
russian armor

Vote if you want or no Stronger arty

1 Mar 2015, 21:21 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

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Artillery damage is fine.

IMO what it needs is for it to have area suppression,

You want arty to suppress?

I dont remember. but did arty suppress in vcoh?

And wouldint this be kinda op?
1 Mar 2015, 22:09 PM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

Actually, not so long ago explosions forced nearby infantry to lay down and crawl for short period of time.

I don't know why they've changed that. Maybe it took away control of your infantry for too long because of chain of explosions (katyusha or pair of GrW-34).

But to me it was fine mechanic. Better that suggested suppression for arty. It made ZiS barrage is actually decent against blobs, which was fine for 60 muni investment.
1 Mar 2015, 22:24 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Actually, arty(big guns, not rocket one) suppressing sounds like an interesting idea.
1 Mar 2015, 23:44 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

That's how I do it as well. But that is not clever or proper usage. It's a choice. You take a risk and you can be rewarded or punished.

Well, there's a correct way to use a b4 and an incorrect way, building it in your base so the spread is unmanageably huge is the wrong way.

Actually, arty(big guns, not rocket one) suppressing sounds like an interesting idea.

This was actually in the game in the form of infantry "hitting the deck" as it were when large explosions happened close to them. It was removed to help improve unit responsiveness.
1 Mar 2015, 23:56 PM
avatar of BIS-Commando

Posts: 137

Well, there's a correct way to use a b4 and an incorrect way, building it in your base so the spread is unmanageably huge is the wrong way.

This was actually in the game in the form of infantry "hitting the deck" as it were when large explosions happened close to them. It was removed to help improve unit responsiveness.

And created this blob fest... Sad ...
2 Mar 2015, 00:05 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

And created this blob fest... Sad ...

Blobbing has been a thing since forever, and the whole infantry throwing themselves on the ground made the already bad unit responsiveness an outright nightmare.
2 Mar 2015, 00:08 AM
avatar of Jaridan

Posts: 45

Blobbing has been a thing since forever, and the whole infantry throwing themselves on the ground made the already bad unit responsiveness an outright nightmare.

I think the only real problem, which i think it was changed for, was that, while running anywhere/towards your enemy, any, be it so tiny, explosion()mortar,mine,kat rocket etc) got your whole squad crawling and the enemy backing off.
2 Mar 2015, 06:55 AM
avatar of Basilone

Posts: 1944 | Subs: 2

You want arty to suppress?

I dont remember. but did arty suppress in vcoh?

And wouldint this be kinda op?

Only Nebelwerfers did, and they did burn over time damage rather than instant explosion.

lol apparently if a squad gets 1 shotted your blobbing. Therefore stukas are fine, b4 vet 3 is fine, every off map is fine. Because if you have problems with any sort of indirect fire pls L2P cuz you're blobbing. HUUUUURRRRRR. Sorry that I'm contesting your point that players should be able to turtle up around points and let point and click emplacements sitting in your base do all the work. God knows we need that instead of ooohhh idk combined armed forces involving micro to attack or defend. Nope lets just rush middle vp and sit there wip machine guns and AT guns while you blow the absolute shit out of bases and tanks with the click of a button because its much easier.

The best thing about artillery is not only can you effortlessly 1 shot squads from across the map with no notice, but even with the continual damage it forces your opponent to make risky all or nothing attacks to destroyyour artillery or main force, putting you in the position to just destroy them because their risk is your advantage. Even if they don't make ballsy all or nothing attacks, you still win due to the continual damage and bleed, and for little micro or skill. Artillery is scrubs wet dream.

Artillery is cancer. Howitzers are great because they never get built. The only things balanced are rocket artillery. With Stuka being slightly OP, katyushas being squad wiping maniacs and panzerwerfers being shit. If they could blanket nerf all these units the game would be even better.

Did I say all the artillery pieces are fine? No. B4 needs some changes especially against super heavy tanks. But artillery as a concept is fine and some of them even underperforming. Some units are easier to use than others, deal with it. Shrek blob is much easier way to do antitank than microing several tanks or AT guns but that doesn't mean handheld AT should be removed from the game.
2 Mar 2015, 08:34 AM
avatar of ATCF
Donator 33

Posts: 587

Only Nebelwerfers did, and they did burn over time damage rather than instant explosion.

Originally nebels did only damage and no suppression or fire damage, but nobody used them, so relic decided to buff the nebel with suppression and fire damage, and i dont know if we should go back to how ML-152 and LEFH 18 were with one shooting 8 shots and the other shooting 12 shots per barrage.
2 Mar 2015, 20:00 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Mar 2015, 08:34 AMATCF

Originally nebels did only damage and no suppression or fire damage, but nobody used them, so relic decided to buff the nebel with suppression and fire damage, and i dont know if we should go back to how ML-152 and LEFH 18 were with one shooting 8 shots and the other shooting 12 shots per barrage.

The main problem was that the LefH started it's cooldown after it's first shot. With the result that you could barrage right inmediatly after those 12 shots were done.
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