
russian armor

Axis heavy armor needs nerf or Allied AT needs buffs

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29 Dec 2014, 16:48 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Could have been bugged, I have never had a score that high before. The game took over an hour though. My player score was in the 6 digits. Near the end it consisted of me fielding 3 jacksons behind a bunch of IS-2s. We basically had wave after wave of panthers and king tigers. When that didn't work they basically just put out Jadgs and elephants and then it was over, you really don't have any reliable answer to that withouut ISU-152's.

It was frustrating as hell because we had them down to 80 points, and they basically bled us from 500 down to 0.

Jagds and elfants if not taken out will win axis the armor game unless u have isu-152.Just the way it is.Either u have bomb or b4 or isu-152 or simply a line of AT guns.The thing these 2 units are specialized and only useable in 4 vs 4 due to cost.If u use massed armor against it,expect to lose because thats their sole purpose.L2P issue.A line of perfect armoured targets in is-2 and jackson is exactly what jagd/elfant exists for.
29 Dec 2014, 16:50 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

I don't mind giving usf pershing,but it should disable jackson 240 dmg 3 shot pz 4 production.

Im for that OK with nerfing dmg to 160 and increasing penetration to 260-240-220
29 Dec 2014, 16:55 PM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

I think talking any armor changes before the Panzerschreck changes is unwarranted. This change alone may balance out the armor differences.
29 Dec 2014, 17:02 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

For the love of God the US faction needs SOMETHING.

The US AT gun, in practice, seems to be the worst piece of garbage I have ever seen. It constantly misses, never seems to penetrate, and doesn't even get the benefit of the ZIS like arty barrage.

The Sherman is utterly pathetic at anything more than wiping large blobs of infantry.

Bazooks are wielded by dead men who don't quite know it yet. No accuracy, no pentration, no damage.

And the M36. Seriously? This thing has garbage maneuverability, laughable penetration vs panthers, has no anti infantry to speak of, and requires an opponent that doesn't know how to hit the NOS (blitzkrieg) button. Panthers 2 shot them, panzer 4s can kill them in 3 shots, pretty much a stiff breeze will kill this tank.

I just lost my 2nd 4 V 4 match today, and in both cases we were wiping the floor with the enemy team. Then out comes the panthers and sure enough the end of the match went down hill quickly from there. The end of the game saw me fielding 3 jacksons with a screen of IS-2's. At first this worked reasonably well, then out come the elephants, the jagdtigers, and the King tigers. Its absolutely absurd that axis can have a screen of troops with devastating panzeshrek hand held AT vs the US who have to try and field 4 units to counter it while dealing with Ultra heavy AT tanks with the range of the entire screen.

Yet relic says they have no plans to add any US heavy tanks. Seriously this company is utterly fucking retarded at balance.

I ended the match north of 95,000 damage from the jacksons as the result of some incredible teamwork on the part of the allies. We had a vastly superior team, but in the end we lost because ultimately the axis players can just spam panthers, tigers, and king tigers with little to no fear of any real AT on the part of the allied faction. With Obercommandos and Panzershreks dominating both infantry/tanks, and the US being forced to use ultra fragile units, the German faction required skill level is absurdly low compared to their allied counter parts Late Game.

The asymetrical balance is awful, has been awful, and will continue to be awful. Relic now has 4 teams to try and balance and my guess is they have no clue what to do about it.

The start is giving the allied faction some goddamn AT that actually works, or just removing the super heavies from the game. They are the main problem right now.

Nice rant.
Let me see usf does need something.It needs to stop autowinning vs ostheer,getting free teching units,OP rifles walking all over grenadiers and deathmachine light vehicles.Oh forgot jackson 3 shot panzer 4s.Stug has already terminated its existence voluntarily.
Ostheer is by far the weakest faction in the game with crippling tech costs and shitty unit after shitty unit.
m36 -if u dislike it why don't we give it some more health and pen .As long as it doesn't do 240 dmg.3 shotting pz 4s,2 shots even before u can get in range-i guess u don't know how that feels.
U laughing at shermans-axis players don't laugh when they see vet 3 infantry being one shotted by this HE rounds.But that never happens to rifles from axis tanks.
IS-2 half my units can't even penetrate this thing,it just strolls in once u have 2 of them.At same price to tiger it wipes the floor with tiger.
Lear to use usf destroy engines mines,which are the best AT stock mines in the game and lain quickly.Panthers are helpless vs AT tank gun line and if u kept ur rifle infantry alive,which if u can't shouldn't play usf anyway axis infantry can't take them out.

I can rant just as hard on how ridiculous and frustrating it is to see swarms of usf infantry and free teching units totally bully u around over the map,laughing at mg 42 either by crawling grenade while suppressed or smoke...and then gets free lieutenant while ur desperately trying to get a pak..to be followed by light vehicle to end the game.And even if u somehow made it to t3- jackson 3 shot pz 4(2 of them even before u can recah range),and lol 2 shot stug.
Ostheer t3 is extinct due to jackson.And usf almost autowin vs ostheer.If anyone gets to rant on usf its the ostheer player.
29 Dec 2014, 17:04 PM
avatar of DasDoomTurtle

Posts: 438

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Dec 2014, 16:55 PMNapalm
I think talking any armor changes before the Panzerschreck changes is unwarranted. This change alone may balance out the armor differences.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. If Armor is to be "balanced" and shreks aren't then its back to square one. Shreks are at this point, homing rockets that seem to auto pen when their volks handlers get vet lol
29 Dec 2014, 17:07 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Dec 2014, 16:55 PMNapalm
I think talking any armor changes before the Panzerschreck changes is unwarranted. This change alone may balance out the armor differences.

Panzershreck blob is relic's fault.Its OKW's only defense against horde of allied medium call-ins and t-34/sherman,because fuel starved faction can't match them tank for tank.So it is dependant on Non-armor AT to even the balance.The only non-armoured AT that can do its job reliably is shreck.Raketen being a pile of dirt.Truth is raketen needs to go.In no other faction is non-armor AT as vital as in OKW due to fuel cap..and due to poor design they somehow end up getting the shittiest gun.
29 Dec 2014, 17:37 PM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

OKW has the best non-doctrinal tank destroyer in the game. The JagdPanzer is amazing when handled well. Unfortunately, entitled players have gotten use to the King Tiger and JagdTiger ease of use.
29 Dec 2014, 17:51 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Panzershreck blob is relic's fault.Its OKW's only defense against horde of allied medium call-ins and t-34/sherman,because fuel starved faction can't match them tank for tank.So it is dependant on Non-armor AT to even the balance.The only non-armoured AT that can do its job reliably is shreck.Raketen being a pile of dirt.Truth is raketen needs to go.In no other faction is non-armor AT as vital as in OKW due to fuel cap..and due to poor design they somehow end up getting the shittiest gun.

The only one? Come on...
Raketen (it needs little buff), Jadgpanzer, Puma...
29 Dec 2014, 17:54 PM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403

Also a line of AT guns is easy solution to shut it down.
Also helpless vs bazooka blobs.

The same could be said about most allied tanks.

A line of AT guns is a easy solution to shut down.
All helpless VS Panzershreck Blobs.

ALso, really? Bazookas? A threat to a Panther? Unless you leave its rear to the enemy.

29 Dec 2014, 17:58 PM
avatar of Seolfor

Posts: 26

The problem for USF is the amount of units, skills, resources it takes to counter a SINGLE heavy tank - in the name of asymmetrical balance - the allied player needs to micro a single god unit, while the USF player needs to micro/flank/chase using 4+ units.

The mouth breathing german-only trashies saying 'you can flank' are
the most idiotic bunch on these forums.

Panther manouvers far superior to either the Jackson or the Sherman. And unlike pfaust, USF have no way of gurantee 'engine' hit Axis heavy tanks.

Its been months of the same complain threads - i have ZERO hope in RELIC. One of the worst developers out there, when it comes to support/balance changes.

Such a shame given the supreme potential of so many of their titles.
29 Dec 2014, 19:10 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Dec 2014, 16:55 PMNapalm
I think talking any armor changes before the Panzerschreck changes is unwarranted. This change alone may balance out the armor differences.

and make rifleman at nade not akward
30 Dec 2014, 00:13 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

The same could be said about most allied tanks.

A line of AT guns is a easy solution to shut down.
All helpless VS Panzershreck Blobs.

ALso, really? Bazookas? A threat to a Panther? Unless you leave its rear to the enemy.

Except allied tanks have far better AI and raketen can't shut down armor because how shitt and fragile it is-so no line of raketen won't work.

Try it,u'll be surprised ..if panther overextends when facing a bazooka blob it'll be forced to retreat because it can't do any dmg.
30 Dec 2014, 00:17 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

The only one? Come on...
Raketen (it needs little buff), Jadgpanzer, Puma...

Jagdpanzer and puma both fuel options -fuel starved OKW can't match allied medium tank spam tank for tank with these options.And puma is too fragile to be used in the lategame as main weapon to match your opponent tank for tank.OKW needs non fuel AT most.And only options are raketen or volks shreck.U nerf volks shreck then raketen needs BIG buff..so that it can handle the AT needs alone which it will be required to do.Relic bad design giving fuel starved faction worst AT gun .
30 Dec 2014, 00:22 AM
avatar of wandererraven

Posts: 353

line of AT gun easy to break by stuka :p

PS. relic next patch coming next year Right ?
30 Dec 2014, 00:26 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Jagdpanzer and puma both fuel options -fuel starved OKW can't match allied medium tank spam tank for tank with these options.And puma is too fragile to be used in the lategame as main weapon to match your opponent tank for tank.OKW needs non fuel AT most.And only options are raketen or volks shreck.U nerf volks shreck then raketen needs BIG buff..so that it can handle the AT needs alone which it will be required to do.Relic bad design giving fuel starved faction worst AT gun .

Come on dude... Many 1v1 players are going straight for King Tiger which means all trucks converted and tons of fuel.
So if they can get enough fuel for trucks and KT, they also can get 2/3 trucks, Jadgpanzer/Puma, Luchs and Panther.

And with ability to convert muni it's almost unnoticed that OKW gets less fuel.
What's more... A lot cheaper tiers, nothing to spend muni except schrecks and some nades, Panther hits the field faster than OST one...
30 Dec 2014, 00:30 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Come on dude... Many 1v1 players are going straight for King Tiger which means all trucks converted and tons of fuel.
So if they can get enough fuel for trucks and KT, they also can get 2/3 trucks, Jadgpanzer/Puma, Luchs and Panther.

And with ability to convert muni it's almost unnoticed that OKW gets less fuel.
What's more... A lot cheaper tiers, nothing to spend muni except schrecks and some nades, Panther hits the field faster than OST one...

All this is noticeable only because volks shrecks blob keeps allied mediums out of the equation.Minute shreck is nerfed OKW will be defenseless and go back to the weak thing it used to be-because then u can't stall for KT allied mediums will simply rip u apart and u won't be able tod o much coz ur non-fuel At sux balls.And u won't be able to compete in tank spam either.Its just poor design where fuel starved faction gets weakest AT gun which is just nonsense.Raketen needs total overhaul if shreck is nerfed or OKW will go from strongest to weakest(badly so) in 1 patch.
30 Dec 2014, 01:11 AM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned
OKW is op and relic doesn't seem to care

I suggest to the op to play another game

OKW is op as shit in anything above 2v2

the fact that I can get a 17 minute KT shouldn't happen

30 Dec 2014, 01:15 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

OKW is op and relic doesn't seem to care

I suggest to the op to play another game

Fall in line,wehrmacht is UP and relic hasn't cared for quite a long time.
30 Dec 2014, 01:18 AM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned

Fall in line,wehrmacht is UP and relic hasn't cared for quite a long time.

another reason to leave this game

wehr has no chance against rifles and well micro'd con spam (in 1v1's)
30 Dec 2014, 02:27 AM
avatar of BrutusHR

Posts: 262

Well, we all can agree that this game is still beta material in many things. The day vCoh is fixed is day i leave this wanabe coh game.

Problem is, vCoh wont be fixed...
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