Well the answer is in your question basically:
COH2 just isn't appealing enough for most of the old COH pro's for whatever reasons: Gameplay (or lack of) elements, esthetics, competitiveness, other games, personal stuff ...
I personally don't like the game as much as I did with COH1, I just doesn't give me the feeling that draws me back to it. But it feels boring to play. While after every coh1 game, I wanted to do better than my previous game.
I'd call CoH2 an unsuccessful successor. (Inb4 the fanboys start spamming, chill the fuck out guys, it's only personal opinion.)
I personally don't miss the countersnipe roulette and the bike push. Glad it's gone in CoH2
I'm glad ure glad that all the gameplay elements u hate are gone.
> just wished u were able to state what gameplay elements are enjoyable in COH2 instead.
The banana has a dark spot on it, so the apple is a much more better choice? I have to remember that one