I also expect 40 euros price for the new factions ^^
Just to keep the "relic way".
Well, they don't run charity and you don't just snap your fingers and poof, suddenly 2 new armies.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
I also expect 40 euros price for the new factions ^^
Just to keep the "relic way".
Posts: 1026
Well, they don't run charity and you don't just snap your fingers and poof, suddenly 2 new armies.
Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4
Posts: 1026
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
Doesn't have to be free, but the pricing model for WFA+AA wound up giving us one expansion pack's worth of content for the price of the full retail game originally (or more, depending on what region you were in). AA being 40 eur was in particular a slap in the face for people there.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
Which really isn't any different to anything other companies do.
Look at blizzard and D3/SC2 expansion model. You get new content, pay like for full game and have millions of people jerking off how awesome and generous Blizzard is. Or how many Terraria reskins have you seen, next being more expensive then previous.
Other studio does the same and the hurt of butts will be felt 3 generations into the future.
Players double standards are simply stunning at times. Especially since you can make completely separate, full game out of WFA+AA.
I'm not being for or against that model here, I'm simply saying that everyone does that and I see no reason to bash only a single game for it since whole gaming market does it and since players are buying it instead of sharpening pitchforks, lighting torches and marching against evil gaming companies, I see no reason to get worked up against it.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
Except the Starcraft Expansions added new stuff as well as a full campaign, which we didn't get with AA.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
So we didn't get USF AA campaign as well as 2 new ARMIES for price of full game with WFA+AA.
Meanwhile, SC2 offered couple of new units and campaign for price of full game.
I really wonder which deal sounds better.
Next time before hitting that reply button reread the post couple more times until you understand it.
Some people are slower then others, its normal, take your time and make sure you are replying for the whole post instead of just the part you've managed to process.
Unless you have worst case of selective reading ever known to a man that is.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
Except AA was only about 5-6 hours long, which can normally only be achieved through speed runs for HotS and WoL. Not to mention the fact that the expansions added new units for all the armies. USF + OKW + AA is the price of 2 Starcraft Expansions, while only getting you nominally more units and a single player campaign that was extremely poor for it's cost.
The fact that Relic literally did not make a single new unit for the AA campaign is rather telling.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
Umm, replayability value for AA is incomparably greater then for any SC2 campaign.
And are you REALLY arguing that adding 6 units is better then TWO WHOLE ARMIES? At this point I wonder if I talk to a frog who learned to type english.
USF mortar?
Cavalry rifleman?
Repair halftruck?
Various new off-maps?
The sherman from the last mission?
Why are you talking about parts of the game you obviously NEVER played yourself and instead spit usual, inaccurate bullshit?
Posts: 40
Iv played the entire AA campaign, which is a joke because even on hard the AI is so bad I swear to god it must be set to easy. All the USF units in the game are just reused models of USF units added when the army was put into the game. There isn't a single custom model to be found for miles.
The Repeatability for AA is a joke as well, the amount of unit customization you have in the SC2 campaigns blows AA out of the water, every single unit you get has 2 variants, that can also be upgraded to multiple other variants.
If you have ever played another Relic game before you would know that to call AA a full campaign is a shame when shit like DoW2 exists. Hell, they put more effort into DoW Retribution.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
I don't understand what you're saying.. are you saying they rehashed the units from WFA and used them in AA. This is Partially true but we also get a lot of new units. Like a previous user mentioned. Ranger, Infantry Mortars, Cavalry Rifleman, to name a few. I just wish they would carry over the Ranger from AA and make them a Doctrine. Similar Rangers to that of COH. I would love for them to stick those Mortars into the LT (Platoon) Building. Maybe have the Cavalry Rifleman as a Call In from a new Commander, they can come in, in a Halftrack.
Posts: 40
The point is that the units aren't actually new, they are just reused models called new units. You can make custom units all day using the preexisting models.
No new tanks, no new planes, no new infantry models or equipment.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
What new units are you expecting exactly.
Posts: 40
I don't know, a few more of the over 20 different Sherman Variants that exist. Maybe some real artillery? Who knows, maybe even another airplane to support you.
Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1
Permanently BannedPosts: 3552 | Subs: 2
Why are you talking about parts of the game you obviously NEVER played yourself and instead spit usual, inaccurate bullshit?
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
That's a good question
Another good question would be:
Why are you bothering to argue with him?
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
That's a good question
Another good question would be:
Why are you bothering to argue with him?
Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2