If the other person gets lucky and knows what they're doing, and, should RNG favour them, it might not work.
But man, am I tired of Penal blobs crawling up to my Schwerer headquarters and lobbing satchel charges at it. Just came off of a 1v1 on Langreskaya in which this dude decided that three Penal squads was an appropriate build. I saw them coming, thankfully, and managed to lay down suppression from an MG34 and my Schwerer HQ, but, goddamn, they did an Olympic 100 meter crawl over to the Panzer HQ, lobbed Satchels at their feet and sprinted off

Needless to say, it nearly worked. Nearly. (Thank you based Luchs, remover of blobs)
Satchel charges should be a resource that is to be used sparingly and carefully, rewarding good micro and flanking. I don't think it's appropriate for Penals to be able to lob Satchel Charges while suppressed, let alone at full range after crawling half a zone directly at the thing suppressing them(which is a whole other thread on 'nades v suppression, which has already been discussed to death.)
There's a reason Oorah is a veterancy perk, Penals aren't meant to do the same job as Cons right off the bat. Would it be a good idea to give Penals less suppression resistance, or, get them pinned more easily to better befit and encourage them as a flanking/micro intensive unit as opposed to the Super Stalin Satchel Squad?