We've answered this before, but I'll answer it again. Before something goes into the auto-match pool, it has to be heavily QA'd. That requires staff resources to be pulled off of other development, and we can't always do that to put community maps in. We are aware that this is something the community wants. It comes down to resources.
Also - to the question 'how much work is there?' or the similarly (and frequently received) phrased 'how much work can it really take?!' - the answer is always 'A LOT more than the community thinks'. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems, sadly
Trust me when I say that we're not sitting here going 'this would be a really easy thing for us to do and we know the community wants it, but naaaahhhh.... we're not going to do it!' - that wouldn't really make much sense, eh?
I know that you're frustrated, as are many others - but nothing is ever as easy as it seems, and there are always other related concerns that we have to consider.
There's a lot that we're working on, and it's going to take us some time - more time than you guys would like, but there isn't much I can do about that.
One hint from Monobacon here: http://www.coh2.org/news/31609/monolithicbacon-s-irregular-update
Sittard (which may or may not be getting celebrity status sometime soon (!!!)
During Operation Blackcock, the township of Sittard changed hands progressively, playing host to both the Wehrmacht and Allied defensive lines. Sitting comfortably upon the Geleenbeek River, the bridges of Sittard became fortresses to be held and disputed for a number of months, until the Roer Triangle began to shrink. Narrow streets, tall buildings and deadly chokepoints make Sittard a complexity, conquered only by patient and ruthless commanders; what to sacrifice and when could make the difference between three bridgeheads, or none.
my bet: they will update the map pool on the next expansion, like always