
russian armor

Well that stream was... *sigh*

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18 Jan 2015, 13:00 PM
avatar of computerheat
Honorary Member Badge
Benefactor 117

Posts: 2838 | Subs: 3

...Hope this clarifies some of the point we sought to make in the cast. We will definitely consider going with a separate QA section next time.

18 Jan 2015, 13:12 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

I think too many people take this game too serious.
Bugs are more frustrating than any balance issues some guys of you are imagining.
Moreover Relic has released quite some content in 2014 and showed that they continue and support a game that was released in 2013.

I remember games that were released and then forgotten by their developers because the next project is starting.

Just whine less... it makes you look like Kindergarten children.
18 Jan 2015, 13:28 PM
avatar of GuyFromTheSky

Posts: 229

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jan 2015, 00:32 AMNapalm
Relic missed an opportunity to start 2015 on a different direction with more clear and concise communication. How cool would it have been if Relic gave us a sense of direction for 2015 straight up. "Hey peeps, we have been looking into what the community wants for 2015 and here our are priories for Q1. Bug fix patch is coming in January, balancing patch sometime after as we prepare for e-Sports. It's going to be a big year, new content and such that we'll share with you once its in a more polished state. We'll be able to talk more about this in Q2!"

vs. what we got on the stream yesterday

"Hey peeps, we are working on some things we can't talk about but we are excited to share the information with you when we can."

Notice the differences and similarities?

Both approach respect the NDA. One approach builds street hype, the other builds resentment as we can clearly tell that they are purposely holding back.

Frustrating on all sides.

Two things caused me to leave the Steam early though. Maybe he was just having a bad day but PQ's dismissive attitude towards suggestions and balancing complaints, some of which the community has been talking about for 6 months. The other thing is the community's treatment of Cynthia. Some of the cheeky shit you nerds are putting her (and other Relic employees) through is harassment. I'm not sure what kind of response you are hoping to get from them. Do you purposely want them to dread talking to the community? Because that is fantastic way to make it happen. I got a message specific to those who act in this way.

Best post of the thread. Hope relic sees this amongst all the crap.
18 Jan 2015, 13:32 PM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Relic when asking for help, users have offered their sincere answers
Maybe a survey or collection of Q/A would be a great idea.
18 Jan 2015, 15:37 PM
avatar of somenbjorn

Posts: 923

In hindsight, playing and trying to do a QA likely was not the best idea. It was very difficult to answer questions meaningfully and play the game itself. I figure its worth clarifying a few points incase they weren't clearly communicated in the stream itself.

Regardings Volksgrenadiers and the Shrek, we recognized this as an issue. However, we noted that the removal of this weapon would likely have adverse effects on the factions performance. As such, we are working towards a solution which minimizes this adverse effect while resolving the tactical breakdown this strategy has created.

Regarding the Pack Howitzer, I did not understand the question when it was first stated. The point relating to its target size is fair, its definitely something we can look into.

Regarding RNG, there are definitely cases where RNG has resulted in a negative experience for players. In cases where counterplay is maintained, we feel RNG works well to create a positive environment. In instances where counterplay is non-existant, we feel RNG's impact on the game can come across as arbitrary and is worth addressing at some point in the future. One example related to stray shells wiping a squad, this is definitely an area we want to improve on.

Regarding Panzergrenadiers, it was noted that they are over performing relative to their cost. But, given their timing their overall performance is limited. Basically, if the unit was fielded at the 0 minute mark it would likely be viewed as an over performer, its not and therefore its performance is considered to be on par or slightly below par. That is all that comment was meant to point out.

Regarding the call-in meta, it was noted that we recognize the cost efficiency of call-ins and their impact to the meta. However, we feel that a solution to call-ins cannot occur until we remove the reliance Soviet players have on these units. This likely means some changes to make Soviet core units more appealing/viable.

Hope this clarifies some of the point we sought to make in the cast. We will definitely consider going with a separate QA section next time.

PS. The point about the Sherman Bulldozer was meant to be some light humour.

This is what we have been asking for! This is communicating. Thanks
18 Jan 2015, 15:49 PM
avatar of BeltFedWombat
Patrion 14

Posts: 951

I think PzGrens should be Tier One with maybe a bit of a tweak. Grens should be T2 and it's this unit that gets the Shrek upgrade. Bigger, slightly weaker unit.

It turns the early wehr game on it's head and gives them a real boost versus US. If the USSR call-in reliance is broken with better core units then SU is balanced versus the Wehr change too.

I think smaller, close combat infantry for wehr makes an interesting early game match-up - after all cons have the long range advantage, oo-rah and mollies. It turns into a bit of an ambush dance with the pzgrens wanting to get up close.
18 Jan 2015, 16:33 PM
avatar of FestiveLongJohns
Patrion 15

Posts: 1157 | Subs: 2

My main disappointments are:
  • Acknowledging Volkschrecks are broken, but will not be fixed because OKW crutches on them.
  • Cynthia reading my statement about the Pack Howitzer and Peter ignoring it (I think he grunted, that means something?).
  • Uncontrolled RNG like "Abandon", "Gun Destroyed", or Flamer explosion will not be changed.
  • "Panzergrenadiers are actually overperforming."
  • Call-in meta will not be changed because Soviets rely heavily on it.
  • Soviets stock units will not be buffed because they can use call-ins.
  • Units clumping up out of cover will not be changed, resulting squad wipes are not a major problem. Because 6 men standing within 4 meters of each other in a 50 meter wide field is FUCKING FINE.
  • All factions are played equally, and if Axis is at 80%, you're just "not on at the right time".

I used to be positive with Relic and I still am sometimes, but there are times like these when they don't seem to give a single shit about their game. The worst part is that Peter thinks the game is completely balanced. My hopes of ever seeing a balance patch again have dropped dramatically, I was hoping next month, but now I'm not sure if there will be one EVER.

This is really, really, really disheartening. Can anyone verify this info?
18 Jan 2015, 16:39 PM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

This is really, really, really disheartening. Can anyone verify this info?

I can verify that it's utterly wrong. The stream yesterday wasn't a correct representation of how Relic thinks about balance.
18 Jan 2015, 16:45 PM
avatar of FestiveLongJohns
Patrion 15

Posts: 1157 | Subs: 2

I can verify that it's utterly wrong. The stream yesterday wasn't a correct representation of how Relic thinks about balance.

Thats good, because I was worried they were going to push back Pgrens to T4 like obers.
18 Jan 2015, 16:56 PM
avatar of boc120

Posts: 245

Festive, did you miss PQ's post in this thread?
18 Jan 2015, 17:30 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Well, I salute you PQ for responding to this thread, but you can understand if people are skeptical of your words.
18 Jan 2015, 17:43 PM
avatar of gman1211

Posts: 133

"All factions are played equally, and if Axis is at 80%, you're just "not on at the right time"

Wow I hope relic did not state this. Ya, both factions MUST BE PLAYED EQUALLY. You can't start a game without an equal amount of allied and axis players.
18 Jan 2015, 18:13 PM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Regarding Panzergrenadiers, it was noted that they are over performing relative to their cost. But, given their timing their overall performance is limited. Basically, if the unit was fielded at the 0 minute mark it would likely be viewed as an over performer, its not and therefore its performance is considered to be on par or slightly below par. That is all that comment was meant to point out.

Thank you Peter

Could you perhaps expand more on Panzergrenadiers please?

This is a unit that consensus opinion believes somewhat underwhelming, so it was surprising to hear your opinion that they are over performing.

Are they over performing as AI or AT, both?

18 Jan 2015, 20:09 PM
avatar of Mortar
Donator 22

Posts: 559

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jan 2015, 00:32 AMNapalm
Relic missed an opportunity to start 2015 on a different direction with more clear and concise communication. How cool would it have been if Relic gave us a sense of direction for 2015 straight up. "Hey peeps, we have been looking into what the community wants for 2015 and here our are priories for Q1. Bug fix patch is coming in January, balancing patch sometime after as we prepare for e-Sports. It's going to be a big year, new content and such that we'll share with you once its in a more polished state. We'll be able to talk more about this in Q2!"

vs. what we got on the stream yesterday

"Hey peeps, we are working on some things we can't talk about but we are excited to share the information with you when we can."

Notice the differences and similarities?

Both approach respect the NDA. One approach builds street hype, the other builds resentment as we can clearly tell that they are purposely holding back.

Frustrating on all sides.

Two things caused me to leave the Steam early though. Maybe he was just having a bad day but PQ's dismissive attitude towards suggestions and balancing complaints, some of which the community has been talking about for 6 months. The other thing is the community's treatment of Cynthia. Some of the cheeky shit you nerds are putting her (and other Relic employees) through is harassment. I'm not sure what kind of response you are hoping to get from them. Do you purposely want them to dread talking to the community? Because that is fantastic way to make it happen. I got a message specific to those who act in this way.

Pretty much exactly how I feel and reacted to the stream. Very well stated Napalm.
18 Jan 2015, 20:24 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

Thank you Peter

Could you perhaps expand more on Panzergrenadiers please?

This is a unit that consensus opinion believes somewhat underwhelming, so it was surprising to hear your opinion that they are over performing.

Are they over performing as AI or AT, both?

I think... If i recall correctly... Peter said they could be considered OP if they were there at the beginning of a match? Which confused me because we have sturmpioneers which are very similar, and any late game infantry/elite infantry would be very OP at the start of the match, but timing mostly offsets this since over time more counters appear for them.

So im pretty sure this wasnt the explanation he had in mind...
18 Jan 2015, 21:10 PM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

unless he was obliquely talking about decreasing tech time and costs for OKH, which would be a terrible idea and undo all the work that went into increasing tech times about a year ago. making OKW and USF Lt take longer to tech to (although this makes USF even more fucking boring early game) is the better direction.
18 Jan 2015, 22:09 PM
avatar of Jackiebrown

Posts: 657

"All factions are played equally, and if Axis is at 80%, you're just "not on at the right time"

Wow I hope relic did not state this. Ya, both factions MUST BE PLAYED EQUALLY. You can't start a game without an equal amount of allied and axis players.
Yea I think they said something along the lines of what time of day you get on makes big differences between number of Axis and Allied players.
18 Jan 2015, 22:11 PM
avatar of spam.r33k

Posts: 503

Strangely enough I saw awsome support from Relic what do you call monthly streams and balance patches, A dedicated server for balance testing with the community, new content(oh god so it needed a bit of balancing after release.... of course it did its an RTS dood they are not simple or easy to balance especially with the depth in COH2). Not only that they have added everything the community asked for... lobbies, chat, Observer mode, modding and map support that is way more accessible and easy to use then it ever was in Coh1.

Seriously guys the behavior of the community is downright pathetic and unfair and Frankly I don't blame Relic in anyway for the silence and lack of content the last couple months. They have worked hard to give feedback support and everything we asked for and what do they get? Honestly what do they get???? Your POS devs.... Your game is a POS.... You guys dont support or listen(completely ignoring all the support above and beyond).

If someone is calling you a POS constantly bashing your hardwork constantly are you going to be inclined to continue to cater to that persons every whim while they don't appreciate it and call you a POS to your face.

Right now this community is getting the support it deserves and earned period. Now why dont we grow the fuck up get a little maturity and dare I say decency and maybe just maybe we can all get the best out of the awsome RTS and the Developer/Fan relationship for the good of all.

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jan 2015, 00:32 AMNapalm
Relic missed an opportunity to start 2015 on a different direction with more clear and concise communication. How cool would it have been if Relic gave us a sense of direction for 2015 straight up. "Hey peeps, we have been looking into what the community wants for 2015 and here our are priories for Q1. Bug fix patch is coming in January, balancing patch sometime after as we prepare for e-Sports. It's going to be a big year, new content and such that we'll share with you once its in a more polished state. We'll be able to talk more about this in Q2!"

vs. what we got on the stream yesterday

"Hey peeps, we are working on some things we can't talk about but we are excited to share the information with you when we can."

Notice the differences and similarities?

Both approach respect the NDA. One approach builds street hype, the other builds resentment as we can clearly tell that they are purposely holding back.

Frustrating on all sides.

Two things caused me to leave the Steam early though. Maybe he was just having a bad day but PQ's dismissive attitude towards suggestions and balancing complaints, some of which the community has been talking about for 6 months. The other thing is the community's treatment of Cynthia. Some of the cheeky shit you nerds are putting her (and other Relic employees) through is harassment. I'm not sure what kind of response you are hoping to get from them. Do you purposely want them to dread talking to the community? Because that is fantastic way to make it happen. I got a message specific to those who act in this way.

call me an ass kisser, but i felt like reposting some of the more reasonable posts to drown out all that childish, pathetic noise some of you emit (figuratively speaking).
if youre still young you probably think behavior like that is cool or funny. its not, and you will hopefully learn that one way or the other. if youre already what some call an adult and still think behavior like that is fine, well, i feel sorry for you. you grew up to be an indecent, social pariah and i pity anyone who has to work/live/be in the same room with you.
if youre thinking about pointing out how rude im being here, let me say: you reap what you sow

yours sincerely, Reek

19 Jan 2015, 00:37 AM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

yes could some people please stop harassing Cynthia? i think it is kinda sexual harassment. some of the comments there were kinda impolite and nasty
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