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Fury Movie! Tiger vs Sherman

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1 Dec 2014, 08:39 AM
avatar of luvnest
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Patrion 39

Posts: 1094 | Subs: 20

I was digging it until at some point a Hollywood executive said "Wait a Minute we didnt kill enough Nazis!!! I KNOW!!!! *enter final scene"

Spoiler Alert:

With a Disabled Sherman the Crew would have said PEACE OUT and walked away.


Apart from that, I didn't really have the feeling that the movie was complete. It showed warcrimes, humour, hollywood battles all mixed up together so that I don't know whether it's an anti war movie or an action movie.

But the battle against the Tiger Tank was pretty cool.

1 Dec 2014, 10:17 AM
avatar of Deca

Posts: 63

Surprisingly great for an Hollywood effort and a must for any WWII afficiando. Grim, dirty and relentless, but you would have to just disregard the ridiculousness of that final scene. At best you can view that scene as some poetic metaphor - breaks totally with the attempts at realism in the rest of the film.
1 Dec 2014, 10:18 AM
avatar of l4hti

Posts: 476

Kinda retarded a single tiger being all alone there.
Irl it would have infantry and pak support.
1 Dec 2014, 12:03 PM
avatar of BabaRoga

Posts: 829

Very disappointing movie. The only Decent scene in the movie was Tiger vs Shermans and that one was pretty Holywood stupid.

I expected a lot better, good realistic movie. Ended up pretty much Captain America/Matrix without superhero costumes.

Barely watchable
1 Dec 2014, 12:28 PM
avatar of l4hti

Posts: 476

Yeah like Luvnest said, the movie couldnt choose which it wants to be: Action movie, Patriot movie, Anti-war movie, Comedy, Love movie? Too confusing. The movie had a lot of potential, but they still screwed it. The final scene was a fucking overkill. I would give three stars from five.
1 Dec 2014, 17:11 PM
avatar of Affe

Posts: 578

Fury is an absolute idiotic Hollywood rambo movie.

The german soldiers are portrayed as stupid brainless subhumans with "Horde tactics", waiting to get gunned down by the us army.

In the movie the Germans never seem to hit anything.I remember several Scenes:
German pak guns open fire on the shermans---->All shots missed.
Shermans return fire----> all Germans dead.

And then the last Scene: A single us Sherman tank(A disabled one) destroyes the whole german army in an absolut laughable rambo Scene. Germans are pure cannonfodder in the last Scene. They cant wait to get shot to pieces by Brad pitt.

Even the Tiger tank Scene was unrealistic. The sherman "fury" tank is immune to the tigers 88 rounds...........Must be a new Bulletin.
1 Dec 2014, 17:24 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Dec 2014, 17:11 PMAffe
Fury is an absolute idiotic Hollywood rambo movie.

Show me american war movie that isn't.

These things are entertainment, not historical reconstructions.

Don't really know why you all are getting so worked up over it.
1 Dec 2014, 17:48 PM
avatar of Butcher

Posts: 1217


The biggest disappointment in the movie were in fact the Paks. Either not hitting, or bouncing off the Shermans... all at about 500m. In fact of all the Paks in the movie not a single one had an effect. They were decoration.

The other disappointment was the Tiger. The scene was awesome. But they advertised the whole movie with a scene that lasted 5 minutes in total.
1 Dec 2014, 17:54 PM
1 Dec 2014, 18:11 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

I loved everything about the movie except the last scene. The Tiger scene was AWESOME, as I am a coh2 player. I think the tiger scene was reasonable as most of the German tank crew late in the war were novices. The Tiger commander did take out 4 Shermans and you can hear him yell at his crew for being idiots. The last scene was highly unrealistic. I think the sniper alone could've taken out Brad Pitt lol.
1 Dec 2014, 19:48 PM
avatar of Affe

Posts: 578


The biggest disappointment in the movie were in fact the Paks. Either not hitting, or bouncing off the Shermans... all at about 500m. In fact of all the Paks in the movie not a single one had an effect. They were decoration.

The other disappointment was the Tiger. The scene was awesome. But they advertised the whole movie with a scene that lasted 5 minutes in total.

In fury the US army shots with "Atom bomb Shells" while the germns uses "paper Shells" thats why they always bounced off.
1 Dec 2014, 20:25 PM
avatar of SlaYoU

Posts: 400

Ending scene is just stupid. It starts in the afternoon, and somehow ends in the night (wut ??). Like a tank crew in a crippled tank could hold for more than 5 minutes. Remember, the grenadiers division we see walking on the path have something like one panzerfaust for 4-5 men (they are holding them on their shoulder). Fury is unable to retaliate from the back of the tank (no hull pintle there, nobody on the roof using that MG). Infantry would have scattered on both sides of the road, then fired 1-2 fausts in the back of the tank, GG no re, kthxbye.

That and the Tiger switching gears and rushing forward rather than backwards when charged by 3 faster tanks (way to go if you want to expose your rear armor).

Otherwise, good movie, seems very accurate with the weapons / uniforms used in that timeframe. Only those 2 mistakes (and the Tiger fight mistake could have very well been realistic, not all tank commanders were that skilled to decide to go backwards in such a situation, especially in the end of the war, when German tank crews were either a) skilled and already dead somewhere else or b)untrained people sent as soldiers in the meatgrinder).
1 Dec 2014, 21:38 PM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

It is very funny how people in this thread are arguing that the German Tiger Tank Crew must be noobies, novices, untrained or whatever to explain their tactical behavior in the movie.

In every tank training facility of the war, no matter if german, british, american, soviet, japanese, late war, early war, on axis side or on allied side new tank crews were introduced to their vehicle and got a tactical basic training throughout the war before joining combat units at the front.

Fury is still a hollywood movie claiming artistic freedom not historical accuracy. So keep in mind there are scenes which differ from historical facts supporting the movies dramatic art. That tiger scene is only one of them.
1 Dec 2014, 22:35 PM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

4/5 but after the final scene 3/5 would not watch again.
1 Dec 2014, 22:56 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

It is very funny how people in this thread are arguing that the German Tiger Tank Crew must be noobies, novices, untrained or whatever to explain their tactical behavior in the movie.

In every tank training facility of the war, no matter if german, british, american, soviet, japanese, late war, early war, on axis side or on allied side new tank crews were introduced to their vehicle and got a tactical basic training throughout the war before joining combat units at the front.

Fury is still a hollywood movie claiming artistic freedom not historical accuracy. So keep in mind there are scenes which differ from historical facts supporting the movies dramatic art. That tiger scene is only one of them.

Not really, in his book Otto Carius says that pretty much all of his Jagdtiger company crewmembers were very poorly trained and lost more Jagdtigers to their poor training than he did to Allied guns IIRC.

Even so, the M4A3E8 crew was very very experienced, an unexperienced Tiger crew would've been doomed.
1 Dec 2014, 23:08 PM
avatar of theblitz6794

Posts: 395

Fury and the other E8 would've easily penned the tiger at that range. 2 cannons vs 1 and the E8s can fire on the move. Guess who wins?
1 Dec 2014, 23:23 PM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

Not really, in his book Otto Carius says that pretty much all of his Jagdtiger company crewmembers were very poorly trained and lost more Jagdtigers to their poor training than he did to Allied guns.

Poorly trained doesn´t mean those tank crews didn´t passed any tactical basic training as some people pointed out at this thread to explain the Tiger crews behaviour in Fury.

Off topic: Regarding Otto Carius and Jagdtigers

Carius meant his statement in general, when he said he lost more Jagdtiger to his poorly trained crews than to Allied guns. There was a lack of spare parts, crude tech, of fuel, crews that were not able to repair their vehicles and the problem of using a new unprooved weapon system at the fronts. From Feb´44 to May´45 only 88 Jagdtigers (including prototypes) have been built. That were 5 vehicles per month.

Btw. German Panzerjägertruppen were an own formation and got a different education in tactics than German Panzertruppen due to their special task field.
1 Dec 2014, 23:45 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

Poorly trained doesn´t mean those tank crews didn´t passed any tactical basic training as some people pointed out at this thread to explain the Tiger crews behaviour in Fury.

Off topic: Regarding Otto Carius and Jagdtigers

Carius meant his statement in general, when he said he lost more Jagdtiger to the poor education than to Allied guns. There was a lack of spare parts, crude tech, of fuel, crews that were not able to repair their vehicles and the problem of using a new unprooved weapon system at the fronts. From Feb´44 to May´45 only 88 Jagdtigers (including prototypes) have been built. That were 5 vehicles per month.

Btw. German Panzerjägertruppen were an own formation and got a different education in tactics than German Panzertruppen due to their special task field.

Fair enough, but the M4A3E8 crew was probably way more experienced than the Tiger crew. Brad Pitt's character had been in combat since Operation Torch. At least I hope it was intended that the Tiger crew was relatively unexperienced :/
1 Dec 2014, 23:51 PM
avatar of CasTroy

Posts: 559

Fair enough, but the M4A3E8 crew was probably way more experienced than the Tiger crew. Brad Pitt's character had been in combat since Operation Torch. At least I hope it was intended that the Tiger crew was relatively unexperienced :/

Agreed. ;)
2 Dec 2014, 03:03 AM
avatar of Affe

Posts: 578

Not really, in his book Otto Carius says that pretty much all of his Jagdtiger company crewmembers were very poorly trained and lost more Jagdtigers to their poor training than he did to Allied guns IIRC.

Even so, the M4A3E8 crew was very very experienced, an unexperienced Tiger crew would've been doomed.

Some of the Jagdtigers had very good Crews even in the end of the war.
Jagdtiger Combat history:
On 22 March, three Jagdtigers of 2./s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.653 near the city of Böhl reported to have destroyed nine tanks and two armored cars. After an artillery barrage and infantry attack, one Jagdtiger was destroyed to prevent capture, while another was destroyed by artillery. Another three Jagdtigers of 3./s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.653 took up position in the city of Neustadt, from where they attacked US armored forces, reporting a total of 25 tanks and tank destroyers destroyed. While the Jagdtigers were hit several times by US anti-tank rounds, none of the shells penetrated. One of the Jagdtigers broke down, and another ran out of ammunition and was destroyed, while the last crossed the Rhine

During the end of March, 1./s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.512 went into action against US tank during rearguard actions, losing four Jagdtigers, three of them to breakdowns. During the combat around Herborn, the Jagdtigers were able to successfully engage US tanks at ranges exceeding three kilometers, reporting more than 30 destroyed vehicles.

2./s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.512 had been ordered to the city of Unna, where they on 8 April destroyed more than 20 US tanks and armored cars trying to capture the city. Retreating from Unna, one Jagdtiger was lost against US tanks.

On 11 April, ten Jagdtigers, three Pz Kpfw IV's, four Sturmgeschütz IV's, and four anti-aircraft vehicles of Kampfgruppe Ernst set up position on a ridge. As a US armored column approached, the unit opened fire, destroying at least 50 vehicles, including 11 Medium Tank, M4's. The US forces withdrew, and engaged with fighter-bombers, two of which were destroyed, while destroying one Jagdtiger, and damaging another.

A total of four Medium Tank, M4's were reported destroyed on 12 and 13 April by Kampfgruppe Ernst, two a ranges exceeding four kilometers. On 14 April, Kampfgruppe Ernst was the only unit still fighting in the Iserlohn area.

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