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Well that stream was... *sigh*

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17 Jan 2015, 18:12 PM
avatar of Jackiebrown

Posts: 657

Someone asked about "Can't bazookas get a little price reduction (since shrecks are vastly better) to compensate for it's lower damage since it costs the same as a shreck." Answer was "But what does an Axis Player give up in turn for shreck upgrade?" I was like dude, yea pgrens give up 2 stgs and volks give up a rifle for cold immune and a shreck. Rifles would have to give up 2 rifles for the bazookas and Rear echelon with zooks is just a fancy definition for "glass cannon".
17 Jan 2015, 18:15 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Yeah it's really obvious that Peter nor Cynthia actually play the game, which is pretty dumb. Most balance teams in other companies have problems due lack of impartiality because the balance team plays the game, this is the opposite I guess, but is somehow even worse.
17 Jan 2015, 18:23 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

next time, they should not play while doing Q&A. i feel like they can't gve good responses when their attention is split
17 Jan 2015, 18:25 PM
avatar of Jackiebrown

Posts: 657

I feel like they dumped WAY too much time and resources into AA. For a game that thrives of multiplayer there should have been some content for multi released along side it, even something small like a few commanders. Then after AA they pretty much jumped off the radar for over two months, and come back with a stream that says, "Hey we got cool stuff planned, but we can't say anything about it." Be a little more transparent, and they would do so much better.
17 Jan 2015, 18:40 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

I feel like they dumped WAY too much time and resources into AA. For a game that thrives of multiplayer there should have been some content for multi released along side it, even something small like a few commanders. Then after AA they pretty much jumped off the radar for over two months, and come back with a stream that says, "Hey we got cool stuff planned, but we can't say anything about it." Be a little more transparent, and they would do so much better.

i think singleplayer ppl and compstomp audience is a bigger portion of the playerbase than the multiplayer peeps.
17 Jan 2015, 18:46 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

I would like to see them just stream playing.

Do Q&A separate.

Easily one of the stupidest streams I have ever seen. My head almost exploded when I heard that bulldozer was a "heavy tank".

PG's over performing!?!?! Maybe against low skill opponents in 4v4, but seriously.

Also how did they manage to lose a game as the Axis in 4v4?
17 Jan 2015, 18:55 PM
avatar of Jackiebrown

Posts: 657

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jan 2015, 18:40 PMNinjaWJ

i think singleplayer ppl and compstomp audience is a bigger portion of the playerbase than the multiplayer peeps.
Yes but with compstomping, they are still using the aspects of multiplayer, commanders, bulletins, vehicle skins. The majority of the player base can't just be playing the campaign. The old content release patern worked so much better. Have commanders and maps be released with ToW, it covers everyone then.
17 Jan 2015, 18:59 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jan 2015, 17:28 PMNinjaWJ
Someone asked why the flak HQ was so good against allied medium tanks. PQ's answer "why shouldn't it?"


So, after "performance" update they said that they were not focusing on balance, but since now they will, so.... :D
17 Jan 2015, 19:07 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

This is just a guess but I assume Cynthia at least is pretty embarrassed that the stream was a disaster. Not to mention the fact they won't be releasing a patch in January like promised.

I would think so.

That twitch stream last night was like watching the reels on a gambling machine spinning round rapidly, out of control. And it did not stop for 1.5 hours......

I think Relic anticipated some problem, so stacked the mod section right off the bat, with more mods than I have ever seen; all of them were Southern Boys clan (though not sure about Renner, bcs I have not checked). PQ is ofc also from that clan. The thing kicked off (in every which way) at 01:00 GMT, when doubtless Europe might be thought to be asleep....but as it is turned out, the stream attracted an average of approximately 450 viewers, and they were by no means all North American

The Southern Boys seemed to quickly evaporate, as the reels revolved remorselessly. And disaffected posters, whose questions were not answered, just kept copying and pasting their Qs, whilst the Mods failed to slow down the reels for a long time. I spent the whole time trying to read the Qs as they came up - whilst trying to listen to the Relic voices at the same time -no mean achievement, given the vicious, unrelenting whirring of the machine

The reels were spinning so fast, that Cynthia evidently had problems keeping up with reading out loud one post, and meanwhile PQ played his 4v4s, and would be interrupted from his concentration with comments, asking for a question to be further defined, by which time the spinning reel, choke full of questions and the occasional loaded comment, had rolled on remorselessly.

Von Kluge was eventually left to moderate on his own, with Cynthia -and was calling for Renner for help - as he drowned in the sea of questions. which were spinning inexorably out of control. Realistically, they were both placed in an impossible position, both by the desertion of the other Southern Boys, as well as the strangely detached PQ,who seemed to be engrossed in his games,(which I did not have time to watch).

Which left QD lurking in the twitch chat - he did join the mods later on, but he should have been in there much faster.

Reviewing this exercise, I think it was an attempt by the Community Manager to draw the two sides back together, albeit it did not come off - well, how could it? There was no substantive content divulged, apart from snippets about the Dev attitude towards OKW Volks and the state of the SU with its call- ins, and the promise of a patch next month. The setting of the stage was wrong. The failure to control the Qs was a mistake

In future - (as the streamers kept writing in chat!)- it would be a good idea for the questions be submitted in advance, so that PQ does not have to worry in advance about being ambushed. The questions which cannot be answered can then be read out and answers given in a considered fashion as to why they cannot be answered. And answers can then be given , however limited, as to why X Army or Y unit presents problems

If you are put on the spot in a throbbing, fast moving, often hostile Twitch stream, as PQ and Cynthia were last night, and unsure as to whether to answer a question, you first reaction will be to be defensive, if you are unsure. As somebody wrote on these forums,(Wuff?) jobs could be on the line, if you do not toe the party line, so play safe rather than sorry.

And last, but not least, it would enable the true trolls to be dealt with calmly and efficiently. Some members got a ban last night, who should not have done; one or two others escaped remarkably unscathed who should have been nailed. Anybody who asks 'what do you swallow' deserves all they get. Looking at you,****** >:( ....

17 Jan 2015, 19:12 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

damn no balance patch so far, they prob work on another fail SP content like AA, but this time with new factions maybe? or just like ToW/ToV.

That's so sad how Relic wants to earn easy money from us
17 Jan 2015, 19:15 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

Yeah it's really obvious that Peter nor Cynthia actually play the game, which is pretty dumb. Most balance teams in other companies have problems due lack of impartiality because the balance team plays the game, this is the opposite I guess, but is somehow even worse.

Except they do play the game.
17 Jan 2015, 19:17 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

damn no balance patch so far, they prob work on another fail SP content like AA, but this time with new factions maybe? or just like ToW/ToV.

That's so sad how Relic wants to earn easy money from us

Okay seriously, wtf do you people want? They're saying they're going to release a patch in early February consisting of bugfixes. A lot of people have been asking for patches that just exclusively focus on bugfixes, and now that that happens you are still not satisfied?
17 Jan 2015, 19:24 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Except they do play the game.

No they don't, sorry but anyone who can honestly claim that the game is totally fine and that Ostheer is in a perfect place atm either doesn't play or is to dumb to breathe.
17 Jan 2015, 19:27 PM
avatar of Jackiebrown

Posts: 657

Okay seriously, wtf do you people want? They're saying they're going to release a patch in early February consisting of bugfixes. A lot of people have been asking for patches that just exclusively focus on bugfixes, and now that that happens you are still not satisfied?
I for one am not mad about a bug patch coming out (it is really needed). Most people want Relic to lay out the game plan for the next couple months. They can't post stuff on Facebook and say "hey first twitch stream of the year!" at least tell us it is about bug fixes instead of just leaving us there speculating it's other things like balance and new content. First thing that pops into people heads is "Oh cool, some announcements about new content, patches, and even a Q&A," then they just dodged most question about balancing and what can we expect that's new since it's been almost 2 months since AA.
17 Jan 2015, 19:30 PM
avatar of willyto
Patrion 15

Posts: 115

I also asked some genuine questions and they just laughed at my questions and moved on after that I said #justrelicthings and pointed out that the stream was being useless because they were not answering anything so I got a permanent ban just after saying that.

Meanwhile some people around here said a lof of bad and wrong things in polish and other languages and didn't even get timed out.

They banned a lot of people for asking genuine questions and specific ones too. This reminds me of a Relic dictatorship where people can't voice their opinions nor even ask questions.

If they're not going to asnwer any question then they shouldn't be streaming. I don't believe they are aware of the community feeling abandoned by them as a game developer. It's so sad to make the first 2015 Stream like they did, playing 4v4 while ignoring the chat and just reading what they find convenient.

Peter was so disrespectful towards the playerbase by answering with sarcasm at the questions and giving ironic answers too. I'm very worried if he really is the head of balance at Relic because his answers were ridiculous and totally unrelated to the question.

They know we have seen commanders and War Effort images because they leaked and they can't even pronounce a word about them when they're asked.

Just a few answers from Cynthia:
- I don't have a specific answer to that
- We're working on a lot of things
- We can't say anything yet
- Go to the offical forums
- We love you

I'm sure the game will get fixed with Cynthia's love. I would prefer Relic to hate us and care about the game than having their love.

This is the worst Stream I've ever seen from a game developer, it was a disaster and I can't believe there is still people defending them.
17 Jan 2015, 19:30 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Okay seriously, wtf do you people want? They're saying they're going to release a patch in early February consisting of bugfixes. A lot of people have been asking for patches that just exclusively focus on bugfixes, and now that that happens you are still not satisfied?

Are you dense? They have been promising new content/new patches be it balance or bug fixes for months and we still have nothing. Sorry but so far Relic has a history of promising shit and never delivering, but they are always excited for the future!
17 Jan 2015, 19:34 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

Oh fuck, this can't possibly all be true?

I'm pretty sure Someguy misheard or misinterpreted what Peter said with a lot of these.

1. I'm pretty sure he didn't say shrecks w volks will never be fixed

2. Well he was also playing the game. Ofc it was a bad idea to play the game and answer questions simultanously but I'm pretty sure he didnt ignore you, he was just too focused on the game.

3. Fair enough

4. This is true, Peter does look at numbers a bit too much.

5. I'm pretty sure he said they're looking at it

6. 5.

7. He said they're looking at other solutions to the problem.

8. Fair enough.

I'm seriously sad the NDA exists

Von Kluge was eventually left to moderate on his own, with Cynthia -and was calling for Renner for help - as he drowned in the sea of questions. which were spinning inexorably out of control. Realistically, they were both placed in an impossible position, both by the desertion of the other Southern Boys, as well as the strangely detached PQ,who seemed to be engrossed in his games,(which I did not have time to watch).

lol 'desertion'

Well tbh I left because they started the stream extremely late (2 am where I live). I didn't want to mess up my sleep rhythm.
17 Jan 2015, 19:35 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

No they don't, sorry but anyone who can honestly claim that the game is totally fine and that Ostheer is in a perfect place atm either doesn't play or is to dumb to breathe.

I'm in the alpha.

I SEE Peter playing the game. I play the game WITH Peter.

This fucking NDA man
17 Jan 2015, 19:36 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

They could have at least streamed a game running in their inhouse version of COH2 with the various cool changes they are prototyping. They have done it before, why the hell didn't they do it this time?
17 Jan 2015, 19:37 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

Are you dense? They have been promising new content/new patches be it balance or bug fixes for months and we still have nothing. Sorry but so far Relic has a history of promising shit and never delivering, but they are always excited for the future!

But this is exactly what they're going to deliver...???

Balance is being worked on.

And where did they promise new content? All they've been saying is that they can't say anything about new content lol.
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