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Relic, the Community, and the NDA

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11 May 2015, 17:55 PM
avatar of Existant
Donator 22

Posts: 284

Lol the password to the alpha forums is out and who woulda guess the username is none other than - admin haha and that password?>? get reall too ez relic... kthx too ez to ez
11 May 2015, 18:19 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

People ITT seriously throwing out the puppetmaster defense for the leak lol
11 May 2015, 18:45 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

it almost makes me wonder if relic are really double agents on our side.

guys, DO NOT ANY UNDER CIRCUMSTANCE, break this dumbfoundingly simple login system and god forbid you share any of this, wink wink, nudge nudge.

'cos it couldn't be that easy if they really cared about security? right? like, they're not that incompetent? right?

have an nda to appease whomever has begrudged it upon them but make it stupid simple to crack/compromise? i mean they haven't come out and said anything yet, they did when it came down to mods, and even that in hindsight i suppose could be construed as forced legalese. is this more of the same?

I have had this suspicion in the past. I mean, did they REALLY put files in the patch a while back that say the name of the new faction in multiple places?! If the NDA is so intense wouldn't the person responsible for that be fired or something? Seems like an easy way to not get blamed by Papa SEGA.

I am in the alpha and I have ------ that aren't supposed to be in it yet. There is no way they are making the same mistake over and over without it being intentional.
11 May 2015, 19:29 PM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

I have had this suspicion in the past. I mean, did they REALLY put files in the patch a while back that say the name of the new faction in multiple places?! If the NDA is so intense wouldn't the person responsible for that be fired or something? Seems like an easy way to not get blamed by Papa SEGA.

I am in the alpha and I have ------ that aren't supposed to be in it yet. There is no way they are making the same mistake over and over without it being intentional.

saturn ringed brodie tin hats, thematically 19/20th century british phrasing, hidden files. etc. like, they're really going out of their way to make allusions and hints. like katitof has said, the free perpetual motion hype machine that only escalates as it gains momentum. like the parcel that's under the christmas tree for 9 months as someone metaphorically mentioned earlier.
12 May 2015, 22:39 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Maybe you're (those leaking/breaking NDA) all fools and Relic set it up this way as an experiment and test for the community. To see who can and cannot be trusted. To see how we'd react as a community in a situation like this?

Food for thought. Anyone breaking NDA/not supposed to be on the alpha forums should probably take a step back and seriously consider if they want to do that.

I don't know that this is some sort of "puppet master" test. But I am 100% positive that Relic we're keenly aware of the implications of a single user name/password. Anyone suggesting they didn't realize what could happen isn't extending Relic enough credit (and is frankly dumb).

As others in this thread have stated. Think about the greater good of the community in cases like this when you act. Is knowing patch notes a little while in advance worth destroying any shred of trust that Relic was placing in us? Unfortunately I think we're well past that point in this case.
20 May 2015, 06:48 AM
avatar of Array
Donator 11

Posts: 609

If screens, video and detail for the new content are widely available then gaming sites will be reluctant to cover the new content losing out on marketingto audience beyond the existing playerbase
20 May 2015, 14:51 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post20 May 2015, 06:48 AMArray
If screens, video and detail for the new content are widely available then gaming sites will be reluctant to cover the new content losing out on marketingto audience beyond the existing playerbase

+1, exactly.

Maybe Relic isn't as dumb as the community seems to think. Imagine that...
20 May 2015, 22:30 PM
avatar of synThrax
Donator 11

Posts: 144

For what i can add here, I was in the Act of Agression closed Beta and there was no NDA.
People are showing their opinions on yt and EUGEN is getting the feedback they wanted.
Yes it was already a Beta no alpha, but there was like no real gameplay video or any other reliable media source out there before it which really shown us how game is meant to be played (or not...).
They are really investigating in feedback now, asking questions from where i get the impression that the directions this game moves is still a bit unclear for the developers.

Just to mention another side of the coin...

How bad can the removal of NDA be for a game that has been out for two years and the only people that are interested is its own community. Attracting new players ? Please...

21 May 2015, 05:58 AM
avatar of Array
Donator 11

Posts: 609

Around 1.5 million coh2 copies sold. the currently engaged playerbase must be a tiny fraction of that therefore there is a lot of people who might buy new content if enthused about it.

I suspect last years Ardennes assault will have appealed to people who saw fury. This year is 70 years since VE so a British army and (I suspect) Britain over the Rhine campaign later this year. could touch a popular nerve.

Relic games havd a long tail (which is why sega bought them) coh1 was still selling 7-8 years on.
21 May 2015, 17:48 PM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

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jump backJump back to quoted post21 May 2015, 05:58 AMArray

Relic games havd a long tail (which is why sega bought them) coh1 was still selling 7-8 years on.

Gee if only it didn't take over a year and several months to get some decent balance into the game. Some of the balance decisions in the patches makes you question whether relic just fired all their employees and hired a bunch of interns to create the patch a week before its release.

Okw never getting fixed for 5 months?

Old windustry and elite troops never being fixed for 2 months.

Old Isu152, old katyusha.

Ostheer being brokenly OP for like the entire first year of the games release.

Current meta game.

Bad patch frequency, on top of questionable patch quality.


Poor amount of active playerbase compared to copies of the game sold. Shows people bought it, but nobody stayed with it.

Makes you wonder, how could a developer that has been making strategy games for years still have such obvious fuck ups. Coh2, isn't what it could of been. If brits release like okw was at wfa, then the games dead. Prepare to see average players drop to around 1000 and never rise up.
21 May 2015, 18:44 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Ostheer was completely OP for the first year of the game? Please... Did you forget about:

HtD ppsh cons that beat everything at all ranges.
Snipers in clown cars.
1000 penetration T34 ram.
Turbo drive su85.
T70 with heavy crush.
Mines 1 shotting full health squads on the regular.
IL2 eraser strafe.
3 man ostheer weapon crews.
The old kv8 that roasted squads instantly and drove faster than they could retreat.
Shall I keep going?

Yes the balance was bad, but you have it completely backwards. If we went back the the original few patches Soviet would have 99% win rate, if not 100%.
21 May 2015, 18:53 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

@CieZ I hope that you do remember that for any soviet imbalance there existed ost imbalance on equally silly level.

Ost scout cars and half trucks that wouldn't go down to anything less then ISU or SU-85.
Old LMGs.
HMGs pinning everything in sight, regardless of the position on the arc.
P4 being able to take on 3-4 T34 as long as it kept reversing.
Vet2 P4 being able to take any number of T34s as long as it kept reversing.
Immortal vet2 PGs mowing down everything.
251 being KV-8 from your description except on 4th minute.
Old pin plane that pinned and murdered everything on the map.
Ultra turbo engine damage blitz.
LEfh permanent barrage.
Old OPels and some more flowers of balance back then.

The game as a whole was pretty horrible back then.
21 May 2015, 19:41 PM
avatar of Mortar
Donator 22

Posts: 559

Invisied several posts that were disrespectful to other community members.

Lets raise the level of discussion fellas.
21 May 2015, 19:48 PM
avatar of ZombieRommel

Posts: 91

Are those who agreed to the NDA bound by it? Yes.

Is Relic's NDA old and antiquated? Yes.

Relic could have avoided this situation by doing away with the NDA, but those who break the NDA are still breaking an agreement, even if it's a crap agreement.

Relic should just do away with the NDA now that much of the info has already been leaked. They are trying to plug their fingers into a dam that already has several holes in it.
21 May 2015, 20:20 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

And yet, with both Ciez and Katitof's examples of how imbalanced the game was in its earlier days, things were so much easier to balance because there weren't USF and OKW completely changing how Ostheer and Soviets interacted.

Soviets and Ostheer were designed to face each other. But the WFA did the same thing that Opposing Fronts did: introduced factions that attempted to reinvent the wheel. The WFA factions, like the British and Panzer Elite, are designed to play against each other, and don't necessarily integrate well against the original factions.

A fifth faction, British no less, is only going to make balancing even harder to accomplish. The easiest way they will mesh with the existing factions is if they bring absolutely nothing new to the table, or if core game mechanics are being overhauled, neither of which are exactly likely possibilities.
31 May 2015, 18:40 PM
avatar of Squeaky Door 96

Posts: 192

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When can we expect the patch? I only have the game for 5 weeks or so, but even I am getting fairly bored by the always present soviet call in meta..
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