... as we know that relic mostly cares about their data analysis, and even with that they take their time to implement changes.
Nope, they don't care. Really, they don't.
Posts: 301
... as we know that relic mostly cares about their data analysis, and even with that they take their time to implement changes.
Posts: 657
Being a part of an alpha comes with the expectation that you are actively working to bug test, stress test and otherwise contribute to development. Of course not everyone does, but that's the intention behind it.
It's a very light part time job, but rather than get paid you get to see content earlier than normal.
If anybody thinks they 'should' have been in or it's somehow 'unfair' they're not they're a self entitled piece of pudding in the garden.
Posts: 627
There should be some sort of wave system, everyone on these forums and CoH.com deserve the chance to test this before the general public. Why? Because this community is the one through bad and good stuck with it, its not much to ask for Relic to toss a bone to its loyal community, probably one of the most loyal communities I have seen during my gaming experience.
Posts: 657
No. Stop. Self entitlement levels peaking at maximum cringe.
Nobody 'deserves' a chance to get to play an unreleased product early just because they enjoy the game it's based on. The people that got in didn't 'deserve' it and nor do the people that did not.
Relic just needs some more people to stress test the alpha build and no amount of cherry picking could EVER be deemed impartial.
We got RNG'd, possibly with some input based on form answers. For picking our some people to essentially put more load onto an alpha build than Relic can manage, this is exactly how things should be done.
This isn't about the players, it's bot about the game, it's not about 'a split in the community'.
Literally, relic needs people using their alpha so they know what breaks when it gets used. That's why an alpha even exists. There's absolutely no other weight attributed to their decision that isn't fabricated by people imagining some sort of fictional snub or injustice to try and avoid facing the reality that they didn't get a thing they would have kinda liked to have but have no right to.
Posts: 627
Then why lie about a "thorough application selection process"? Be truthful about it. At least they would have been straight with it and people would have respected it more. Its also not self entitlement, but based on some of the people saying that they got in, it sounds like they support that claim. It can't be a one way street. But this could all be avoided if they drop that Cold War style secrecy NDA and let those who didn't make it know what is going on.
Posts: 657
Allocating ratios of players based on forms and hitting an RNG button is a selection process.
You just imagined something else and assume Relic should adhere to your vision.
They did not.
Not their problem.
As for the NDA, again, standard stuff. Alpha builds of games are not commonly discussed outside press releases. Admittedly, Relic's press releases are not great, but the NDA will always be there. Hopefully they'll start actually giving their community representation some more information to divulge in the future but that's not exactly a huge issue.
And yes. It absolutely is self entitlement to assume Relic should be pandering to your wants for a system where you get into the Alpha because you talk on the forums a bit. Which paraphrasing exactly the point you made about the community in a less flattering way.
Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2
Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4
So your basically telling me to give Relic a free pass on over hyping something, lying about the selection process, then expect nothing to happen when they disappoint half of their community? Can't tell if your talking about EA or Relic. I love Relic, great people and great devlopers, one of the best smaller major game developers, and the community manager Cynthia tries her hardest to keep everyone happy. The first CoH has some of my most fond memories as a child. But eventually someone has to put their foot down and call them on the BS.
I'm pointing out the obvious not only on my behalf, but for the community as a whole, everyone here is fantastic. It may be entitlement, but most believe that if we survived the crap and trusted relic would do better (and they have come a long way), we all should be shown some appreciation for supporting them every step of the way.
Most of the people that made the cut are being humble about it, but there are still going to be the minority that acts like an ass that got in and say they were entitled to a spot. (My good friend being one of them)
Posts: 657
Who says they lied about their selection process? Did they even ever reveal their selection process? To my knowledge, no. They did not. Therefore you absolutely cannot say that they lied about their selection process.
They asked us to fill out a short application. Presumably they used that data in combination with some algorithm to select a pool of candidates that fit their general model of our community. That seems like the best way to test to me.
Invite only top players? Majority of the community is mad, and the game becomes too focused on "ZOMG ESPORTS B O I S" and anything the casual players might be interested in will get snubbed.
Invite people completely randomly? Might not get a proper distribution to reflect your actual player base.
Invite only casuals? Opposite of inviting only top players.
In order to get good feedback, Relic needs to gather a pool of testers as statistically akin to their community as possible. I believe that was the point of their survey.
Maybe I'm totally wrong about that (I obviously do not work for Relic, only they could answer your question on the ways in which their application data was used), but I don't think I am.
Brachiaraidos is right though. People are getting way too worked up about this, and it reflects badly on the community as a whole. We've been begging Relic to communicate and work more openly with the community, so they do, and how does the community respond? Not well...
The underlying fact here is that the entire point of this alpha is NOT to let some small "lucky" minority get to play with all the cool shiny new toys so that they can rub it in their friend's faces... to think or suggest that Relic would pull something like that is silly. They asked for our help identifying bugs and giving our feedback on what we like about the new content so that ultimately, together, that content can be released to the community as a whole and everyone benefit from their hard work - as well as ours.
If you really want Relic to keep taking strides towards the community, we have to meet them halfway. If every time they try and work with us, there is a major backlash because not everyone who wanted to help them test got to help them... well, I don't think they'd keep doing these closed alphas/betas. I know I wouldn't if I were them. The more we work with them, without giving them massive amounts of grief, the more they'll be willing to continue working with us. And who says you won't get in on whatever their next invite-only alpha/beta is while you friend has to sit on the sidelines?
Everyone will get to have fun with the new content when it is released, just be patient.
TLDR - Honestly it sounds like you're just upset that your friend got in while you didn't. They only invited a select number of people for a reason, it's an alpha - not a pre-release. And no community member should get special treatment just because of their name. Everyone should have a fair shot. I sincerely wish you better luck in the future Jackie.
Just my 2 cents.
Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4
See I'm not really pissed about being in this one, I was in the one for WFA and had a blast, I'm not a spiteful or jealous person.
I'm not calling Relic liars, Brachiaraidos said that they must of selected through RNG, and I questioned it. Do I think they lied about it? Not necessarily, and Cynthia did try her best to be diplomatic about breaking the news to those who didn't make it.
My friend on the other hand is an ass, but that is his personality. He's always been that way the last twenty years I've known him.But on topic: other people I know casually have expressed that they felt entitled and they got in. So making the argument about us that didn't make it claiming we are entitled is not a fair argument, especially when there are those among the ranks of who made it that feel like they were entitled.
As for the meeting Relic halfway, I totally agree. But they could be a little more open with the whole community, tell us what is being tested and still be able to run the alpha at the same time.I do agree that it is BS for all the crap the receive, but I can see the gripe of those who didn't make it. You have to understand that the community went eight months without any new multiplayer content besides the occasional maps being added and the bulletins from AA, and not be disappointed when they tease new stuff and off the bat only have get in on it.
All in all, I'm a good sport about it. I just feel that Relic and the community could have gone about this differently and none of this garbage would have occurred. Everyone should be supporting each other, but this was a good way to divide a passionate community who were eager to jump on in. Over hyping and no idea what is going on are the two culprits.
Posts: 657
I'm curious, who got in and felt entitled? Not trying to suggest that you're not telling the truth, just interested to see who would act that way.
Glad to hear that you're a good sport about it though. The community needs more people like you. +1 sir.
Posts: 657
Posts: 1026
Posts: 657
Not going to name names, but I've seen several high profile people complain about not getting in and irritated that a lot of no name people or low level players did. Like they're upset that Relic cares about low-tier players and salty over not being personally included.
Posts: 149
Posts: 1153 | Subs: 1
Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2
Not going to name names, but I've seen several high profile people complain about not getting in and irritated that a lot of no name people or low level players did. Like they're upset that Relic cares about low-tier players and salty over not being personally included.
Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2
the majority of the community is intelligent enough
Posts: 657
Look, I was trying to keep it pc.
Posts: 2561
There is no way they don't announce it before may 5. On may 6 the entire community will know exactly what is being tested. there are far too many people in the alpha for there to be no leaks. They surely aren't foolish enough to try to keep it under wraps. I'm sure people tried to get their alt accounts in as well and will leak as their alt so they can still play.