This is the same thing as a climate change denier 3's and 4's require very less skill, thus u have no "expertise" or leg to stand on..
You have never played any high level AT 3's or 4's. It does require excellent coordination and high amounts of micro, you wouldn't know because you have never played with a high ranked AT. Similarly I couldn't comment on how much skill is required for 1's!
unless you are carrying your team and at two or more places at once during the whole game, i cant find tough 3v3+ game harder than tough 2v2 game. i can't understand how you know what is required in "high levels" 3v3+. you dont really have the rank.
and looking at 3v3+ random ladder in order of streak, you can clearly see an aberration when comparing allies streak and axis streak. if you lose as axis in 3v3+, you really have nothing else to blame except for yourself and the team you are in.
There is a reason I specified AT's, because the tactics you can pull off with AT's is far more wide and in depth than what you can do with randoms, because, well it's fucking randoms.
I have a lot of 3's and 4's AT's, and speaking from experience nothing is harder than fighting an enemy that knows what they are doing and is coordinated because they will abuse everything they can to win, and they will have just as good micro as any other high ranked player. Having one bad player on you AT is a death sentence, as your team is only a strong as it's weakest link.