
russian armor

Patch March 31st changelog

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31 Mar 2015, 06:34 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

Ok this is my opinion

I don't know why some people are way too excited :)
Volks removed vet5 acc. added cooldown and relaod, and Shreck's far acc 0.25 to 0.2 that doesn't change anything much really
Ober 60 ammo for lmg upgrade. that's really not much to be excited about, considering obers usually arrive around 9-10 mins in the game and a good player doesn't make more than two ober squads. so by min 9-10 you don't even need to try to be able to keep more than 120 ammo in the bank (they said it gives the opponent sometime to respond, but not really at all, they can upgrade right away). reduced damage, probably fair enough, but still not a big deal.
Rocketen reduced aiming shot time, this was a much needed change and it's gonna make USF's early m20/AA truck or Soviet's early m3/t70's life harder.
ISG, that was already a very good unit specially against rifle blobs, and this makes it probably more effective
KT, the thing is that I think the fate of the game should be decided somehow by the time KT hits the field and it should be deployed to counter the allies heavies. I would like to test it first before commenting more of this change maybe! ;) but I never rely much on KT, it's probably not my most fav unit in the game! ;)

M10, that probably was much needed as it previously had a quite bad health, but still this and the new jackson need testing for further comment
Jackson, we should see how this change is gonna affect the game, hopefully we won't hear more whines about this unit anymore :)
BUT! a lot of people are commenting on this change and jackson's performance against panther. That is however not right, because panther is not the unit you should use to counter Jackson (or for ex. SU85). Jackson is a decent long range tank destroyer, and even though panther is a good medium tank but it is not supposed to counter jackson. It is simple; it has 10 lower range than jackson, and it's a lot more expensive (so that you better not risking it for trading it with a jackson) Jackson can be counter with other proper weapons (OKW for instance has)
Just FYI jackson stands no chance against the JP. Panther is the best to use against all USF vehicles EXCEPT JACKSON. jackson is not much of a thread if you look at it this way.
The problem is that many people have a set mind and build order that they think the most get a panther out as fast as they can, which is wrong. look at the game and see what you need.
M8 canister shot
That is a very fair change, as you could see many people abused that ability, it was not really fair game, good they fixed it (well hopefully ;P should see how it works now)
USF Mortar Halftrack
this poor thing, I think fits in the same category with Su76 and Stug which they always needed some love ;)
Pak Howitzer
Same as the ISG
Similar to M8 :) but again should test it and see if it much differ now :) but it was too nasty before lol. was too funny to see Capt.Price had a blob of them in a game!! ;P

Sinper, hopefully with this chance we see less sniper abuse lol :) shoot and running away like a panther is no more! ;) Sib is probably not happy with this change! ;)
B4, the mighty B4!
I think it they really nerfed it (prefer to test it and see its performance before judging) then this is the biggest change of this patch! The precision strike was too much and good to see they removed it. B4 definitely needed a nerf, and hopefully this change has made the game more balanced.
PTRS, hopefully it changes them to something better than their terrible performance they had! even though they were extremely potent, kappa! ;P
120 mm mortar, "it's a great unit" they said! ;) thanks for reminding that. but really hopefully we see less abuse of its opness after this change :)

Well, they probably had some reason not to want to make much changes to this faction yet, even though it is unquestionable that this faction is the weakest faction in the game. Personally, I enjoy playing with this faction because of how challenging it is with the under performance of its design in many aspects. But if you take it to a more competitive level, IT IS REALLY UNFAIR.
The changes specially for the sniper, 222, and mg42 sound good but it DEFINITELY needed more than this or a different change possibly in the teching system, or making a reliable tank destroyer in T3 to fix many issues related this faction to make it more competitive with other factions.

I don't think the changes to axis in this patch were too devastating at all, as many stated. I actually think, they nerfed some big allies abuse tools. Still needs to be tested before more comments.

and before I forget, too glad to see they removed Faceoff at Rostov, Hurtgen Forest, Semoskiy :)
I have always vetoed them (Semos. and Forest only vetoed when I played axis but loved them playing as allies :) ) since they def. were not balanced. Rostov was way too south side fav. and Semos. and Hurt forest were allies fav. (hurt. forest was indeed more like 2 1v1s instead of a proper balanced 2v2 map)

And at the end of the day, we all need to adapt :)

31 Mar 2015, 06:38 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Wow, dat shitstorm... :)

Red the notes, not so bad but I expected more changes tbh.
I think the only real concerns would be the Jackson buff and KT nerf. I mentioned them together because one directly counters the other. This change (unlike the others that have meaning) smells like old Relic balance working. Nerfing something while buff its counter. I think it's wrong and allways thought like this. Never do that or you will obtein an overbuff or an overnerf.
The AOE supression for leiGH and pack howitzer sounds interesting and will make them more usefull for sure.
The changes for ostheer - though insufficient - are rather interesting I guess especially for startgame. Being able to scout with your pios for your buffed Mg42 it's not to be ignored. In addition, I didn't use the ostheer sniper since decades, so maybe I will give it a shot. I think that ostheer's playing style in startgame will progressively change, people will find new strategies.
We have to wait for the ninja changes newspaper :), I am sure there are some important things there. Somehow, I'm expecting some little addition / change in patch notes from Relic in next 2 days. We'll see.

@Axis fanboys - cheer up, just play the game and you will find new strategies I am sure of it. You allways did.

@Red_bear - you went full retarded. Not a surprise, though.

@Allied fanboys - the positive thing is that now USF really means something and would worth playing with. I only hope it didn't become OP. I am playing them too, and I am glad they are truly viable now.
31 Mar 2015, 07:03 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Panther front armor is 320, new Jackson Pen at max range is 200. 62.5% chance to penetrate, or 75% at close range. With slow rate of fire on the main gun. It takes 4 penetrating hits for the Jackson to kill the Panther. It takes 3 penetrating hits for the Panther to kill the Jackson, and every shot is a guaranteed peneration. Panther is clearly going to win that fight unless you get very unlucky with death crits or the shots missing.

You know very well it won't ever be 1 vs 1 due to teching and unit cost disparity.You deliberately ignored the jacksonS part in my post.
31 Mar 2015, 07:04 AM
avatar of Jorad

Posts: 209

This rant of some axis players (everybody knows who) is getting really annoying. Test the changes then come back to cry.
31 Mar 2015, 07:04 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 1225

Thats what they come up with in 6 months, all the while ignoring all the elephants in the room? Sheesh. And I thought I was a slacker, Jesus...
Random observations:
Schreck and Volk nerf / Rak buff (well arguably) is a good change, so are changes to the high AOE squadwipy stuff, Greyhound etc. Mortar HT buff, good. B4/120 nerfs and Guards buff, all called for. Some bones for OH early, meh, won't change a thing. Sniper well, still nice for trolling, still a liability in a competitive game, now dies to 1,5 conscript volleys... MG 42 does not really need increased damaged, it needs better traverse/suppression, and not have the gunner RNG sniped losing you the engagement through no fault of your own. StuG-E not addressed, huh? Tiger takes a hit to its survivability in two ways, directly by nerf to blitz, indirectly by Jackson pen buff...who thought that was a good idea? Demos targetable, now theres a really good thing.

What stands out are really the omissions:
Call-in meta/OH tech unaddressed, OKW still annoying...I can understand why they shy away from fundamental faction design overhauls but still, the blob makes my head hurt.
IS-2 unaddressed, still walking over OH singlehandedly, Shock Rifle all day every day.
Speaking of commanders...well, lets not, lest we get all moody and depressive. :(

In conclusion, the patch is band aid on a gaping chest wound, some solid-common sense small changes, but it will not change what sucks about the present meta, nor will it make OH viable, although it will make Gren preservation easier and less RNG dependant, which is a good thing.

Edit: Given the huge impact maps have on the outcome of games, I'll reserve judgement here, this might be interesting.
31 Mar 2015, 07:13 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

You know very well it won't ever be 1 vs 1 due to teching and unit cost disparity.You deliberately ignored the jacksonS part in my post.

... are you complaining that multiple Jacksons will defeat a single Panther? Two Jacksons is 290 fuel, versus 175 for Panther. Multiple Jacksons definitely should win an engagement with a Panther. As should 1 Jackon and 1 Sherman.

If you want to factor the rest of the armies in, the Axis are not exactly starving for AT. If you're OH you could have various T2 units assisting you. Mines are tricky - they're perfect if you have support ready to pounce but obviously if you don't the Jackson will crit repair in short order. If you're OKW, the newly buffed Raketen can threaten them and volks shreks will still scare them off. AT strafe, JPZIV, Tiger etc. The Jackson didn't recieve a huge buff, it was made somewhat more effective against heavies but less effective overall (and T3 will be more viable against it as OH - 4 shots required to kill PZIV, with slow-as-shit ROF).
31 Mar 2015, 07:19 AM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

Is this what Relic was been so excited about for months?
31 Mar 2015, 07:34 AM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Thats what they come up with in 6 months, all the while ignoring all the elephants in the room? Sheesh. And I thought I was a slacker, Jesus...

i hope this is a prelude to other very important changes that are needed. as in call in meta, ost teching, stale meta etc etc.

this patch feels really safe and moderate. it feels like laying the bases, which is why i believe way more is to come sooon. or maybe i am deluding myself. hope there would be monthly patch like last year to "fix" the game.
31 Mar 2015, 07:40 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Ost viable again? Lol

Obers now useless? There you go allied fanboys

If that makes you and the reich of rampaging fanboys to drop OKW for the ost, its worth it.

And if you didn't see obers nerf, then you're alpha among fanboys.

Almost all changes are great, can't wait to play with them, especialy greyhound, PTRS, 222 and OKW related changes.
31 Mar 2015, 07:44 AM
avatar of Gbpirate
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 1153 | Subs: 1

Axis fan boys tears are delicious

Red Bear, I love you.

The Ostheer love makes me happy. Jackson buff makes me happy. Blitz nerf to rush Jackson makes me happy.

Hallelujah :)
31 Mar 2015, 07:46 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

What i can mostly read from this is that Axis now has to use more combined arms to deal with Tanks just like Allies had to since the beginning of time.

which i quite enjoy! Thank You Relic, i love your game!
31 Mar 2015, 07:47 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 1225

Jesus Katitof, nobody is gonna drop OKW for OH, at least in 1s.
I for one only play OH right now if I want a real challenge or can't get an Allies game, and since I don't like OKW too much, that effectively leaves 2 out of 4 factions - chapeau.
31 Mar 2015, 07:52 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Not bad but removing PS from B4 should go along with reduce scatter with vets.
I belive KT should have 400 instead of 375.

Ahh... No love for SU76 and Stuart :foreveralone:

And did you see all this new stuff??!! Me neither :foreveralone:

40+80+260 = 380. That's the cost of 1.6 IS2's.

Increase IS cost to 380 and give soviets ability to deploy self defensive structure and forward med point and I'm good.

Point is, your assumption is stupid cause you don't tech to get KT. You tech through the game because you need it like all faction but in the end you are rewared with best tank in game which is non-doc so stop adding tech costs like it was OST where you don't receive anything.

And let's not forget about cost of T3 or T4 once you decided to go for it because suddenly IS2 costs 350 fuel :)

Adding tech cost is just pointless.
31 Mar 2015, 07:52 AM
avatar of FichtenMoped
Editor in Chief Badge
Patrion 310

Posts: 4785 | Subs: 3

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Mar 2015, 07:40 AMKatitof

If that makes you and the reich of rampaging fanboys to drop OKW for the ost, its worth it.

And if you didn't see obers nerf, then you're alpha among fanboys.

Almost all changes are great, can't wait to play with them, especialy greyhound, PTRS, 222 and OKW related changes.

Sarcasm dude.

I don't even play the game enough to have a viable opinion of the balance I can barely judge based upon the stats and the little bit of time I played the game.

Let's settle it like this: I never expected them to actually change the LMG34 to an upgrade. I honestly think they aren't useless I imagine them as Grens on Roids without their LMG so they are still pretty good performing. I hope OKW won't be dropped by all the players, I still hope we will see a Meta where OKW will be playable without being OP or nerfed into the ground.

I am also glad they made the Jackson more of a counter to the allmighty Panther again prolly without making it OP because you have to be much more careful now when fighting a Jackson. Along with the changes to the KT and the Blitz-abilities, I think this patch is a great step forward.

31 Mar 2015, 08:01 AM
avatar of BIG RON
Donator 11

Posts: 172

Happy for the patch but it seems like so little for 6 months, I wonder if they have added any surprises like new Decals or something....
31 Mar 2015, 08:02 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Sarcasm dude.

I don't even play the game enough to have a viable opinion of the balance I can barely judge based upon the stats and the little bit of time I played the game.

Hard to tell because of avatar and certain group of players warrioring for axis :guyokay:

Let's settle it like this: I never expected them to actually change the LMG34 to an upgrade. I honestly think they aren't useless I imagine them as Grens on Roids without their LMG so they are still pretty good performing. I hope OKW won't be dropped by all the players, I still hope we will see a Meta where OKW will be playable without being OP or nerfed into the ground.

Well, that was the most straight forward and logical change they could get.
At base they have twice the performance effectiveness of grens, free LMG was just the icing on the cake, which was obvious to go down first. Anyway, meta and BOs for OKW should get more varied and interesting now instead of LOLVOLKBLOB with oberspam into panther/KT.

I am also glad they made the Jackson more of a counter to the allmighty Panther again prolly without making it OP because you have to be much more careful now when fighting a Jackson. Along with the changes to the KT and the Blitz-abilities, I think this patch is a great step forward.

And as a side effect, they have made Ost T3 100% viable, jackson is now worse against Ost T3 then SU-85, both requiring same amount of shots to kill the tanks, but jackson having 50% slower ROF. It also makes bazooka more useful thanks to deflect damage it had actually making a difference now.

And not related to your post but the contents of the thread:

Sweet RNGJesus, the axis tears, so sweet and watching alex finally loosing it completely-priceless. :megusta:
31 Mar 2015, 08:05 AM
avatar of spam.r33k

Posts: 503

the amount of ppl assuming that this is all relic has been working on in the last 6 months is astonishing... what if i told you that sometimes not all changes are implemented at once, especially when there have been bugfests after changing (too) many things at once as relic did in the past....

"it took relic 6 months for this! lel noobs" -every idiot ever-

i might be wrong... although i do hope im not
31 Mar 2015, 08:05 AM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

Amazing changes.

Very good.

I like the gaurd PTRS change. Infact the gaurd PTRS is now the highest dealing soviet small arm at long range, and has the best accuracy at all ranges too againts infantry MVGame. These gaurds definately have some pretty good training, since they now have over 500% accuracy againts a kubel. PTRS will no longer *ever* miss tanks.

Nice ostheer changes. People dont seem to understand that the mg-42 buff was quite big. So was the sniper buff. Infact, the wehrmacht sniper has now almost the same health as the soviet one! Wehr sniper = 82 HP, sov sniper 48 x 2 = 96.

Pioneers sight range will be very useful.

Overall, this patch is

Good for combined arms, bad for blobbing and blobbing and spam blobbing and spam
31 Mar 2015, 08:06 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 1225

Katitof, please. OH T3 viable? Marginally stronger against US, still useless against Sovs, there are still 85s and IS-2s around, the whole call-in meta stuff, you know?
31 Mar 2015, 08:10 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

If T34/76 is considered viable against Ost T3, then so is P4 against 34/85.

Heavies are different can of worms and last time I checked, USF(which I was talking about vs ost if you paid any attention to the post) didn't had IS-2 tanks.
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