He stated that it was pre Alpha, he's green so he has my trust
But thank you for your thoughts nevertheless!
This is why I explained how to access it. The Official Mod Tools was released with an Official Archive Viewer now allows anyone access to the information. Using our beloved Janne252's UI Asset Viewer you can find the Portrait placeholders and Icons that have been made for the pershing (they are not finished yet).
I must've read over it, my bad.
Considering the subject at hand now might be a good time to announce information that I have been sitting on for a while now. There are other things that have been finished, though not officially announced there are a variety of things in the files. Things like the Portraits and Icons for the Calliope.
That's interesting, especially because it goes against the current rules of mobile artillery, which are generally fragile units. The most durable being the Stuka and Priest. Yet this is a Medium Tank with long-range rockets attached. The T27 Xylophone would better fit the current standard:

(It's a series of rocket launcher frames mounted on cargo trucks.)
Pershing haters are mostly axis only players. Forum crusade for easy play as axis in team games.
I'm a "Pershing hater" because it's being chosen over the Jumbo, despite playing a significantly smaller role in the war. The Jumbo was out there smashing heads before the Pershing left the testing grounds! I'm sad to see it overlooked in favor of something that wasn't even in Europe during the game's given time frame (Battle of the Bulge).