The Greyhound Canister Shot is OP as gardening hell! Nerf it... No, just remove it!
Simple and plain.
- Squad wipe potential 95%
- super cheap unit
- unit comes way to early to provide such firepower
- greyhound has already pretty good AI capabilities for its cost and timing
- low ability cost (gardening joke!)
And dont the garden come with the argument its sooooo fragile. Yeah, you know, all other light vehicles are also fragile and dont come even close to the garden this unit does with this fail-in-design-and-balance ability.
I looked up the the game stats and the used weapon "only" does 40 damage, which means 50% health of most infantry. Problems seems to be that the by genius design this ability was given "ballistic" damage which has a neat 100% chance of insta-gibing soldiers below 50% health.
Seriously, has this crap ever been used/tested before it got released?
P.S. Oh, yes, I am pissed. That don't hapen very often, but when I usually got a gardening reason.