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24 Feb 2015, 21:00 PM
avatar of The_rEd_bEar

Posts: 760

Are people really saying the t34/85 is similar to a panther and defending the existence of the t34? Which even more useless than a p4? Was there a patch i didn't hear about?
24 Feb 2015, 21:07 PM
avatar of elchino7
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Can I have the same AA capabilities for Werhmacht Ostwind?

Sure, i don't mind seeing less skillplanes in the game. But the point of this thread is about T3 (or non doctrinal 85) and resource boosting OKW.
24 Feb 2015, 21:08 PM
avatar of AttiliusRex

Posts: 1

Are people really saying the t34/85 is similar to a panther and defending the existence of the t34? Which even more useless than a p4? Was there a patch i didn't hear about?

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24 Feb 2015, 21:11 PM
avatar of PanzerErotica

Posts: 135

You could also put kv1 to soviet t4, move su76 from there to t3, remove t34/76 from t3, reduce fuel cost of t3, have t34/85 available from hq when both t3 and t4 are built and replace current double t34/85 callin ability with cheaper t34/76 duo which comes available little earlier.
24 Feb 2015, 21:14 PM
avatar of some one

Posts: 935

That would be quite the nerf.

I've seen a single plane couldn't pass over / near AA halftruck So yes, I would like to get that "nerf".

especially if Owstwind would have the same as USF Halftrack AI capability "nerf"
24 Feb 2015, 21:15 PM
avatar of WiFiDi
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Better penetration but poorer after armor effect. It could indeed work as a low damage higher fire rate and high penetration upgrade, but it is a far less simple solution and it requires more work. Moving T-34/85 to the main tree does not.

the gun isn't the only the thing the t34/85 improves in game this is especially the case.
24 Feb 2015, 21:17 PM
avatar of some one

Posts: 935

callin ability with cheaper t34/76 duo which comes available little earlier.

That would be so nice to have a single buffed StuG to call in. SO Werhmacht could go strait to the Panthers.
24 Feb 2015, 21:21 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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24 Feb 2015, 21:38 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

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The 85's can be in t3


After a global upgrade

Its not fair to get 85's right away once t3 is teched
24 Feb 2015, 21:42 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Are people really saying the t34/85 is similar to a panther and defending the existence of the t34? Which even more useless than a p4? Was there a patch i didn't hear about?

The t34/85 is in Relic's own words, the soviet (in game mind you) version of the Panther, of course with out blitz but better AI power. It's a tank hunter that's excellent for hunting down enemy armor and killing it in a slug fest, it has high health, good mobility, and nice pen.

And the T34/76 does kind of suck at the moment when the game transitions to late game, it at least can deal with Volk blobs like a Sherman (crushing and kiting), by the time a PIV comes out the Jackson has already hit the and field or is about to and then the PIV becomes pretty useless.

Ostheer t3 either needs a buff, or cost reduction. It's stupid Ostheer has to spend so long basically flipping cards into a hat till they can actually get armor out onto the field, if t3 was more viable you would see less "wait for Panthers/Tigers" meta.
24 Feb 2015, 21:52 PM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

The t34/85 is in Relic's own words, the soviet (in game mind you) version of the Panther, of course with out blitz but better AI power. It's a tank hunter that's excellent for hunting down enemy armor and killing it in a slug fest, it has high health, good mobility, and nice pen.

And the T34/76 does kind of suck at the moment when the game transitions to late game, it at least can deal with Volk blobs like a Sherman (crushing and kiting), by the time a PIV comes out the Jackson has already hit the and field or is about to and then the PIV becomes pretty useless.

Ostheer t3 either needs a buff, or cost reduction. It's stupid Ostheer has to spend so long basically flipping cards into a hat till they can actually get armor out onto the field, if t3 was more viable you would see less "wait for Panthers/Tigers" meta.

This is not the thread for this. Please leave unless you have something on-topic to say.
24 Feb 2015, 22:00 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

This is not the thread for this. Please leave unless you have something on-topic to say.

Uh, it's a post about the T34/85. I don't see how discussing it and it's impact in moving it to t3 for Soviets is very off topic.
24 Feb 2015, 22:08 PM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

Uh, it's a post about the T34/85. I don't see how discussing it and it's impact in moving it to t3 for Soviets is very off topic.

All you did was to put T-34/85 on a pedestal, fool yourself into thinking 85 is somehow a Panther with anti-infantry capabilities, and then run the very good Panzer IV into the ground and start whining about how bad Ostheer T3 is and how Ostheer somehow depends on Tigers when even their worst doctrines are very viable, and I know this because I play Ostheer more than any faction and I've played with every doctrine many times.

So yes, your post is only tangential and you're just setting yet another thread about for more pro-Ostheer whining.
24 Feb 2015, 22:19 PM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 712 | Subs: 2

You said something similar to me even though my post was 100% on topic and completely non biased. Seems like everyone who does not post something like "+1 great post you're brilliant " should f*ck off ?
24 Feb 2015, 22:21 PM
avatar of VonMecha

Posts: 419

Im ok with number 1 if panthers were cheaper. If you could spam t34s 85 like t34/75s the game would be over as soon as the second one rolled out. Or roll back the stug to pre nerf status and keep panther cost the same. Or give stug strong frontal armor like it had originally. But without some tradeoffs #1 alone would just cause the axis factions to get steamrolled.
24 Feb 2015, 22:26 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

and I know this because I play Ostheer more than any faction and I've played with every doctrine many times.

Stop saying this. I see no player card, and you might as well have played with Ostheer 10 times and every other faction 9 times. Use facts and statistics instead of saying "I KNOW I AM RIGHT"
24 Feb 2015, 22:29 PM
avatar of FaustCostBulletin

Posts: 521

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Feb 2015, 22:19 PMGiaA
You said something similar to me even though my post was 100% on topic and completely non biased. Seems like everyone who does not post something like "+1 great post you're brilliant " should f*ck off ?

Thanks for bringing this up. I should clarify.

Of course not. It's just that some people, like the other person in question, take their opinion everywhere and then bring it up in every discussion. No matter where they are at, their favourite thingie is underpowered and it's not wrecking everything and Relic is at fault for it.

I called you out on derailing because there are many problems involved with not letting other players gain resources from allied caches (because you can't really stack caches) which wasn't the problem here, but more that OKW shouldn't be gathering resources from caches in the first place because they were unable to build them in the first place, thus designed with that in mind. So no, make a thread talking about how caches are too cost effective in team games and I'll be your first supporter, this is just not the place for it. I know it feels similar, but it's not on topic.

Im ok with number 1 if panthers were cheaper. If you could spam t34s 85 like t34/75s the game would be over as soon as the second one rolled out. Or roll back the stug to pre nerf status and keep panther cost the same. Or give stug strong frontal armor like it had originally. But without some tradeoffs #1 alone would just cause the axis factions to get steamrolled.

Panthers have zero reason to be cheaper. They are already in a good place, leaning towards overpowered when Panzer Tactician, death crits, Blitz and Vet 2 armor start piling up on eachother. On the contrary, this simply makes T-34/85 more accessible to Soviets, while making it more expensive because you need to tech up to tech 3. The vehicle itself is also still not going to beat Panthers on its own, so fear not, there is no way Axis will get streamrollered. I play Ostheer most of the time as I said; Panthers are not your only option to counter them nor are they even necessary. Most of the time a supported Panzer IV can hold its own just fine as the statistical difference between the two is not the same. However, one could argue that tier buildings should cost more and escalation should cost less so you could skip tiers, but that is for another thread and another discussion.

Stop saying this. I see no player card, and you might as well have played with Ostheer 10 times and every other faction 9 times. Use facts and statistics instead of saying "I KNOW I AM RIGHT"

Well, I do know I am right. There's not really much of an excuse for Soviets based on 1944 to not have their primary AFV in 1944 widely avialable when it would cause no balance issues and would actually fix quite a few issues, one of which involving the call-in meta.

And I have 597 hours in the game currently. I would prefer to remain anonymous, and you'll have to take my word for it. I play 2v2 exclusively though, so there might be dissonance with 1v1 exclusive players.

24 Feb 2015, 22:31 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

All you did was to put T-34/85 on a pedestal, fool yourself into thinking 85 is somehow a Panther with anti-infantry capabilities, and then run the very good Panzer IV into the ground and start whining about how bad Ostheer T3 is and how Ostheer somehow depends on Tigers when even their worst doctrines are very viable, and I know this because I play Ostheer more than any faction and I've played with every doctrine many times.

So yes, your post is only tangential and you're just setting yet another thread about for more pro-Ostheer whining.

Uh, the entire point of the T34/85 in it's stat distribution and were it's placed on the call in/time system is that it's supposed to be the Soviet version but tweaked a little. It does well versus tanks, and well against infantry, that means it's kinda superior to the Panther in AI but less so in pure AT power.

The PIV in a world with out the Jackson is just like the T34, a medium tank that kind falls off late game when the heavies come out, but since the Jackson is a thing that exists the PIV and by combination t3 just doesn't fly.

Putting it in t3 would just make the little medium armor Axis does have even more irrelevant, unless you changed the tier system and unit lists for every faction.
24 Feb 2015, 22:31 PM
avatar of TheSleep3r

Posts: 670

The 85's can be in t3


After a global upgrade

Its not fair to get 85's right away once t3 is teched

Basically this.

The problem is that Relic screwed the doctrines and filled them with 85'.

They said something about making soviet core units more viable, so the dreaming may stop now as well, there will be no non-doctrinal 85
24 Feb 2015, 22:33 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

I would much rather see the T34/76 be made better/more viable than have a good tank like the 85 get nerfed/changes just so It can fit into t3 :S
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