1v1 blob on rust faggot
wtf did you just say about me, you little n00b? your rear echelon troops are using noobtubes in fighting positions, aren't they? and you think your clan can defeat my clan, kek m8. your allied infantry persistently wants to knife my troops with commando bulletin and tactical mosin while i try to keep distance. and when fukken double snipers hardscope my forces u just use il130 or loitering stuka gunner. u think that double bar18 isn't for newbz? ur wrong, kid. i just sent u an invite for 1v1 on rusteskaya, but remember if you use any other commander abilities than recon, supply package and precision strike ur a n00b, u hear me, n00b. dont even think about tactical ptrs or i'll send my best quickscoper: the 0b3r50ld4t3n. you're dead, kiddo. mark my target and words.