my issue with this game is not balance because i barely even play the game, my main problem is i pre ordered this game after playing Alpha version, actually if you do not troll and be reasonable you will see relic has to do refund to anyone who pre ordered this game during alpha and closed beta because what they showed us and announced to us back in alpha and beta was %100 different than what we faced when game was released.
Did anyone ever mention pay to win commanders? notice pay to win does not mean a win button appears on your screen and then you win by that commander, it means when it makes easier to win at some certain situations. for example: mechanized assault doctrine for wehrmacht vs any american faction works really good and it functions better than other commanders and this commander is a DLC so it is called pay 2 win because i have paid for a commander which made me win or survive easier than normal conditions.
Did anyone ever mention tones of tiny DLCs before release? in the lunch trailer at some part it was showing 12 commanders fro axis and when i mentioned that on official forums Noun replied to me it is only a graphic scene. but a week later all those commanders were out in store for purchase.. honest developers

Did anyone ever mention item bulletin drop at the end of round?
was beta and alpha based on who blobs more? i remember soviet was really skilled army you had cheap units but you had to built a lot and attack from all directions to be able to kill a few squads of axis troops, you needed like 5 SU85s to take out a Tiger and they were cheap and you could get them, this was exactly how things worked back in COH1, a massive axis tank was a real danger to allied so they had to put all their force to finish it.
Blizzard in alpha and beta was a game changing event but in released version it was only a graphic effect. many of you hated it well its opinion but i actually liked it because it was doubling your prediction skill since blizzard was fortifying your situation if you were in control, it was a come back bonus for losing team to take the area before it starts and hold it right before the storm begins.
the current march patch or i better call rise of PTRS patch... no comment. i just played vs a guy who had 8 conscripts with PTRS upgrade (another pay to win example of commanders) who killed my MG42 before it was able to fire because the gun got destroyed and then my PAK.
Relic is a developer which does not learn from mistakes, by WFA DLC they proved this: OKW and USF are exactly being played like british army. one has base like brits other one has army like brits and it only depends if they blob or not to win the game.
a Competitive game should not have bonus pre order or DLC which makes it easier to win, when i pre-ordered this game the pre-order bonus was only 2 skins and a few team fortress 2 items and free copy of DoW and nothing more but then it changed to bonus commanders and so on, do i even need to mention make war not love doctrines?
to those who loved CoH1 and hoped this game was like COH1, i gotta say CoH2 will live longer than Coh1 and it will never get fixed because it is a really casual game and for anyone who is so new to RTS genre its a great game just like Call of Duty is for those who can not learn a true FPS game.
P.S you can fill that survey without unistalling CoH2 but only once with the same IP