-Make us able to see ranks in game menus! Now we have to go here coh2.org or official ranking page from browser and search our steam id to see our ranks. I dont even know when I climb up the ladder, I have to always check it from coh2.org.
-Introduce new ranking system with ranks like this: Bronze, Silver, Gold or something like that. I don´t mean Relic should copy everything from League of Legends, but LoL is a good example from good ranking system Now my rank is 800 as OKW. I think it would sound much more better, if i could say "My OKW rank is Silver II".
-Give faceplates or tank skins depending on level. For an example top 1 (Jesulin)

-Are all 1v1s ranked? Sometimes i feel they are not. I have played with Luvnest and Helping Hans, quess who have won? No, this is nothing personal against those skilled players, but i would prefer to wait 5 minutes to meet same rank player, rather than play with top 10 player, who stomps me in 15 minutes.
-This is a crazy idea, but is it possible to create an option with small player amount of CoH2, which would make us able to play not ranked games? For an example i sometimes would like to test Ostruppen strategies. But usually i end up failing. I dont want to lose my ranks.