
russian armor

A new solution to the Volksblob Issue

12 Feb 2015, 14:02 PM
avatar of The Silver Sage

Posts: 183

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Feb 2015, 12:48 PMSierra
The tribalism here is real I swear.

I've mentioned buffing the MG-34/42 in the past but again you fuckwits tore it to shreds!

Fuck it, don't know why I even bother with trying to reason with a tribe of Allied die-hards and Axis/German hating mongoloids. Not a single reasonable one amongst the lot of you animals.

Sierra, perhaps if 99% of the members of this forum are disagreeing with you then it is you who have the flawed logic.

Your solution to the problem of volkgrenadiers blobbing with shrecks doesn't make sense.

You don't change anything about the actual problem, if anything you just buff OKW.

Making the stuka vet up faster will just mean people will be able to fire the normal barrage more quickly. Why would anybody with any sense waste 100 munitions on an incendiary barrage to burn a building when you can just flatten it with the normal barrage? The same logic applies to a blob, why hit it with fire that does damage over time when you can just vaporise them with the normal attack potentially wiping the unit outright?

This topic might as well have just said, buff the stuka, give it faster vet. I cannot fathom why you are ranting and raging at other posters when they point out how little sense this suggestion actually makes.
By buffing the stuka you somehow think it will reduce or weaken the volks blobs going around, think about that for a minute!
12 Feb 2015, 14:08 PM
avatar of sneakking

Posts: 655

Permanently Banned
Guys I have an idea. USF players blobbing LMGs is a big problem, so I think I got a way to fix it. Lets make the M8A1 Scott get to vet 3 faster, and once at vet 3 it unlocks a 240 munition ability which turns every shot it fires into a nuclear bomb. This way, the USF player has something to spend his munis on and therefore less LMG Rifleblobs.

Am I doing it right guise?
12 Feb 2015, 14:12 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

Guys I have an idea. USF players blobbing LMGs is a big problem, so I think I got a way to fix it. Lets make the M8A1 Scott get to vet 3 faster, and once at vet 3 it unlocks a 240 munition ability which turns every shot it fires into a nuclear bomb. This way, the USF player has something to spend his munis on and therefore less LMG Rifleblobs.

Am I doing it right guise?

Sounds legit, according to the logic of the OP.
12 Feb 2015, 14:12 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

Guys I have an idea. USF players blobbing LMGs is a big problem, so I think I got a way to fix it. Lets make the M8A1 Scott get to vet 3 faster, and once at vet 3 it unlocks a 240 munition ability which turns every shot it fires into a nuclear bomb. This way, the USF player has something to spend his munis on and therefore less LMG Rifleblobs.

Am I doing it right guise?

You only learned from the best MVGame
12 Feb 2015, 14:50 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

Its literally a stuka buff, nothing else :D
12 Feb 2015, 15:11 PM
avatar of G4bb4_G4nd4lf
Donator 33

Posts: 658

I think the Stuka needs a small adjustment of its vet requirements (maybe 10% less). The Sturmtiger also needs to reach vet faster (maybe 20%).

These changes, however, have nothing to do with Volks/shrecks (like many already said).

If you want to get rid of this bad design choice you have to:

- Remove shrecks from Volks
- Give Sturmpios double shrecks for 120MU
- Give Volks Pzfausts (available once the first HQ is built; basically the same weapon Ostheer has for 25MU) + AI upgrades
- Buff the Raketenwerfer (aim time, durability, maybe even a bit more range)

I don't think any other change would fix the problem TBH.
12 Feb 2015, 16:47 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

I wonder how much longer it will be till literally every thread is about Volks and Shreks. Singularity soon fellow posters.

If these worked, no one would whine about Volks Blob.

Get a clue, and be less biaised.

Iv used them and Iv seen them work, So have many excellent players. Have you see what a B4 shot does a horde of volks? fyi the explosion/impact from a B4 has a bigger damage radius than a railway artillery shell and there is no flares to warn your enemy.

The OKW minesweeper also can't pick up democharges till it's way to late due to the minesweepers short range.
12 Feb 2015, 16:49 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

I think the Stuka needs a small adjustment of its vet requirements (maybe 10% less). The Sturmtiger also needs to reach vet faster (maybe 20%).

These changes, however, have nothing to do with Volks/shrecks (like many already said).

If you want to get rid of this bad design choice you have to:

- Remove shrecks from Volks
- Give Sturmpios double shrecks for 120MU
- Give Volks Pzfausts (available once the first HQ is built; basically the same weapon Ostheer has for 25MU) + AI upgrades
- Buff the Raketenwerfer (aim time, durability, maybe even a bit more range)

I don't think any other change would fix the problem TBH.

I would rather have a solution that doesn't make Ostheer and OKW early game pretty much the same. Not to mention the fact that the shrek problem would be even worse since it would be even easier to micro a shrek blob then.
12 Feb 2015, 16:50 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

I wonder how much longer it will be till literally every thread is about Volks and Shreks. Singularity soon fellow posters.

Iv used them and Iv seen them work, So have many excellent players. Have you see what a B4 shot does a horde of volks? fyi the explosion/impact from a B4 has a bigger damage radius than a railway artillery shell and there is no flares to warn your enemy.

The OKW minesweeper also can't pick up democharges till it's way to late due to the minesweepers short range.

Commanders to counter a strat available and happening every game.

Always a good sign of good game design.
12 Feb 2015, 16:51 PM
avatar of Specialka

Posts: 144

I wonder how much longer it will be till literally every thread is about Volks and Shreks. Singularity soon fellow posters.

Iv used them and Iv seen them work, So have many excellent players. Have you see what a B4 shot does a horde of volks? fyi the explosion/impact from a B4 has a bigger damage radius than a railway artillery shell and there is no flares to warn your enemy.

The OKW minesweeper also can't pick up democharges till it's way to late due to the minesweepers short range.

Since you got no clue, like most Axis players, I tell why ppl are whining, even if "counter" to OKW blob exists. As long as Axis players (mostly OKW) just need to a-move everything while the Allied players will need to micro far more than Axis, ppl will whine.
12 Feb 2015, 16:54 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Commanders to counter a strat available and happening every game.

Always a good sign of good game design.

I never said it was good game design, but ignoring the fact counters exist across multiple common and easy to use commanders is being intentionally dense. The 120mm mortar is on far more than 1 commander, often on ones that have other nice toys like Howitzers or t34/85's and mark target.

Since you got no clue, like most Axis players, I tell why ppl are whining, even if "counter" to OKW blob exists. As long as Axis players (mostly OKW) just need to a-move everything while the Allied players will need to micro far more than Axis, ppl will whine.

I don't play only axis, I actually play a fair amount of soviets. And you can bet your sweet ass I abuse the ever loving fuck out of B4 and Demo charges. Is it bad that Soviets take more micro? Yeah I guess, but it doesn't mean Axis are unbeatable, you have not yet lived till you have drank the tears of an OKW player after wiping 7 squads with one B4 shot becuause he was retreat bugging on his HQ :D
12 Feb 2015, 17:04 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

Therefore complaints are warranted. Its one of the things that narrows the meta since commanders have to be chosen to counter it as going anything else is a death sentence.
12 Feb 2015, 17:07 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned
Guys I have an idea. USF players blobbing LMGs is a big problem, so I think I got a way to fix it. Lets make the M8A1 Scott get to vet 3 faster, and once at vet 3 it unlocks a 240 munition ability which turns every shot it fires into a nuclear bomb. This way, the USF player has something to spend his munis on and therefore less LMG Rifleblobs.

Am I doing it right guise?

I approve :snfQuinn:
12 Feb 2015, 17:09 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Therefore complaints are warranted. Its one of the things that narrows the meta since commanders have to be chosen to counter it as going anything else is a death sentence.

That's how soviets work at the moment, I support a change but it's partly an issue of the fact all of Soviets best units are gated behind commanders. But there are a good amount of blob counter commanders, the IS2 exists on more than 1 commander, and so does several other units like the t34/85. It is kinda silly however the best Howitzer in the game is on only 1 commander, but with the current relic we are dealing with I'm just thankful it exists.

While it is possible for OKW to go without a commander (not that I would ever willingly do that <444>3 pak43), Ostheer needs a commander in order to stay competitive much lives soviets do.
12 Feb 2015, 17:24 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

That's how soviets work at the moment, I support a change but it's partly an issue of the fact all of Soviets best units are gated behind commanders. But there are a good amount of blob counter commanders, the IS2 exists on more than 1 commander, and so does several other units like the t34/85. It is kinda silly however the best Howitzer in the game is on only 1 commander, but with the current relic we are dealing with I'm just thankful it exists.

While it is possible for OKW to go without a commander (not that I would ever willingly do that <444>3 pak43), Ostheer needs a commander in order to stay competitive much lives soviets do.

The Jackson does the same job narrowing the meta by negating Ostheer T3. :/

The IS-2 is only in one commander since the other was never in meta and i have only seen it in old compstomps. :P However shock rifle does a good job destroying all infantry with shocks, incendiary barrages, and IS-2 (and the kv-8 if you have too much fuel)

Guards mortar is mainly used because of Mark Target as well as the best mortar which indeed destroys all infantry and blobs. Soon more people will have advanced warfare with its suppressive strafe.

The main balanced Soviet tank is the KV-1, which i would like to see more of since it does a great job occupying schrek blobs with super armor and extra health. Its also tougher than the kv-8, which is a situational tank these tanks as the panther does a good job keeping it away (well, OKW's panther)
12 Feb 2015, 17:50 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

The Jackson does the same job narrowing the meta by negating Ostheer T3. :/

The IS-2 is only in one commander since the other was never in meta and i have only seen it in old compstomps. :P However shock rifle does a good job destroying all infantry with shocks, incendiary barrages, and IS-2 (and the kv-8 if you have too much fuel)

Guards mortar is mainly used because of Mark Target as well as the best mortar which indeed destroys all infantry and blobs. Soon more people will have advanced warfare with its suppressive strafe.

The main balanced Soviet tank is the KV-1, which i would like to see more of since it does a great job occupying schrek blobs with super armor and extra health. Its also tougher than the kv-8, which is a situational tank these tanks as the panther does a good job keeping it away (well, OKW's panther)

Yeah obviously the other IS2 commander your not going to see in anything below 3's or 4's but the fact remains the Shock Rifle commander is probably in the top 3 best Soviet commanders in the game ATM.

Guards mortar is great just because the 2 t34/85's can easily kill any Axis tank in the game using mark target, not to mention the fact they can easily blow away enemy infantry while remaining as fast and agile as a t34. Advanced warfare however just isn't that great for late game in my opinion, as con's usefulness just drops off significantly and shock troops are so vital to dealing with Elite infantry.

And to make it makes zero sense why the KV1 is the toughest KV series tank in the game, all 3 should have the same armor and health with the KV2 probably deserving a little more for being such an insanely high cost unit. It is great getting KT shells to bounce on my KV1's frontal armor though, gotta love that better frontal armor than a tiger :)
12 Feb 2015, 22:18 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Guys I have an idea. USF players blobbing LMGs is a big problem, so I think I got a way to fix it. Lets make the M8A1 Scott get to vet 3 faster, and once at vet 3 it unlocks a 240 munition ability which turns every shot it fires into a nuclear bomb. This way, the USF player has something to spend his munis on and therefore less LMG Rifleblobs.

Am I doing it right guise?

Hahaha this ^^^ Same Logic as original OP.
12 Feb 2015, 22:25 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Hahaha this ^^^ Same Logic as original OP.

You have a lot to learn in the ways of sarcasm...
13 Feb 2015, 02:14 AM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

people can disagree with each-other but you don't have right to be an ass about it. (what am i saying. technically you don't have any rights here at all :P) invised some post number bla bla

please be respectful to your fellow forumites as much as possible. as much as some of you are trying to be funny the sarcasm is pushing it a bit. :)
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