
russian armor

Without a good balance, you will still play COH 2?

If Relic doesn't make a good balance patch, you will still play COH 2?
Option Distribution Votes
Total votes: 141
1 Mar 2015, 00:03 AM
avatar of BIS-Commando

Posts: 137

Pls respond. Thx.
1 Mar 2015, 00:15 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

Well, I'm playing now.
1 Mar 2015, 00:27 AM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

Rarely, I can't honestly find it in myself to play with my teammates as often as they'd like because I'm tired of being pigeon holed into playing CAS or Fortifications all the time just to stay competitive with the mass American Rifleblobs, Shocktroops that never die, B4's, support weapon spam, and of course the hordes of medium tanks that just destroy infantry with TD support that annihilates my own tanks before they are even in range to deal damage in return.
1 Mar 2015, 00:33 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

what was i thinking getting into this "discussion".

1 Mar 2015, 00:42 AM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

I voted yes. Ostheer is actually very fun to play. Every doctrine works. There's no pressure and definetely not as much pressure to micro since my tanks live longer, my infantry are far better in every way, and my long range LMG blobs cut everything down including Shocks with minimal micro. I am not going to bother claiming imbalance or anything, just that I am having a blast playing Ostheer (and also having the luxury of getting fun units like Sturmtiger while building sim cities as OKW). I just wish Allies weren't so freaking terrible in so many ways. They have few ways that work, which work barely. Ostheer? Give me a LeFH and I'll make it sing. (If you're going to assume this means I think LeFH is the best on map artillery, don't bother, I am not even going to respond to that)

Best of all, if I lose, except in very few cases on maps that favor Allies in some ways, I know that I lost to a superior player. Nothing to do about that but accept it and say good job.
1 Mar 2015, 00:49 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Well, I'm playing now.
1 Mar 2015, 01:06 AM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

I voted yes. Ostheer is actually very fun to play. Every doctrine works. There's no pressure and definetely not as much pressure to micro since my tanks live longer, my infantry are far better in every way, and my long range LMG blobs cut everything down including Shocks with minimal micro. I am not going to bother claiming imbalance or anything, just that I am having a blast playing Ostheer (and also having the luxury of getting fun units like Sturmtiger while building sim cities as OKW). I just wish Allies weren't so freaking terrible in so many ways. They have few ways that work, which work barely. Ostheer? Give me a LeFH and I'll make it sing. (If you're going to assume this means I think LeFH is the best on map artillery, don't bother, I am not even going to respond to that)

Best of all, if I lose, except in very few cases on maps that favor Allies in some ways, I know that I lost to a superior player. Nothing to do about that but accept it and say good job.

What? Did you just say every Ostheer doctrine works? Only minimal micro required? No pressure?

4v4 or just rank > 5000?
1 Mar 2015, 01:07 AM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Mar 2015, 00:27 AMSierra
Rarely, I can't honestly find it in myself to play with my teammates as often as they'd like because I'm tired of being pigeon holed into playing CAS or Fortifications all the time just to stay competitive with the mass American Rifleblobs, Shocktroops that never die, B4's, support weapon spam, and of course the hordes of medium tanks that just destroy infantry with TD support that annihilates my own tanks before they are even in range to deal damage in return.

You can always try Allies Sierra.

Just do it.
1 Mar 2015, 01:09 AM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

I voted yes. Ostheer is actually very fun to play. Every doctrine works. There's no pressure and definetely not as much pressure to micro since my tanks live longer, my infantry are far better in every way, and my long range LMG blobs cut everything down including Shocks with minimal micro. I am not going to bother claiming imbalance or anything, just that I am having a blast playing Ostheer (and also having the luxury of getting fun units like Sturmtiger while building sim cities as OKW). I just wish Allies weren't so freaking terrible in so many ways. They have few ways that work, which work barely. Ostheer? Give me a LeFH and I'll make it sing. (If you're going to assume this means I think LeFH is the best on map artillery, don't bother, I am not even going to respond to that)

Best of all, if I lose, except in very few cases on maps that favor Allies in some ways, I know that I lost to a superior player. Nothing to do about that but accept it and say good job.

Why is every single post from you on this forum about how everything Ostheer is super amazing? I mean, I like Ostheer, but this is a weird amount of commitment.
1 Mar 2015, 01:14 AM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

What? Did you just say every Ostheer doctrine works? Only minimal micro required? No pressure?

4v4 or just rank > 5000?

Read my signature.

In the only game mode I play, as Ostheer, no doctrine truly disappoints me. Everything is good enough. Been using Festung Support recently. Mortar halftracks are really nice! Also, the halftrack, if kept alive, is awesome to back up your LMG Grenadiers with. I usually get 3 squads, and that its enough with a single HMG42 backing them. Every doctrine has some support power I can use. Luftwaffe can call in medical supplies, Encirclement can give them a mini-oorah that is hotkeyed rather badly, Close Air Support can give munitions for Fausts/LMG42s/Rifle Grenades, Festung Support can bring mobile mortar support, Relief Infantry can give me capture and reinforce fodder (Ostruppen Relief Infantry is actually one of my favourite powers and one of the most well kept secrets in the game. You don't feel the losses with a halftrack and artillery is the only way to stop it, which is a hard counter, but that's what the rest of your faction is for!).

LeFH slays 120mm mortars like no tomorrow in Counterbattery mode, and I like it a lot for that reason. Artillery Field Officer helps grenadiers a lot. Storm and Jaeger Infantry both have very good benefits, and since I use Halftracks already, Riegels are simply amazing and make life far easier for Pak 40.

Basically that starting combination works well with every doctrine adding a little something to it, so I don't need to change it around much. It's not rare that I get games where the heaviest thing I build is a halftrack, unless Pak43/Pak40/LeFH are heavier than that.

Ostheer is the best designed faction in my opinion and if I could, the only things I would buff would be Panzergrenadiers, Scout Car, Ostwind (just needs a bit of suppression to give it the oomph Flak Halftrack has for OKW) and Brümmbar, and then it's set.

Edit: I just saw your post, Tobis. Let me put it this way. I have almost all Ostheer doctrines and I tried them all to see what the fuss about Tiger was. I was really disappointed by none of them, and games are not frustrating when playing Ostheer. I genuinely had far more fun with Ostheer than I do with Soviets 90% of the time (Soviets have their moments, Urban Defense on Ettelbrück, 5 minute win by taking OKW base flak and giving it FHQ bonus), and not many things ever left me frustrated. (I still hate facing 120mm mortar!)

Ostheer is fun for me and if I were to spend another 600 hours in the game, it would be thanks to that faction. Recently I've been experimenting with avoiding the boring blobs (which I never really did anyway) by rushing to the fast OP stuka, hunkering down with a Pak43 and MG spam with my excess MP ,and then getting a Sturmtiger. Don't need more AT than Pak and my single Volks squad with shrek usually (if I do, my ally can come to my help, but Schwerer HQ does a fair bit against Allied mediums anyway), and I find Sturm to be one of the most fun units in the game. Killed an IS-2 today with it over the fog of war where the enemy could not have seen it. It got abandoned and me and my teammate let the enemy take them back so they wouldn't be discouraged even further (it was a game on Semoisky Winter with not much ground to stand on for Allies, obviously). We later even added eachother for rematches and found them to be pretty cool guys. Sturmtiger made us new friends. ^^
1 Mar 2015, 01:23 AM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403

Rarely, I can't honestly find it in myself to play with my teammates as often as they'd like because I'm tired of being pigeon holed into playing Counterattack tactics or Commanders with IS-2s and Airborne all the time just to stay competitive with the mass volkblobs, Obersoldaten that never die, walking-Stukas's, support weapon spam, and of course the hordes of Panther tanks that just destroy any allied tanks with inf support that annihilates my own tanks/inf before they are even in range to deal damage in return.
1 Mar 2015, 01:26 AM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

-awesome short and sweet post with actually sensible complaints and points

1 Mar 2015, 01:50 AM
avatar of sneakking

Posts: 655

Permanently Banned

what was i thinking getting into this "discussion".


This is my typical reaction to reading one of Sierra's post. It's comical really if you view it as a parody of sterotypical balance thread posters, sort of a humorous devil's advocate, but don't make the fatal mistake of taking it seriously or trying to be submissive/reasonable.
1 Mar 2015, 01:55 AM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

Occasionally I will, but not too much.
1 Mar 2015, 02:18 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

The game is balanced now

But hypothetically, yes I would continue to play if the game was not well balanced
1 Mar 2015, 08:48 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

game is currently uninstalled; waiting on jackie chan super patch
1 Mar 2015, 13:52 PM
avatar of BIS-Commando

Posts: 137

Well, I'm playing now.

I'm playing too, but i'm expecting something to happen: i mean a good balance patch and anti-blobbing. If this month Relic doesn't do anything, i will quit playing. I like COH 2 but not in the current form (undedicated maps, blobbing, unbalanced, bugs).
1 Mar 2015, 13:56 PM
avatar of sir muffin

Posts: 531

i'm not playing tbh, i don't find it fun

i can't play dota either because philipinos ruin my MMR as soon as i try to play ranked

so i'm playing singleplayer games.... it's depressing
1 Mar 2015, 14:15 PM
avatar of Jadame!

Posts: 1122

No. There is difference between what is good and what is acceptable, but what we got now is disgusting.
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