I'm not saying Blob isn't part of the gameplay, but it should have a stronger downside, something that deny you winning on the long run. Putting it back into the all-in strat categories, available but short in life during a match.
Coh1 had a interesting system design around upkeep and popcap linked to territory. But since someone in the high level decision making at Relic doesn't like the concept because it removes all the fun around come back. Maybe another way around is possible not including territories.
So why don't linking Popcap with Tier Building? But not in a way tier buildings unlock more popcap.
1st option: unit popcap cost reducing with Tier buildings (for free or not, I'm not into that level of detail).
So for example a rifle squad today cost 7pop. (numbers below are only as example)
With this change, a riflesquad cost, at the beginning of the game without T1 or T2, 12pop.
Building T1 decrease it pop cost at 10pop
Building T2 decrease it pop cost at 8pop
Building T3 decrease it pop cost at 7pop
And all the same for all basic stock units, cons/volks/gren/rifles and call-ins units squads.
The outcome would be a economy less viable if blobbing and not teching, blobbing would become a playstyle that locks you in low tiers with few resources. Instead people would be force to tier up to reduce the popcap rate and diversify its army in order to keep the popcap level acceptable before reaching the last tier where the situation would become again equal as today in term of popcap cost.
2nd option The exact opposite way around. It seems a bit silly but why not discuss about it as well.
Every time you build a tier building, your basic stock squand have their upkeep increased.
So instead of a riflesquad a 7pop, let's say it starts at 5pop
Building T1 increase it at 7pop
Building T2 increase it at 9pop
Building T3 increase it at 11pop
So more the game last, more blobbing would cost in term of popcap.
With this option I can see many issues already, I'm not sure this option is more viable, but just think about it, maybe something good can be design from it.

Any thought?