don't see a way to salvage it.

Airborne vs PE was so skillplane
Luftwaffe vs Armor was so skillplane
6 Jul 2015, 17:57 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Okay; so here is a couple of things that could be changed:

- Pin strafe becoming a AI + suppression strafe meaning it can damage and suppress infantry (for 80 munitions) instead of just pinning them. This would make it similar to the IL-2 AI strafe

- Conversion becoming PASSIVE, this means like Soviet Industry at 3 CP you are locked into getting less fuel for more munitions so you can't just back out and still make tanks. Nope you are now limited on fuel and you BETTER make good use of those strafes

- AT strafe doing less damage but over a wider area: So while it won't 1 shot multiple mediums it will damage a horde of tanks the opponent is refusing to move because he doesn't want to micro his shit

- Stuka bomb strike isn't an issue (it's on a LOT of commanders), personally I think howitzers should be able to move but that's just me.

Really the most problematic thing is the conversion, after/if that's fixed the rest could follow as tweaks.

6 Jul 2015, 18:22 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

Okay; so here is a couple of things that could be changed:

- Pin strafe becoming a AI + suppression strafe meaning it can damage and suppress infantry (for 80 munitions) instead of just pinning them. This would make it similar to the IL-2 AI strafe

- Conversion becoming PASSIVE, this means like Soviet Industry at 3 CP you are locked into getting less fuel for more munitions so you can't just back out and still make tanks. Nope you are now limited on fuel and you BETTER make good use of those strafes

- AT strafe doing less damage but over a wider area: So while it won't 1 shot multiple mediums it will damage a horde of tanks the opponent is refusing to move because he doesn't want to micro his shit

- Stuka bomb strike isn't an issue (it's on a LOT of commanders), personally I think howitzers should be able to move but that's just me.

Really the most problematic thing is the conversion, after/if that's fixed the rest could follow as tweaks.

I agree that it should be passive, but think it should work like the OKW fuel/muni exchange (1 lost fp gets 2 muni's at most, maybe less). If it was just a percentage of the total, some of us would build nothing but ammo caches and get a big increase in ammo for only a small decrease in fuel and it would probably still be OP.

The stuka dive bomb needs to not work on on-map arty. Even just removing the recon would just mean that another player would have to have recon.
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